Mother Nature's Foul Joke


Well-Known Member
Feb 24, 2015
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So this is my first time ttc i mean i guess you would say im ttc im not really trying but not preventing i guess im kinda just letting go and letting GOD for lack of better words. Well any way for the past month and a half i've been freaking out because im currently on a 60 day cycle with no sign of AF. I was freaking out literally driving myself insane and obsessing on every website about late BFPs as I begin to miss my second cycle in a row. Freaking out like almost to the point where i knew in my soul i was pregnant but for some reason these darn BFNs just keep happening. I was literally praying bargaining for God just to send me my BFP or my period already because I'm so frustrated with this never ending cycle then i realized something. I had two depo shot injections one in April of 2014 and the last one in July of 2014. So the shots ran out in Oct 2014. Now i have been on depo and gotten off before but before when i got off immediately got on the pill so my cycle never really had to regulate itself before. This is the first time in idk like my whole life since starting bc that i have been off for more than a month or so. I have been completely off bc for 6 months now and i though my cycles had began to regulate themselves as my period came on in decemember, albeit kind of light, and then exactly 28 days later in january but im starting to realize that perhaps it hasn't regualted maybe mother nature was just playing a really foul joke on me. I think my main concern is that on all the other blogs ive read. (im just beginnng my research btw) most of the women who are trying post depo whose periods finally do come either only spot or have neverending periods so now im super confused... i just want my bfp or af already. i wont even be picky :growlmad::bfn::bfn::bfn::sad2::sad2:
I have dealt with Depo before and it sucks. My last shot was Sept 2013 and I finally had a reg cycle in Jan 2014. Up until then I would have "mini" periods or spotting. I haven't been back on it since. An answer for your missed COULD be PCOS. Talk to your OBGYN about having no period for 60 days. PCOS is very treatable. Keep your chin up :)
Once your period returned was it regular or did you have missed cycles because my period came back and was a regular period in January then it never came back.
Honestly, I would just go straight to a RE, skip the OBGYN. I can guarantee you that the OB will probably try to put you on BCP to regulate your period. I actually went to an OB to get diagnosed for PCOS and she lied right to my face and said I didn't have it when my ultrasounds and blood results clearly said otherwise.

A REs job is to get you pregnant so they won't mess around. And since you are lacking a period, you should be able to get into one already instead of waiting one year. I got into mine at 7 months trying because I had not had a period for 6 months.
Honestly, I would just go straight to a RE, skip the OBGYN. I can guarantee you that the OB will probably try to put you on BCP to regulate your period. I actually went to an OB to get diagnosed for PCOS and she lied right to my face and said I didn't have it when my ultrasounds and blood results clearly said otherwise.

A REs job is to get you pregnant so they won't mess around. And since you are lacking a period, you should be able to get into one already instead of waiting one year. I got into mine at 7 months trying because I had not had a period for 6 months.

Thanks for the advice. I think i'll look into finding a local RE because tbh i had never heard of that before your post. I read somewhere that you could use progesterone to jump start your period after an annovulatory cycle. What are the symptoms of pcos?
Honestly, I would just go straight to a RE, skip the OBGYN. I can guarantee you that the OB will probably try to put you on BCP to regulate your period. I actually went to an OB to get diagnosed for PCOS and she lied right to my face and said I didn't have it when my ultrasounds and blood results clearly said otherwise.

A REs job is to get you pregnant so they won't mess around. And since you are lacking a period, you should be able to get into one already instead of waiting one year. I got into mine at 7 months trying because I had not had a period for 6 months.

Thanks for the advice. I think i'll look into finding a local RE because tbh i had never heard of that before your post. I read somewhere that you could use progesterone to jump start your period after an annovulatory cycle. What are the symptoms of pcos?

Should mention that RE stands for Reproductive Endocrinologist. :P You can use progesterone to jump start a period, but I would only do it under doctor supervision/if they prescribe it. Its not safe to mess with hormones on your own.

Well, as far as PCOS goes, there are 3 things they look for in patients in PCOS

1. A hormone issue. Typically it's testosterone
2. Cysts on your ovaries and lots of them.
3. Not ovulating on your own.

You have to have 2 out of 3 of those to be considered to have PCOS. I basically have the last two. One of my buddies just has 1 & 3.

