Mid-May buddies!

Amanda I also felt embarrassed at first but that was quickly overshadowed by the tremendous support I received so I land up now telling everyone that we are trying for baby number 3 and I've already had a MC. I think I do this so that people know when I am preg with no. 3 that it was totally planned and desperately wanted. Otherwise they assume it was an oops. I shouldn't care but I do!

Missdoc yay! Those levels look spot on. It is great that they are monitoring you closely even if you didn't need intervention to get preg at least they are ensuring all is as it should be.

Leng what did your mom say??!

AFM I am slowly starting to feel that queasy roller coaster feeling in the pit of my stomach. Like the feeling you get a few hours before a tummy bug hits you ... So am feeling very encouraged. Plus having TMI constipation which is a good sign I guess
I sleep so horribly now. I don't remember this last time until third trimester.
I sleep so horribly now. I don't remember this last time until third trimester.
Ugh, I know how you feel. I have been waking up at 4 everyday. Finally decided this morning to go down and watch tv bc the laying in bed was driving me crazy. Kept thinking about what if things didn4go smoothly.
Hello - do you mind if I join? My EDD is 17 May -- my husband and I did mild IVF to get here. This will be our first child. Still feeling really cautious and will feel so much better once we cross that 12 week mark!

As for symptoms - just feel like I've been doing lots of ab workouts (which is definitely not the case). Achy lower back and so much peeing! I used to never wake up in the middle of the night to pee but now it's 2-3 times. Watching my resting heart rate go up on my FitBit has also been fun to see.
Hello - do you mind if I join? My EDD is 17 May -- my husband and I did mild IVF to get here. This will be our first child. Still feeling really cautious and will feel so much better once we cross that 12 week mark!

As for symptoms - just feel like I've been doing lots of ab workouts (which is definitely not the case). Achy lower back and so much peeing! I used to never wake up in the middle of the night to pee but now it's 2-3 times. Watching my resting heart rate go up on my FitBit has also been fun to see.

Hi! I went the IVF route also. How many embryos did they transfer? Do you have a 6 week scan?
I sleep so horribly now. I don't remember this last time until third trimester.

Should subside in a couple weeks when your progesterone stabilizes.. Ive been the same.. Insomnia At night.. Up at 430.. A teething 11mo.. Im maxing 5 hrs sleep a day.. Its terrible
Hi Amanda - we transferred just one after a long talk with our doctor. How many did you do? Are you doing the lovely progesterone bullets too? I'll be happy when I don't have to do those 3 times a day! I have my first scan on the 23rd - which is six weeks.
Merry my scan is on the 20, which is 6w2d. We transferred 2 this time as the last two cycles ended in m/c. Anxious to see how many are in there!!
I sleep so horribly now. I don't remember this last time until third trimester.

Should subside in a couple weeks when your progesterone stabilizes.. Ive been the same.. Insomnia At night.. Up at 430.. A teething 11mo.. Im maxing 5 hrs sleep a day.. Its terrible

Teething sucks! My lo would get multiple at once.

My 3 year old still gets up at night and wakes up early. I'm probably getting 5 hours too!
Hi ladies, mind if I join? Congrats to you all!

We already have a beautiful 2.5 year old girl who we conceived through IVF. Am now 4 weeks pregnant, expecting May 19, after IVF again! We transferred 1 at day 2. A bit scared as we have had two m/c in the past year but am cautiously excited and hopeful ☺️
I also have been sleeping horribly! Waking up around 2am and not being able to get back to sleep!
Hi everyone. Congrats on all the bfps. I got mine on Wednesday - due May 20th if all goes to plan. It'll be no.2 for us. Very excited but anxious to get through the next few weeks ok...
Dannypop, that's exactly how I would the describe that nausea/queasy feelings... the feeling you get when you know a stomach bug is coming on. That is still there for me but in briefer waves. Last week it was more intense. Currently my least favorite symptoms are very painful breasts and constipation and lower uterine cramping. Still not a fan of this insomnia. I'm tired a lot but I think that's just because I can't sleep well at night!

