Midwife appointment didn't go as expected...Update: neither did ultrasound!!!


Well-Known Member
Dec 3, 2013
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Hey girls :flower:

Went for my 38 week appointment (well 37+6) today, and there were two things that caught me off guard about it.

1) MW recommended a stretch and sweep today and at next appointment. I thought they only do them once you're actually overdue, but she said it's common for them to do them before the due date to try to avoid an overdue baby...does anyone have experience with this? I told her I would try it next week, but didn't want one this week. I just needed some time to think about it and google it/ask on here!

2) I know fundal height isn't always very accurate, but they measure mine at every appointment, and I've measured behind by 1.5cm for quite a few months now. But now the gap is growing, and last week I was behind by several cm and this week even more :( They said I should be between 36 minimum - 40cm now, and I've been holding steady at 34cm for the past 3-4 weeks. So they're a bit concerned that my LO's not getting what he needs from the placenta or something is off with my fluid levels...they're trying to get me into the hospital for an ultrasound tomorrow or the next day, and told me not to worry, but that if things aren't ideal for him inside, they'll deliver him early. I can't help but worry though :cry:

Ugh, also to top off my day...I was picking up heartburn medicine and some other stuff at the pharmacy today and a very cranky and impatient lady in line behind me was super irate that she had to wait approximately 2 minutes for my transaction to go through when the register froze and there was only one employee on cash. She kept muttering how angry she was until they opened a second register. When she went over to the other register, she decided that it would be okay to (intentionally) hit me with the large bag she was carrying - she mostly aimed for my leg, but got my very poking out bump in the process. When the other people in line and the employees saw and tried to say something to her about smackin' around heavily pregnant ladies, she just ignored all of them and me, and then left. Who does that?! :nope:

Thanks for reading :hugs: My baby boy and I didn't have the best day. Here's hoping for a better one tomorrow!
Wow, what a horrible woman! I would've stayed there until she explained herself, really embarrassed her. What a b*tch!
Unfortunately don't have any experience of your two questions but couldn't read and run after reading about the old witch!
:( that sucks. I think stretch and sweeps vary depending on your midwife. Mine likes to keep well enough alone until after the due date but I have friends with different midwives that will do them from 37 weeks on. It's absolutely your choice though and you don't need to have one if you don't want to. No advice on the fundal height but I can say that I was induced at exactly your gestation with my previous baby and it all went wonderful. That and my mother had an issue with her placentas in several of her pregnancies, including me and I was quite malnourished when I was born but I gained weight quickly and had absolutely no health issues stemming from it. So that even if there is an issue it doesn't mean your baby will be harmed by it, this is why we have testing, to prevent issues like these becoming harmful. Good luck!
What a rude woman! I would have called her out loud in front of everyone of how dare she hit a pregnant woman with her bag and ask her what her problem was.

I don't have answers to your questions but I hope your day gets better and that tomorrow is nothing but good feelings :hugs:
AWW! Rp, you're not having a very good day. :-( I hope you hear nothing but good news at your next US.

As for that little bag slinging troll- how ugly!

Hang in there! ::hugs::
What a horrible woman!! Dealing with angry people is the worst part about pregnancy. I know for me I am just way too emotional to deal with it!!

As for fundal height. It really isn't much to go by so don't over stress. I've been measuring consistently 2-5 weeks ahead. Until he dropped and then it was spot on. Baby may just be engaged!!

As for a sweep. I'm unsure. I've never had one. I say if it feels right to you go for it and if not no worries!!

I hope today is better!!
In the UK sweep only done before DD for medical reason, some counties they still wont offer until 41 weeks.

Personally i would decline as it can prelong pains and general disturbed the bodies job if you dont need the baby out. Higher sucess rates from 41w, as your body is likely to be at the point of going into labour.
I would of gone mad if someone had done that to me how dare she just bang into you and not even apologise that's disgraceful!
I had a growth scan on Monday i was 38w4d I then saw consultant after scan who recommened to give me a sweep I was shocked as I wasn't expecting it he did offer it me and said u didn't have to have it but it could help so I agreed as I don't want an over due baby it took seconds and was over and done with just a little uncomfortable unfortunately nothing has happened since so I have another sweep booked next Monday and if that doesn't work I'm booked in for induction on Thursday so either way I will have my baby by the end of next week thankfully!x
I've done lots and lots of research on stretch & sweeps with my last pregnancy and from what I learned they will not cause labor if you're not ready for it. They release a large amount of hormones that are present in that area of your cervix that MAY kick-start labor if it is already imminent. I did one with my last and it did absolutely nothing for me. I would go for it, but that's just me! I'm really sorry about your crappy day! Let us know how the ultrasound goes!! :hugs::hugs:
I don't think there's much danger with a sweep, but I also don't think I'd bother with one unless there was some pressing reason to get the baby out. Most of the time they come when they're done cooking.

I hope everything's ok with his growth. I'd be scared, too, but I think if it was truly a panic situation, your midwife would have send you to the ER or L&D, or had you get an ultrasound a couple weeks ago. Hopefully you know more tomorrow.

I get being cranky about cash registers malfunctioning when you're in a hurry, but aren't we supposed to get past that hitting stage at around 3 or 4 years old? Seriously! It's not like you whacked the register with a hammer just to inconvenience her!
Poor you, it doesn't sound like a good day :(.

