I'm gonna have look up Reverand Payton's Big Damn Band~~I'm already in love w their name! lol
I'm so sorry about yesterday before the show (tho I can't help but type that w a smile on my face, bc I can so relate! (and unfortunately so can J-rod!))
Jeez, the first time I saw a bit of a line appear on my opk (as all the previous ones were blindingly negatively WHITE!) it was 1:30am and naturally, I hadbeen obsessing over opk threads when I whimsically got up and took another test (3rd in 24hrs!).
Like a pyscho I just went and woke him up (not sweetly and seductively, no no no...more pokey-like and jostling--saying things not like "let me lay by you" or even "i want you", no no no...I said "hey, wake up, c'mon--we really need to get it on--i saw a light line and feel good about it..." and he was, for some mysterious reason, not very responsive to that! So what did I do? I cried--and convinced myself that it wasn't important to him. He instantly fell back asleep and I layed there in a funk of self-pity until I was sure Dh wasn't the man for me!! (but he so is.....)
so yeah, talk about bitchy pms-ey move! The next morning...well, let's just say he won my heart back and (even tho I never did get a real dark opk), I'm still counting down the infamous 2WW w a shred of optimism!
Dang, I hope y'all got to make up for it (and then some for extra insurance!!) hehe
I don't understand how they can't read our minds tho! It's simple and obvious what we want~~hello?
I know exactly what you mean about letting nature take it's course (when we're charting, timing, peeing on sticks multiple x a day (examining, um,
cervical mucus, and having sex based more on data than desire!) We do try to keep a sense of humor about it--but it is all definitely different right now.
(though, in your case, I'm sure it was the full moon! curses! Before all the electricity and radio waves (and all the other + ions unnaturally emmitted into the atmosphere), our bodies were in sync w the moon (which i'm sure you already know!)...i sometimes get miserably sad and cynical when i think about the way things have become--how out of touch and disconnected humanity has become from nature. to me, it's frightening...but i'll save that rant for another time....)
Here's some babydust girl (my fertile window is CLOSED!)