Midwifery staff


Well-Known Member
Aug 13, 2010
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What were your experiences? I'm curious.

Mine was terrible. The staff were patronising with a "know it all" attitude. It was awful to be looked after by people that acted as though they knew what was best for your baby and you didn't.

Both good and bad stories welcome, I'd love to know that this kind of attitude of midwives isn't common. I have put in a complaint with the hospital.
Mine was awful. The one who delivered me wouldn't believe me when I said the epidural didn't work. Even when I was standing up! Another one was just so horrible! She said to me "don't be lazy" because after a D hour straight "breastfeeding" session which went nowhere, my premature daughter's bloodiest was dropping so I wanted to too her up with formula.
That's awful! I'm so lucky that I only have positive stories about the staff. From the midwives to the auxiliaries to the cleaners/ladies who came around with water, tea and coffee etc. They were very short staffed on the ward which was not their fault, but I couldn't fault them. We had trouble breastfeeding and the support I had was amazing. Unfortunately I still wasn't able to breastfeed and am now formula feeding but the staff were very patient and couldn't do enough to help without being patronising.
So sorry you had a hard experience :( the hospital I had my daughter at is good but women had complained about the post natal ward. My experiences there and in the labour ward were brilliant and all the staff were patient and helpful.

As a nurse it annoys me when people in the medical profession think they can talk down to patients when all they want is some help. It's uncalled for and I'm glad you're putting in a complaint.
. As a nurse it annoys me when people in the medical profession think they can talk down to patients when all they want is some help. It's uncalled for and I'm glad you're putting in a complaint.

I'm a nurse too which is why I'm complaining. I wouldn't dream of treating my patients that way!

Thanks for the insight ladies, glad some of you had better experiences :thumbup:
The two who were with me when I delivered this time were lovely, the ones on the ward where I had to stay as there were no paeds available to examine the babies before discharge, they seemed nice enough but were rushed off their feet so much that I only got given my painkillers twice in 24 hours, I had a normal delivery but it being my fifth baby the after pains were quite bad and I think the drip I was given post birth made that worse. I ended up in tears because I had zero sleep and was in just enough pain to make me really at the end of my tether. I hope if I do have any more kids I will never have to stay in again, in fact I will just discharge myself if that situation arises again xx
The midwives who actually attended my birth were pretty fantastic, though I do wish they had stuck around and helped more with BF. I knew one of them (the primary midwife who actually supported me during my birth), but I just met the other that day (but she just sat in the corner and took notes, the only time she ever even touched me was to help with stitches). I had a home birth, so only ever had these two there and they were generally really supportive of my wishes and just left me to get on with it most of the time and stayed in the other room (as per my request). The only complaint I have is that I had requested not to have a vaginal exam and they were really pushy about it so eventually I said yes (even though contractions were 2 minutes apart and I was starting to get the urge to push). I was fully dilated (which I could have told them!), but the exam itself was really painful and really slowed down my labour after. I wish I'd stuck to my guns and not had it done, and I wish they'd been less annoying about it. Also, I really do wish they'd stuck around longer and helped with BF as my daughter couldn't latch. They just disappeared and my daughter ended up becoming dehydrated and losing a lot of weight because she wasn't feeding properly, which might not have happened if I had more support. That said, I did have a doula as well who was actually the one who was supposed to stick around and help with latching because that's what I was paying her for and she disappeared and didn't help either, so really, I can't blame the midwives too much.

