Moma Dance


sex makes babies?!
Jan 22, 2010
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Stella Blue and I decided to start a TTC Buddies Team for gals that are into jam bands :thumbup: I'm also partial to american roots music. We thought it would be fun to share our mutual interests in music and getting knocked up-ha! Feel free to join in!
Stella Blue wrote:

TEAM MOMA DANCE! I freak'n love it!

So simple, yet SO GENIOUS!!

You think there are enough moma's on here to support it?

So jealous that you got to go to festival 8!! Aren't they on fire? I have to say the last two years before they broke up, it was hard listening to Trey "slip" all the time, seeing and sensing the dischord in the band, the scene was feeling shadier, or dirtier, or something (not like the mid 90's when I first started going to shows) and Trey was so clearly F'ed up onstage (esp. the those last few tours b4 the break-up,~the last shows they played were streamed live at our local theater so DH and I saw them--it was really sad, but at the same time, it was clear that the time had come...AT LEAST FOR THEN!!! woot-woot!
Dh and his BF are going to see Trey solo in may (compliments of the bf, or else I'd be going too!!)

Huh, looks like Obama's talking. He sounds, and wow, even looks a lil pissed off...I guess I 'll take listen for a moment. (:"

Well, even if it ends up being just the two of us, I'm down with that!

I couldn't agree more about the last few years of Phish tour before the hiatus. I am SO glad I didn't bother with Coventry. I used to live on the east coast, in upstate NY, so it was fairly easy to see lots of shows. I'm definitely curious about Trey solo tour now- I caught a couple of his solo gigs years ago and definitely enjoyed it. He was playing with a horn section that included Jennifer Hartswick and she just plain kicks ass.

So you can imagine how psyched I was to see Phish play with Sharon Jones and the Dap Kings on Halloween! Not to mention that Exile on Main Street is one of my all time favorite albums. What shows did you catch last year?

Did you catch what was Obama pissed about? My DH (Eric- I have a hard time calling him DH!) and I opted for video games over the State of the Union address the other night :blush:
Geez, sorry it took me so long to get over here! I took the long way..hehe

Actually, when I made that last post DH was reminding me that we were having company--and its only during those times that i can suddenly see my house through someone else's eyes~~~and thus, when I'm having company, it is the only time I think I ever dust and clean the dog hair colonies from the corners!

sad, i know....

We saw the shows in Deer Creek and Alpine---except for Alpine we only had tix for the first night and were running out of funds (this summer was kind of a broke time for us bc we had just bought a house (an OLD OLD house) and were sinking everything we had into it) so we left the morning of the second show only to find out from our friends who stayed that it was practically raining free tix! They were EVERYWHERE inc. ON THE GROUND!! We were sick over that for a month!

So...I feel stupid for asking this...but by american roots do you mean like blues and folk? (has to be, right?)

Now, I also have to admit, and this is odd bc I love me some funkybluesyfunkblues, but i hadn't even heard them (Sharon Jones & Dap kings) until that show (but of course dh had & swore I had from his media player in our old pc--i really didn't remember tho)....but loved it.

I almost forgot all about them--glad you resuurected the memory so I can get DH to get us some more--I think it'll make good cleaning music! (I did already admit what a poor housekeeper I've become since TTC, didn't I?)

For weeks, I've had that Joni Mitchell song "Little Green" stuck in my head (written about the daughter she gave up for adopt. but is a very pretty song) Anyway, as i REALLY want a daughter (i have a son & 2 stepsons), i've been singing that song alot to myself thinking about the baby girl i want so bad~~~well last night we had Chinese and DH's fortune was "good things come in small packages...One is coming for you" and mine was "Green will be a very lucky color for you next week"!!!!!!!!!!!

I know it's flaky to get excited about a stupid chinese fortune that is supposed to be applicable to anyone (i.e. green, for most ppl would = $$), but i can't help it--i taped them to my mirror...

holy batcrap...I've written a novel...hope your eyes aren't crossed!!

i will continue to work on brevity......(:
No worries! I realize not everyone has made this message board their life as I seem to have done this past week :S So glad we have a place to share our common passions! That is such a bummer about the second day at Alpine. There were nearly free tickets to Festival 8 too- those remote locations get expensive fast and people back out at the last minute.

Please don't feel stupid for asking about american roots music! It is such a broad genre that just about anything fits into it. I sorta hesitated to write that in my first message for the team but I wanted to open up the thread to jam bands and beyond ; ) Not that anyone else may be into this- but I'm sure psyched that we are! Yes- roots music is blues, bluegrass, rockabilly, folk, etcetera etcetera etcetera.