As far as signs, its sort of different for everyone depends on what of those 3 things you have but here are some I know of.... Constant ovarian cysts, lack of period/ovulation, weight gain or inability to lose weight, hormonal acne (this is the chin and jawline area), unwanted hair growth (can be anywhere but typically shows on the face. I get one or two random stray hairs that drive me nuts on my chin that won't go away), painful/heavy periods when you have them, ovarian pain all through your cycle.
Honestly, I would just go straight to a RE, skip the OBGYN. I can guarantee you that the OB will probably try to put you on BCP to regulate your period. I actually went to an OB to get diagnosed for PCOS and she lied right to my face and said I didn't have it when my ultrasounds and blood results clearly said otherwise.

A REs job is to get you pregnant so they won't mess around. And since you are lacking a period, you should be able to get into one already instead of waiting one year. I got into mine at 7 months trying because I had not had a period for 6 months.

Thanks for the advice. I think i'll look into finding a local RE because tbh i had never heard of that before your post. I read somewhere that you could use progesterone to jump start your period after an annovulatory cycle. What are the symptoms of pcos?

Should mention that RE stands for Reproductive Endocrinologist. :P You can use progesterone to jump start a period, but I would only do it under doctor supervision/if they prescribe it. Its not safe to mess with hormones on your own.

Well, as far as PCOS goes, there are 3 things they look for in patients in PCOS

1. A hormone issue. Typically it's testosterone
2. Cysts on your ovaries and lots of them.
3. Not ovulating on your own.

You have to have 2 out of 3 of those to be considered to have PCOS. I basically have the last two. One of my buddies just has 1 & 3.

As far as signs, its sort of different for everyone depends on what of those 3 things you have but here are some I know of.... Constant ovarian cysts, lack of period/ovulation, weight gain or inability to lose weight, hormonal acne (this is the chin and jawline area), unwanted hair growth (can be anywhere but typically shows on the face. I get one or two random stray hairs that drive me nuts on my chin that won't go away), painful/heavy periods when you have them, ovarian pain all through your cycle.

So i don't know if i meet all the criteria i have had my hormone levels checked before and they always came back normal. Now i do know that i have had a cyst on my ovary before at least once but when she did the ultrasound i only had one. Im not sure about the ovulating thing because ive been on bc forever so ive never really paid it any mind. When i did have the past two periods they werent extremely heavy or painful and as far as i know i have no abnormal hair growth and i dont really get acne. But i will definitely have PCOS ruled out. Thank you again so much...:thumbup::thumbup:
Honestly, I would just go straight to a RE, skip the OBGYN. I can guarantee you that the OB will probably try to put you on BCP to regulate your period. I actually went to an OB to get diagnosed for PCOS and she lied right to my face and said I didn't have it when my ultrasounds and blood results clearly said otherwise.

A REs job is to get you pregnant so they won't mess around. And since you are lacking a period, you should be able to get into one already instead of waiting one year. I got into mine at 7 months trying because I had not had a period for 6 months.

Thanks for the advice. I think i'll look into finding a local RE because tbh i had never heard of that before your post. I read somewhere that you could use progesterone to jump start your period after an annovulatory cycle. What are the symptoms of pcos?

Should mention that RE stands for Reproductive Endocrinologist. :P You can use progesterone to jump start a period, but I would only do it under doctor supervision/if they prescribe it. Its not safe to mess with hormones on your own.

Well, as far as PCOS goes, there are 3 things they look for in patients in PCOS

1. A hormone issue. Typically it's testosterone
2. Cysts on your ovaries and lots of them.
3. Not ovulating on your own.

You have to have 2 out of 3 of those to be considered to have PCOS. I basically have the last two. One of my buddies just has 1 & 3.

As far as signs, its sort of different for everyone depends on what of those 3 things you have but here are some I know of.... Constant ovarian cysts, lack of period/ovulation, weight gain or inability to lose weight, hormonal acne (this is the chin and jawline area), unwanted hair growth (can be anywhere but typically shows on the face. I get one or two random stray hairs that drive me nuts on my chin that won't go away), painful/heavy periods when you have them, ovarian pain all through your cycle.

So i don't know if i meet all the criteria i have had my hormone levels checked before and they always came back normal. Now i do know that i have had a cyst on my ovary before at least once but when she did the ultrasound i only had one. Im not sure about the ovulating thing because ive been on bc forever so ive never really paid it any mind. When i did have the past two periods they werent extremely heavy or painful and as far as i know i have no abnormal hair growth and i dont really get acne. But i will definitely have PCOS ruled out. Thank you again so much...:thumbup::thumbup:

Well, Like I said, those are some of them. You dont need to have all of them to have PCOS or even any of them really, since everyone is different.