But I'd say, I had a pretty negative experience with the midwives I saw postnatally. Here they come to your house for the first month to check up on how you're doing and check baby is doing well. Like I said, we had a lot of BF issues and problems with weight gain. They were really disrespectful, not supportive of BF and very pushy with the formula. My daughter never latched properly and couldn't get enough breast milk and I had recurring mastitis for 8 weeks. We only made it to 10 weeks of BF. I think we would have done a lot better if we'd seem midwives who were more supportive in that first month. But I do understand they don't have hours to sit and help with feeding, so I just wish they'd been more helpful in connecting me with other people who could help. I finally got referred to a fantastic BF counselor at 9 weeks, but by then it was too late. I was too weak after all the mastitis and my nipples were too damaged for me ever to get her back on. :nope:

I'm planning to hire an independent midwife next time (instead of an NHS one) simply to have more one-on-one postnatal support, but my birth experience was generally great. I had a pretty easy, positive birth because of it.
I was really lucky too. With DS I delivered in the midwife unit in our hospital. They were lovely but also really busy the first night we were in. They were very late with tea and toast after (they were delivering babies so a good excuse lol) I was starving though lol handt eaten in over 24 hours. They did allow DH to stay a little after they should have as the post delivery area had one other lady who was asleep in it. I had amazing BF support too. There was one midwife who was a bit nasty as DS wouldn't feed so kept crying cos he was hungry but wouldn't latch and he was crying again. She came over and said 'are you going to feed him?' Yeh cos I haven't been trying for the last 24 hours. Made me feel really useless.

Next time was very different. I gave birth in the labour suite of our hospital, and was then transferred to the main ward. Baby was in NICU so they went out of there way to get me a private room with a shower so I wouldn't have to be around the other babies. They gave me loads of support and seemed really pleased I was bfing. They brought the hospital pump into my room as no one else was using it and it was easier than having to keep asking for it. They were so nice and one night when I was just sat crying and stressed about baby the midwife sat and just had a long chat with me even though she must have been so busy.
I feel I was very lucky. I had a brilliant midwife on antenatal ward where I spent hours as delivery suite was full. She looked after me like a mum would and I found it very reassuring and it was just what I need as I couldn't have the pain relief I wanted and was a little scared. Then finally on delivery suite our midwife was perfect - struck the right balance between encouraging and professional.

I genuinely couldn't have picked better people if I tried.

Postnatal wasn't quite the same - felt much more like a number than a person. But we weren't there very long so didnt cause any real problems for me. And it was quite nice to be left to it with my baby and family.
Glad your labour experience was good! I think that's the main thing! :)
The midwife who delivered Oscar was really pushy . I told her I didn't want an epidural and he kept saying because I was been induced I should have one. He kept nagging at me so I said I'd consider it I shut her up and the next thing I know the dr is there to do my epidural. I was like no thanks I have my gas and air thank you.
I was proud after I delivered him within an hour and a half if been on delivery suite wit just gas and air.

Surely they should support yor wishes !? I really doubted myself at times because of we comments
You'd think they'd support you but sadly some do not! Good for you on sticking to your guns!
Induced so you should have an epidural?!! Lol don't know how that works. I was induced but never offered an epidural! (Never wanted one) good on you for doing what you wanted!

The doctor I had said to me if I hadn't made further progress within 2 hours she'd do a c section (my LO had pooped in me) by which I got upset. Anyway, after two hours I had progressed (from 6 cm to 8 cm) but the doctor was like 'so you wouldn't be happy for me to do a section now then?' And I'm like nope! Because LO was doing fine, no signs of stress etc. my community midwife then commended me for sticking with my decision rather than give in.
The doctor I had said to me if I hadn't made further progress within 2 hours she'd do a c section (my LO had pooped in me) by which I got upset. Anyway, after two hours I had progressed (from 6 cm to 8 cm) but the doctor was like 'so you wouldn't be happy for me to do a section now then?' And I'm like nope! Because LO was doing fine, no signs of stress etc. my community midwife then commended me for sticking with my decision rather than give in.

Good for you! Drs shouldn't really push for a section if its not needed!
Thank you! Her view was that she'd rather do one before LO became distressed. I could see her point but if there's a chance to deliver normally and baby is fine then I'm taking it! Thought of a c section terrifies me but if my baby was in danger then id be like 'get her out! Do what you need to do!'

She wasn't happy at the midwives either for delaying my oxytocin; they did so because I was contracting on my own and they like a natural a birth as possible.