We just caught a band last night called Reverend Payton's Big Damn Band and Damn! They were INSANELY good. The best way to sum it up is that the washboard player, the lead signer and dobro player's wife, lit her washboard on fire. FIRE!

I hope you have some Sharon Jones & Dap Kings to rock out to while you clean. If you don't, let me know and I can upload the cd I have. I also have all the sets from Festival 8 and the soundcheck.

I'll have to check the Joni Mitchell song out- it sounds sweet. Don't be one bit shy about your fortunes taped on your mirror! I LOVE fortune cookies and read much more into them than ever intended by the mass manufacturer : ) It is FANTASTIC that you got such good fortunes, I love it. I carry my favorite fortunes around in my wallet...

I hear ya on the money pit old homes. There are some gorgeous old homes in St. Louis- do you live downtown? We just replaced the windows in our house and MAN was that ever expensive! Hopefully cutting down on the greenhouse gases produced by our AC / heat pump though (that is getting replaced next).

So back on the ttc tip- I'm all sorts of ovulicious right now. My temps haven't gone up yet but i'm pretty sure they will soon. I threw such a fit last night because I wanted to BD before the show and I got all stressed out about it expecting Eric to just read my mind and put the moves on. It was such a PMessy sort of thing to pull! I think charting and reading message boards all day has definitely put me beyond the pale of sanity : S It is so hard to want something and let nature take its course at the same time...I blamed it on the full moon- which is also a wolf moon and is closer to earth than at any other point in the year right now. The native americans had a label for each for moon and the january moon was called the wolf moon because the wolves were hungry this time of year (before we killed them all!)

I'm glad you have plenty to write about- as you can see I find a way to prattle on endlessly!

Definitely pulling for your little gal to come along to complete your family!

~ Jaimie
I'm gonna have look up Reverand Payton's Big Damn Band~~I'm already in love w their name! lol

I'm so sorry about yesterday before the show (tho I can't help but type that w a smile on my face, bc I can so relate! (and unfortunately so can J-rod!))

Jeez, the first time I saw a bit of a line appear on my opk (as all the previous ones were blindingly negatively WHITE!) it was 1:30am and naturally, I hadbeen obsessing over opk threads when I whimsically got up and took another test (3rd in 24hrs!).
Like a pyscho I just went and woke him up (not sweetly and seductively, no no no...more pokey-like and jostling--saying things not like "let me lay by you" or even "i want you", no no no...I said "hey, wake up, c'mon--we really need to get it on--i saw a light line and feel good about it..." and he was, for some mysterious reason, not very responsive to that! So what did I do? I cried--and convinced myself that it wasn't important to him. He instantly fell back asleep and I layed there in a funk of self-pity until I was sure Dh wasn't the man for me!! (but he so is.....)

so yeah, talk about bitchy pms-ey move! The next morning...well, let's just say he won my heart back and (even tho I never did get a real dark opk), I'm still counting down the infamous 2WW w a shred of optimism!

Dang, I hope y'all got to make up for it (and then some for extra insurance!!) hehe

I don't understand how they can't read our minds tho! It's simple and obvious what we want~~hello? :laugh2:

I know exactly what you mean about letting nature take it's course (when we're charting, timing, peeing on sticks multiple x a day (examining, um, cervical mucus, and having sex based more on data than desire!) We do try to keep a sense of humor about it--but it is all definitely different right now.

(though, in your case, I'm sure it was the full moon! curses! Before all the electricity and radio waves (and all the other + ions unnaturally emmitted into the atmosphere), our bodies were in sync w the moon (which i'm sure you already know!)...i sometimes get miserably sad and cynical when i think about the way things have become--how out of touch and disconnected humanity has become from nature. to me, it's frightening...but i'll save that rant for another time....)

Here's some babydust girl (my fertile window is CLOSED!) :dust:
real quick: I love your new avatar!

have you seen the POAS addicts thread? It gives HPT instructions--it's pretty funny! If you can't relate now, you will soon!!

Also the "no stupid questions, only stupid ppl" thread cracked me up! Thought i'd let ya know in case you need a laugh when you get back on here!
Oh man- your story about freaking out to do the deed is AWESOME! That would be a good thread topic “has anyone ever gone ape shit on their husbands to do the baby dance?” Like you, I totally broke down and SOBBED because he wasn’t dragging me to bed on cue. Being a woman rocks!

