mummys of previous c sections? how does it all work on the day?


mummy To Triplet Boys
Jan 1, 2011
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hello ladies ! :flower:

im going in to have my planned c section on thursday and wanted to ask a couple of questions !

firstly ... ill be having my wonderfull fiancee in the operating theatre with me while im delivering but isd love for my my mumto be at the hospital for when i come back out and onto the ward . Will she be able to wait in the ward or area that were sent to in the morning for when i come out? does it work on the day? All ive been told is that i have to be there for between 7.30 and 8 am on the morning and that there is 3 other singleton sections booked for the same day..
how do they work who goes down when and how long do they leave it should there be an emergency and your planned section dosnt go ahead?


I don't know the answer to your first question sorry, it may be down to individual hospitals? I know that where I had my sons only the baby's father and siblings were allowed to be on the ward outside visiting hours.

As for your second question, again I can only go on my own experience which at my local hospital was 'first come first served' so I got to the ward ten minutes before the stated time so I could be first in line lol. Obviously emergencies would have taken priority, and they did say that worse case scenario if there are multiple emergencies they would send me home to return the next day!! Thankfully that didn't happen and my DS was delivered at 10.23am.

I don't know if the procedure would be different in your case though, do you have an appointment before thursday when you could ask? :shrug:

I'd think that b/c they told you to be there, that they are scheduling you early.They don't take long to do at all.

I'm in the US though. Basically, I went in, went to a room where the nurses asked me questions, hooked me up to an IV, took blood, etc. Then, they took me back to the surgery room. Hubby had to wait while they put the spinal in my back. It took two tries. Hubby came in, and they waited a bit for my body to get numb.

THen they started. It took about ten minutes, and my LO was out! DH held him and showed him to me, but I couldn't look at him b/c I was in pain. I just saw the top of his head. Then they took my baby and looked him over. Then they took my LO to a room where my parents saw him (because they were there too-they saw him before me, lol--that stuff doesn't bother me though).

Then they sewed me up, which didn't take long. They took me to the recovery room and gave me pain medication though a pump. After about three or so hours, I was taken to my room. They brought my son in there and I saw him!

Really, wasn't bad at all... and I'm planning to do it again ASAP:rofl:
my mom had 3 c-sections because according to the dr she has a small pelvic opening. fer first born was an emergency and the next 2 is elective. My mom wanted to give birth naturally but sadly she can't.
Well, I was booked in for a section yesterday. Was told to ring at 7am for bed update. They were very busy and had to call me back at 9am to tell me they finally had a space.
I was on a list with one other lady, she was first.
Got there, did bp, urine, tummy was checked and listened to baby with doppler, was gowned up and given some stockings and told to wait.
Hours ticked by. I was still nil by mouth so had to be put on a drip to keep me and baby hydrated. Finally by 5pm I was told that they had had too many emergencies in that day so I was going to be postponed. This was after being taken downstairs and almost got to theatre. I was gutted!
Am back home again now and re-scheduled in for Tuesday where I am apparently first on the list this time, no exceptions! The surgeons and nurses were so apologetic, but it was just one of those things where there were a LOT of emergencies that day. Obviously this probably won't happen to you, but please be prepared for a long wait! I naively expected my baby to be here by midday yesterday and had a nightmare with childcare for my son!
Best of luck to you x
I can only go again on my experience but for question one my mum and dad waited in the waiting room outside during the operation and a midwife kindly went out to tell them she had been born. After the operation I got taken back to recovery (where you wait before) and only my husband was allowed there (it where you go before and after the c section) once they were satisifed that I was ok I was moved to the maternity ward (staying on the bed via lift) when I could get visitors.

For question 2 - there were three done the day my LO was born (all electives there were no emergencies that day in fact only the 3 electives were born that day it was one of the quietest days in the hospital) and they did it on risk factors - I had placenta praevia, another lady was having an elective following an emergency c section with her first and the third was breech. Even though I turned up last (bizarrely I was told 8-8:30 the other two 7:30 to 8) I was first - they did not want to delay mine anymore as there were risks attached to placenta praevia - then it was the breech baby.

Mine was born at 10:04 then the next one around 12:30 and the last one around 3pm they can rattle them off quite quickly. It only takes about 1 and a half hours from start to finish
I was told to come at 7.30 as well, I was the first one there. there were 3 booked for that day but as the other 2 had had previous sections they scheduled me last (low risk means you go last). There was also an emergency that meant we were waiting outside the theater with DH in his scrubs for ages while they sorted that out but I still had my baby at 2pm despite all this. Ask when you arrive when you are scheduled for, if you are last (like me) ask if you are allowed some water, they let me drink until 10 because I would be last and they said it was OK to have some water.
My mum waited outside the ward and when they wheeled me into the ward I said that's my mum can she come too and they let her come in with me and she stayed while visiting was on. Hope that helps!! xx

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