Mum RANT!!!!!!!!


Active Member
Apr 9, 2013
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So last time I posted about all the really good stuff thats been going on
(Link :

Well amzing how things can change within a couple hours. I have been having some real issues with my mum right from the start of my pregnancy and Last nigth there was a REALLY LOUD 'NOCK' coming from the door at
1am. Guess who it was, my mum (who was so pissed that you could of probably blown up the building by holding a lighter by her mouth as she breathed) and started SCREAMING crap about me OH and the Baby. Calling me a little stut with no self respect and idiot for not using contraception and I have no Idea were she got that from because I was on the pill when I got pregnant. It was SOOOOOOO embarasing because it woke LOADS of are neighbours up (So glad were moving after this happened) and we had them nocking on the door this morning asking for a explanation!!!! And now half of are neighbours would'nt hesitate to join in on a planned axe hunt for us (Especialy considering it was a sunday and they all had to get up for work the next day)

SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO pissed of with her right now I can't believe she has done this I don't know what to do anymore. I want to forgive her but If this carries on I don't think I'll be able to!!

Sorry for the rant but just needed to get everything of my chest
Very childish! Just do right by you and lo. You'll be a wonderful mum.

Also, people told me i was a whore. But last I checked being with someone for so long amd only sleeping with them and beimg in love then.getting pregnant does not make you a whore. :)
Oh goodness. I can imagine how horrible that must have been to go through :( Best thing to do is just stay strong, the only thing that matters now is you and your growing baby :) xx
Try not to let it get you down, even though it's awful she's taking it out on you like that. She's just dealing with it in her own way and probably struggling with some of her own issues. My mum turned to drink when I told her and has said horrible things to me and my OH whilst pissed. It's difficult when all you need is their support, but fingers crossed she'll get over it soon and be there for you and your baby :hugs:
Hello... I was a teen mom- I think a part of me will always be a teen mom no matter how old I get. I had my first at 15- he's now 18. My mom did call me a slut and made quite a few other rotten comments. There was plenty of screaming. The older I get, the more I know she didn't mean it. She was going through a lot trying to cope as well.

Over time, the screaming died down, she loved her grandson and we were very close. I lost my mom last year to cancer. I miss her and recall even those nasty arguments fondly now- it was truly because she loved me. Not sure if this helps or not, but I'm just saying hang in there. The bad times do pass.

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