Speaking of which, I am totally into ovulating with the full moon. After I went off the pill I was so psyched to get back in sync because the only other time I had gone off the pill (briefly in my late twenties when I didn’t have insurance- I’ve pretty much been on the pill since I was 18!) it didn’t take long to get in sync. Have you ever read Still Life with Woodpecker by Tom Robbins? The main character locks herself in an attic with no lights no nuthin’ except a window by which she could watch the moon- to get her cycle back in sync. Super fantastic book, but I have the feeling you’ve read it :thumbup:

I completely hear you on the “man out of sync with nature” tip. I am a sustainability consultant and have been a big ‘ol tree hugger for as long as I can remember!
I thought your entire post was hilarious but this part was the best “examining, um, cervical mucus” Too friggin’ funny! As with the temps, this is my first month tracking the stuff and I’m a little disappointed. I can remember it being crazy plentiful in my 20s but it seems a little less so now. I’ve also been living in the sonoran desert since I turned 30 so I sort of wonder if that is drying me up? Ha!

I’ll be sure to check out the threads you suggested- they sound very amusing!

I'm keeping my fingers crossed for you during your 2WW- I'm right there with ya gal!

~ Jaimie
I freakin LOVE Tom Robbins!!!!!

It has been so long since i read "Still Life..." that I would have prpbably totally forgotten about that part forever! I think it definitely deserves a reread. (what i remember most is, of course, the tattoo and oddly, the Ralph Nader speech in Hawaii! (that was the first I had heard of Ralph Nader, I think I was like 20)) I recently reread "Another Roadside Attraction" (and it is once again one of my all-time favorites!)

How awesome is it to be sync w the lunar cycle!?!
I'm not, but if my cycle continues to make as little sense as it has the past few months, I really honestly may consider something kind of extreme (like living outside in a tent for a few months this spring/summer!) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Your job sounds ideal!! What a great thing that you do! I started school in the conservation program and ended up in the liberal arts dept. majoring in history. (don't ask!) Anyway, a BS in History is not a very marketable degree at the undergrad level!! (unless you wanna teach~~which I THOUGHT I did, but now know that I probably don't, and this is mainly bc of the way the public education system and schools themselves are run, how decisions are made, how funding and resources are allocated, standardized testing (that whole NCLB crap~thanks Bush, I can see how YOU'D be an authority on education reform! (lol, so I don't cry!)), the textbook industry...(and I haven't even gotten into the HS sex and violence epidemic!) So, for now, I'm...hold on, I want you to guess...................................okay, give up? I'm......a.....(drumroll, please.....) a SUBSTITUTE TEACHER!!! LOL!! I'm a true glutton for punishment!


Ahh, it feels good being on here thinking about something else for a minute! My cycle has been so wierd the past few months I really have no idea where I'm at in it as far a O-ing (but do know i'm CD 30, bc fortunately I can atleast count!!), so I decided that instead of waiting a few more days (as cycle is NEVER shorter than 31 days) I would go ahead and start testing....yeaterday...bad idea. But that still won't stop me from doing it again in the morning or totally disregarding the results until they're either positive or AF shows....tho, i am only spnding a $1 a test, so it's worth it to feed my addiction!
So, how do like my life stories, Jamie?? =D

(I will now press "Post Quick Reply" only because there is no button to "Post Ridiculously Long Reply")

Hey Stella Blue!

I LOVE your stories : ) I hope you saw my post on another thread just after you announced that you got your period this month. I was really feelin' it for ya. I am quite sure I just got mine today : ( it is definitely a bummer but I'm not feeling as upset as I have in previous cycles of ttc. I think these threads and charting is definitely helping and not making too much crazier - ha!

So how have you been the past couple of weeks? I met up with a college friend of mine because she was driving cross country- she has a family much like yours - hers & his and one theirs (a boy). Made me think of you!

Are you thinking about trying anything different this cycle? I've now armed myself with preseed and the charting so I feel like those are enough new tricks for the time being : )

My brother and I both did stints as substitute teachers- I learned alot from that experience!

Best wishes,

JAMIE! UGH! ...Did she come early for you sorry!! ((HUGS))

And I'm sorry I haven't been on~~my cord crapped out and I had to argue w toshiba to get a new one (apparently my warrenty expired jan 29, and my computer stopped recieving power on feb 7!! what luck!?! Anyway tho, I went crazy white bitch on 'em...(you know, alternating between groveling, whining, sharing tales of woe and hardship, calling about 6x in 2 days, threatening w negative reviews (gasp!) and my cousin who works at "Best Buy" (wink wink) to tell customers what crap their computers are...(they really are..I've had to ship mine in twice for harddrive repairs)

....but my new (and free!!!)cord arrived this morning...