But yes, definitely have it ruled out but I only mention it because that's the most typical reason for ovulation being wonky.
Honestly, I would just go straight to a RE, skip the OBGYN. I can guarantee you that the OB will probably try to put you on BCP to regulate your period. I actually went to an OB to get diagnosed for PCOS and she lied right to my face and said I didn't have it when my ultrasounds and blood results clearly said otherwise.

A REs job is to get you pregnant so they won't mess around. And since you are lacking a period, you should be able to get into one already instead of waiting one year. I got into mine at 7 months trying because I had not had a period for 6 months.

Thanks for the advice. I think i'll look into finding a local RE because tbh i had never heard of that before your post. I read somewhere that you could use progesterone to jump start your period after an annovulatory cycle. What are the symptoms of pcos?

Should mention that RE stands for Reproductive Endocrinologist. :P You can use progesterone to jump start a period, but I would only do it under doctor supervision/if they prescribe it. Its not safe to mess with hormones on your own.

Well, as far as PCOS goes, there are 3 things they look for in patients in PCOS

1. A hormone issue. Typically it's testosterone
2. Cysts on your ovaries and lots of them.
3. Not ovulating on your own.

You have to have 2 out of 3 of those to be considered to have PCOS. I basically have the last two. One of my buddies just has 1 & 3.

As far as signs, its sort of different for everyone depends on what of those 3 things you have but here are some I know of.... Constant ovarian cysts, lack of period/ovulation, weight gain or inability to lose weight, hormonal acne (this is the chin and jawline area), unwanted hair growth (can be anywhere but typically shows on the face. I get one or two random stray hairs that drive me nuts on my chin that won't go away), painful/heavy periods when you have them, ovarian pain all through your cycle.

So i don't know if i meet all the criteria i have had my hormone levels checked before and they always came back normal. Now i do know that i have had a cyst on my ovary before at least once but when she did the ultrasound i only had one. Im not sure about the ovulating thing because ive been on bc forever so ive never really paid it any mind. When i did have the past two periods they werent extremely heavy or painful and as far as i know i have no abnormal hair growth and i dont really get acne. But i will definitely have PCOS ruled out. Thank you again so much...:thumbup::thumbup:

Well, Like I said, those are some of them. You dont need to have all of them to have PCOS or even any of them really, since everyone is different.

But yes, definitely have it ruled out but I only mention it because that's the most typical reason for ovulation being wonky.

I do have one more question can you have a period without ovulation? i have heard that you can ovulate without having a period but does it work the other way around?
Honestly, I would just go straight to a RE, skip the OBGYN. I can guarantee you that the OB will probably try to put you on BCP to regulate your period. I actually went to an OB to get diagnosed for PCOS and she lied right to my face and said I didn't have it when my ultrasounds and blood results clearly said otherwise.

A REs job is to get you pregnant so they won't mess around. And since you are lacking a period, you should be able to get into one already instead of waiting one year. I got into mine at 7 months trying because I had not had a period for 6 months.

Thanks for the advice. I think i'll look into finding a local RE because tbh i had never heard of that before your post. I read somewhere that you could use progesterone to jump start your period after an annovulatory cycle. What are the symptoms of pcos?

Should mention that RE stands for Reproductive Endocrinologist. :P You can use progesterone to jump start a period, but I would only do it under doctor supervision/if they prescribe it. Its not safe to mess with hormones on your own.

Well, as far as PCOS goes, there are 3 things they look for in patients in PCOS

1. A hormone issue. Typically it's testosterone
2. Cysts on your ovaries and lots of them.
3. Not ovulating on your own.

You have to have 2 out of 3 of those to be considered to have PCOS. I basically have the last two. One of my buddies just has 1 & 3.

As far as signs, its sort of different for everyone depends on what of those 3 things you have but here are some I know of.... Constant ovarian cysts, lack of period/ovulation, weight gain or inability to lose weight, hormonal acne (this is the chin and jawline area), unwanted hair growth (can be anywhere but typically shows on the face. I get one or two random stray hairs that drive me nuts on my chin that won't go away), painful/heavy periods when you have them, ovarian pain all through your cycle.