Fundal height is not at all accurate. Were I live they don't use it any more. I have been seeing an independent MW and she still takes fundal height. She agrees its not very accurate but still likes to use it as a simple tool. She says she doesn't go so much by what you measure compaired to the control line but usually sees a line that is normal for you. A sudden change can be a warning sign. I have measured large from the start and am now measuring 5 weeks ahead! I have had scans and know he's on the large size but he is not THAT big, also fluid levels are normal. The MW thinks its more to do with how the baby is sitting. I measured large my last pregnancy too and then suddenly got smaller right at the end an the baby dropped down. I actually measured about 3cm smaller at one visit than I had 2 weeks before. So it is a good idea for you to get checked out but chances are it is just a precaution.

I did research about sweeps when I was overdue. There is some concern that sweepsare being 'normalised'. It is an intervention and a form of induction. (Even though it is a very mild one) so I don't believe they should be offered before your due date. They only work if if your body is ready to go and they work within a short amount of time so I think getting one early is a bit pointless. The risk of getting one done is very low. There is a very small risk of intoducing an infection, or of accidently breaking your waters. There is some very scetchy evidence that the release of hormones could cause stress to the baby, but that is not proven. The biggest disadvantage tends to be discomfort, cramps, bleeding, loss of plug, or mild contractions that lead to false hope and a sleepless night but don't amount to anything. I would certainly get one before more drastic interventions but I decided to wait until I felt like baby was running out of time to decide when to come on her own and did eventually go into labour naturally and had LO at 41+3. I read that the most effective is to have two sweeps close together so I probably would have gone for getting one one day and another the next if I had gone much longer.
:hugs:. I can't believe what a cow that woman was to you!
I started measuring behind with my 2nd LO in the 3rd tri and kept getting further behind, I was 36 weeks by fundal height when I delivered I think (I had her at 41 weeks). She was 8lbs so a totally average weight :). I know a lot of stuff can throw off fundal height- how much water you have, how LO is lying and the person measuring you (I had a student MW measure me at one appointment and she put me at 2 cm different to the other MW's measurement). Hopefully it is something like this with you.
I can't offer anything other than what everyone else has said, only I hope things improve for you tomorrow. Let us know how you get on with your scan.
Thank you so much, ladies! :hugs:

I had myself all in a panic about his growth, but after reading what you had to say, I'll reserve my worry for if they actually conclude there's a problem after my ultrasound. I'll update when I get home tomorrow :)

The sweep thing definitely caught me off guard, as I just didn't feel it would be called for at this time. Still not sure if I'll agree to one at next week's appointment, but I'll be thinking it over.

And about the lady in the line up - it was so upsetting at the time, but later last night I came to the realization that it was one nasty person in a whole line up of people who were kind enough to try to speak up to her and inquire if I was okay. She must just be a bitter person or going through something of her own - and ultimately that's not my problem (lol, still hoping I never run into her again...I live in a very small town!)

Thanks again :flower:
I'd have tripped the old cow up !!
In the uk sweeps are done when your overdue unless there's a medical reason to have one early.
Measurements are done at every appt but don't mean a lot lol I measured bang on with harry every week according to the chart he would weigh 8lb at birth so why did he weigh 11 lb 5 then ?
Lol he is incredibly tall bless him this baby isn't as big ive been assured but I still don't trust the measurements much
Good luck! That women has angered me lol. Im sure little one will be ok. They will keep u monitored. All the best with everything. Xx
Don't worry about the fundal height. I'm measuring 3 weeks behind but on a scan baby was actually measuring 2 weeks ahead! It's not accurate at all. Sorry that woman was so awful to you xx
Back from ultrasound, and you ladies were right - fundal height is a load of crap! Turns out that, at least based on the ultrasound (which I know can also be off) baby is actually big for gestational age. They estimated him at 8lb 6oz!!! Definitely not what I was expecting!

I'm very happy he's healthy, and that's the most important thing. BUT...turns out my midwives have been wrong for a while now about my baby being head down, and he's actually flipped and is now breech...more specifically a "footling breech" it seems, which is quite rare they say :dohh: So it looks like I'm not going to get the vaginal or natural birth I had been so hoping to have, and I'll be going in for a scheduled c-section sometime next week :( Midwife said she'll call around on Monday to find an OB who is available to do it, and I'll meet with them as soon as possible next week. Jeepers, this baby is throwing me a lot of curve balls! I'm disappointed that things have taken such a turn, and trying to wrap my head around the idea that I'm having this baby REALLY SOON, and via c-section, which I really didn't want! My parents and my in-laws are both on vacation in Florida until early December, and I really wish they were around, but DH and I can probably handle this on our own. I'm just a bit overwhelmed at all the new info and plans after today's appointment! Guess I gotta get a hospital bag together finally, and finish washing the baby's clothes!!
Oh no! I'm glad he's healthy, but sorry you're looking at a c section. They weren't willing to try flipping him?
See how wrong they can be! There's still time for baby to turn, my ds was any which way up til the last minute.
If you'd like to avoid c section then theres a few websites to check out, spinning babies is one I see mentioned a lot.
Ds turned during an aquanatal class so swimming could help.

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