My FRER today looks beautiful, with the test line as dark as or darker than control line, and it came up as soon as the urine moved through the window. That was exciting. I think after I get my Tuesday third beta number back (if it's good), then I'll cut back on the testing some (like maybe 2-3 a week instead of every morning). I know I'll be testing at some level of frequency until I get a heartbeat seen! I need that reassurance.

Ladies, yesterday I took a few snapshots of myself in stretchy clothes (tank top and long skirt) so that I can have month 1 pics to compare with later months. Are any of you going to follow your belly progression?
Welcome new ladies! SO glad to have you on board. I see there are lots of us who are cautiously optimistic about this pregnancy and a few who have done IVF -you ladies are amazing and brave and strong. So glad we get to follow your journeys with you on this thread.

AFM I can't decide if the queasy feeling is really there or not (I wish it was!) It seems to come and go very very faintly. I am hoping it gets stronger but I also know how bloody awful I felt from about 6 weeks till 14 weeks with DS1 and even worse with DS2. And I went off tea -dreading going off my tea as it anchors my day! Hope that doesn't happen this time.

Missdoc keep doing those tests! It's great for reassurance as it lends itself to the positive mindset which is fab. And yes let's all post weekly updates of our bellies! I will post mine tomorrow :)

5 weeks tomorrow. Tick, tock slooooowly towards the 7 week mark for my scan. Doc still hasn't called to organise blood tests but I am not hassling. Yet. Ha ha
I definitely want to take progression photos but I am already so bloated! I'm 5lbs heavier than I usually am so I can't have a proper "before" picture and I'm so cranky about that. I know it doesn't really matter, I just hate that I'm already weighing more than usual and I'm only in my 5th week.
So 5 weeks for me today! Took another CB digi today, and I got the lovely 3+! Pretty excited about that. Friday I took a Frer and the line was dark, and the control was so faint. I think I'm done with testing now as nothing is going to get darker hehe. Just gotta hang on another 9 days for my first scan. I'm feeling pretty good about this one, as the two previous losses I never got anything CLOSE to my first beta, and for now things seem to be going the way they're supposed to be. It does seem very surreal though, as after the year of hell we've been through, it's hard to believe it's finally happening :)
Nausea hit me pretty hard this morning, and I couldn't be happier (lol weird to say I know). All I can seem to handle eating is plain pasta and crackers and cheese. For that reason, I'm pretty bloated, so no before and after pics for me! Lol plus I've put on a lot of weight through IVF, so the less pictures the better.....until there's a beautiful little bump of course :p

Welcome to all the new joiners!
Butternut Babe, I felt the same way. I've been bloated since the first day of positives. I feel like maybe 1 hour a day my stomach looks its normal size, but is mostly permanently bloated and achy feeling. But I figured a little bloat compared to a big ol' baby belly will look totally different in pics. And I may never show them to anyone! We'll see. I'll just store them for now. :)

Yay for 5 weeks, Danny and Amanda! I wish I could speed up time a little to catch up!

Amanda, I think it's reasonable to stop testing any time you feel ready. My FRERs are super dark (darker than control) now, but I'll keep testing until I'm past the digi 3+ at least... and maybe until my first scan, lol, but probably not daily anymore. :)

Super nauseated today, very tired, painful breasts. I'm actually feeling good about the nausea because I just want every sign that this is a strong bean. I'm sure I'll eat those words in the future. :p
For those continuing to test.. Keep in mind after hcg hits a certain level that hpts arent effective and will show light or negative. You would have to dilute your urine to continue seeing bfps! Just dont want anyone to be shocked if they are unaware of this!

I go for my scan a week tomorrow. Pretty excited about this. Just hoping I can make my way through the wedding this weekend without getting caught not drinking. Its going to be super hard.
Just hoping I can make my way through the wedding this weekend without getting caught not drinking. Its going to be super hard.

If I want to not drink at social events without raising suspicion I usually make myself the giver of drinks. If I'm constantly asking my friends "hey you need another glass? I'll grab that for you" they tend not to notice that I've had none myself! It's also handy to have a lemonade or coke in hand and then you can just lie and say there's vodka/rum/whatever in there too if they really push you about it.
Mississippi, I also sometimes lie and say I'm on antibiotics. People don't usually question that :)

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