AND YES, my dear, I am trying something different this cycle....I have totally given up the coffee--I was a true addict--I would drink about a pot to myself in the mornings and about 3 espresso shots in the evening or sometimes another half recent months had cut back but not nearly enough...

I am now drinking the hell out of some teas~~green, peppermint..and, imo, the best and most important of all is RED RASPBERRY LEAF (not berry). This was recommended to me by both my 100% organic friend Jen, who is also a trained midwife and the fine smelling lady at our local health food store.

It is supposed to be the miracle female tea for hormone balance, menstrual health and regulation, uterine health (and toning..?) and is purported to be VERY beneficial when consumed JUST before labor. But I don't think you're suppposed to drink it, or atleast not as often or strong, during third trimester bc of effect on uterus.

Anyway, I've been drinking it and feel better than ever---but I'm sure alot of that has to do with just getting off the coffee, which I knew was NOT helping with our cause, and would just be something else to give up if I ever do get that BFP

the tea has to be prepared like a medicinal--steep 10-15 minutes--not as flavorful as herbals, but during the last 5 min of steeping I add an herbal raspberry blend..and YUMMY!

I am about to do some searching on it....I LOVE HAVING MY COMPUTER BACK!!! BUT FROM THIS EXPERIENCE I WILL ADMIT... IT WAS A LITTLE EASIER TO OBSESS LESS WITHOUT IT!! (and with af showing up just a few days before...that prolly made it easier too..)

I have heard really good things about Pre-seed!! I hope so much that it works for you...I've read many a story of couples trying for a long time and then used pre-seed and VIOLA! I hate to admit this, but one of the reasons I haven't tried it is because I read somewhere that it slightly sways boy--but I am now at the point that I just want to sway BABY...we talked about it last week and are considering it for my next cycle if this one is a no-go. I can't wait to see how it works out for you. It really might do the trick...I am keeping my fingers crossed for you Jamie!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

BnB is the first place I visited since getting this sucker back on.....and the obsessing has re-commenced!!

xx and hugs! I'm going back to the bfp thread bc I believe I may have missed your post..
just did a search on Red rasp. leaf tea nd turns out it is safe to drink throughout entire pregnnacy (i know, I'm getting a head of myself a little) but yeah, is definitely reputed to improve over-all reproductive health, thus increasing fertility. I've only been drinking it a few days (about 3 cups a day) and I really just feel good.

and I think it just feels good to be doing something so positive for my body (as opposed to the coffee all the time, which i think was really starting to tear me up)--and makes me feel more in control of and proactive about my female health.

good times
Stella!!! So psyched you got a free cord ~ but super bummed your toshiba has been a pain in the tuckus!

I'm super duper impressed that you've decided to go off coffee. I've heard that about raspberry tea as well- I'll have to add that to my routine. I have a cup of tea after my one and only cup of coffee in the morning. I'm trying to focus on staying hydrated to make up for my lack of will power on the coffee front : )

I hear ya about obsessing less while you computer didn't have any juice. I had some busy days at work and that definitely gave me a little break during the 2ww. But overall, when AF did show, I wasn't nearly as upset as I would have been without these threads and charting. Seeing what so many other ladies are going through, like your miscarriage and much longer runs with ttc, really gave me some perspective.

Last time I o'd I just used the preseed externally- might have to try it with the plunger this time! Been a long time since I stuck a plunger up there ; P I think the last time was in high school when I tried using contraceptive foam...I wonder why I tried that? Seems sort of ridiculous in retrospect!

My AF actually showed right on time- it was late the past couple of cycles and boy o boy did that ever get my hopes up!

I'm definitely leaning towards a baby of the female persuasion as well, but I'm like you, I'm just hoping to get knocked up regardless of the sex!
Oh! And a few posts ago you mentioned how if I didn't understand the poas compulsion now I would soon- oh yea, I've already got it. I poas the day before my period, for the third time since ttc. This time I did it just because I got all wrapped up in the possibility of getting a BFP on Valentine's- so ridiculous! No more poas until I'm at least a week late from my latest possible AF due date!!!

I think I posted my sympathies for your last period on the 30/40s ttc thread....

Do you know when you are likely to O? I need to know when to send the fertility vibes your way : )

~ Jaimie

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