She also just stood there while I was crying after she told me about a possible c section. Didn't make any attempt to reassure me. Let the midwife do it then disappeared out the door!
First time i saw 1 midwife all the way through she was lovely we felt comfortable with her. At the hospital not so good didnt believe me when i rang at 12am my waters had gone told them i was having regular contractions they told me to have a bath and come in at 8.30am to see if it really was my waters. my DH dragged me to hospital at 6.30 am as i told him i had to wait as the midwife said but i was in so much pain. they tried to do the routine checks on me still saying i probably had a long way to go-till i couldnt sit still for her so she checked i was 9 1/2 cm she was born at 6.59am in that time they were trying to give me pethidine even though i hadnt asked for it .Tried to get me to push on my back i told them i was more comfy on all 4s and also whilst on my back contractions slowed and they were telling me they would have to get pitocin!:wacko: as soon as i got back on all 4s my contractions started up again. all that in half an hour!
wouldnt let me feed her before they weighed her told me to take a bath came in 3 times whilst i was in the bath trying to see if i was ready to goto the ward-i wasnt bloody relaxing i was rushing to get washed as the baby was crying. they wrote in my notes baby had fed in delivery-she hadnt she wouldnt latch a student midwife tried to help but a senior midwife told her to leave it to the midwifes on the ward:growlmad: then 2 hours later told me i had to give the baby formula as her blood sugars would drop and she got the bottle and fed her in front of me.

2nd time i have seen over 6 different midwives and various students- i feel it has been quite slack some of them needed to be taught the art of people skills they merely barked orders at the students. Was late getting whooping cough vaccine then tried to scold me when i said i hadnt had it yet-well not 1 midwife mentioned it to me-then birthcentre asked why my risk assesment was so late (37 weeks) even though i had asked about a tour etc at 24 weeks.
lovely in birth centre a student and senior midwife delivered me made me and my DH loads of tea let me try to feed LO before weigh in didnt dress her told me to just get plenty of skin to skin it was fab.
Then aftercare-my home phone wasnt working admittedly but no one saw us for a week even though i rang explained the number problem they said 2 midwives were meant to have arrived the previous day. They came were pleasant did a heel prick and said are you alright getting to your doctors to be discharged from the midwives care, Saw another midwife baby was all ok-then i got 'is baby registered' i said yes then ran through a list in such a standoffish tone-dont co sleep, dont bed share , dont fall asleep on the sofa(fat chance with a toddler)dont over dress baby make sure if sleeping in a cot feet to bottom yada yada-i was a bit like i have my other daughter here i think i know all of this. then asked about contraception-im 11 days pp hardly thinking of that and i know they discuss it at your 6 week check-she said well think about it as you might say oh we wont do anything etc but your extremely fertile-again i know! oh and birth centre didnt give me my folder back with babies scans rang them got told they dont hang on to every bit of paper and they do tell women to remove there scan-well i didnt get asked because i turned up had to wait for birth room to be dry and had baby within the hour-took my number but i dont hold out much hope
Marina, they sound just like my midwives! I'm sorry for your experiences.
I had the most amazing midwives, I honestly couldn't praise them enough! One, in particular, was fabulous, ended up having to go back in for blood transfusion but couldn't take LO, as I was too poorly to look after her, and I was really freaking out-she got someone to cover her so she could come and sit with me to answer all my questions and talk me through the procedure. She then actually did my blood transfusion as I was still pretty scared. I honestly couldn't have asked for better staff!
Balloo that sounds amazing, so glad there are great midwives out there!
The midwife who delivered Holly was fantastic. I'd been indifferent to the midwifes I'd had overnight but when they changed shifts I was so happy to see the MW I'd seen the previous day when my waters broke.

She was linked to the birth centre but spoke to her manager so she could stay with me when I had to be transferred to the labour ward which I was so happy about.

She was with me for her entire shift and Holly arrived 10 minutes before she was due to finish.

I took a gift in for her a few days later.

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