So i don't know if i meet all the criteria i have had my hormone levels checked before and they always came back normal. Now i do know that i have had a cyst on my ovary before at least once but when she did the ultrasound i only had one. Im not sure about the ovulating thing because ive been on bc forever so ive never really paid it any mind. When i did have the past two periods they werent extremely heavy or painful and as far as i know i have no abnormal hair growth and i dont really get acne. But i will definitely have PCOS ruled out. Thank you again so much...:thumbup::thumbup:

Well, Like I said, those are some of them. You dont need to have all of them to have PCOS or even any of them really, since everyone is different.

But yes, definitely have it ruled out but I only mention it because that's the most typical reason for ovulation being wonky.

I do have one more question can you have a period without ovulation? i have heard that you can ovulate without having a period but does it work the other way around?

There's some debate on this in the community lol. According to the docs I have talked to, no, you can not have a period without ovulating. Ovulation triggers progesterone, which triggers a period. So without ovulation, you can not get that progesterone in your system that you need. BUT, there is a thing called estrogen breakthrough bleeding that can occur. Which, essentially is just the lining of your uterus giving up and not being able to sustain itself, so it releases a bit. So, some women consider that a "period" but it's not actually one. Usually, you can tell that from a period because the bleeding will be ultra light or ultra short.
Ok, so if i had a normal period in january then it would be safe to assume i ovulated in december right? See here's where all my confusion stems. I don't know if i truly ovulate like i said i haven't tracked or anything. I just assumed i did because i had the little pressure or twinge of pain in my left ovary for a day or so.I assumed that meant ovulation, that's what ive been told before any how. But i never had ewcm, accept right before bd, so im pretty sure that was just arousal fluid. I guess what i'm saying is how do i know if i ever started ovulating in the first place?
At this point, you dont. EWCM and or O pain are both signs of O but they aren't surefire. Honestly, the best way to tell if you've ovulated is temping and charting, in my opinion. You can also throw OPKs into the mix, but thats up to you (I dont use them anymore because I get false positives due to my PCOS. Plus I'm on ovulation medication so I just rely on temps)

Although, I suppose one way you MIGHT be able to tell if you O'd is that your cervical mucus should be creamy and/or dry after ovulation. But everyone is different so you might not have that happen for you, but that's the general consensus.
At this point, you dont. EWCM and or O pain are both signs of O but they aren't surefire. Honestly, the best way to tell if you've ovulated is temping and charting, in my opinion. You can also throw OPKs into the mix, but thats up to you (I dont use them anymore because I get false positives due to my PCOS. Plus I'm on ovulation medication so I just rely on temps)

Although, I suppose one way you MIGHT be able to tell if you O'd is that your cervical mucus should be creamy and/or dry after ovulation. But everyone is different so you might not have that happen for you, but that's the general consensus.

Ah i see i guess if my period ever comes or the doc gives me something to jump start my period on tuesday i can start temping then. Do you have to use a special thermometer or will anyone work. And as far as cm being creamy i notice from what i see all that ever seems to come out is watery mucus, its like milk (sorry if that's tmi)
Is it clear or milky in color? If it's milky in color then it's considered creamy CM.

As far as temping, they say you should get a digital BBT thermometer. I ordered mine off amazon for cheap.
Is it clear or milky in color? If it's milky in color then it's considered creamy CM.

As far as temping, they say you should get a digital BBT thermometer. I ordered mine off amazon for cheap.

It looks clear but i only really look at it when i wipe or when im rushing to the bathroom because i thought af came and she didn't. I haven't did a cervix check thing. You know putting your finger up to the cervix and looking at what comes straight from the source.
Is it clear or milky in color? If it's milky in color then it's considered creamy CM.

As far as temping, they say you should get a digital BBT thermometer. I ordered mine off amazon for cheap.

So i finally went to the doctors. She did a serum hcg on me and as expected it was :bfn::bfn::bfn: with :af::af::af::af: insight making my current cycle 65 woppen day. But the doc told me that it was just the dpo shot and that if i had not gotten a period by july to come back. She said she wouldn't give me provera until there. It was disheartened but it did make me feel better considering she said she didn't think i had pcos as i didn't have any symptom but my current lack of af. So now i wait and keep a light supply of tampons on me at all times in case af decides to make an appearance.Just thought I would keep you updated.

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