Mums/Moms after Recurrent Losses (MARL) - Come join us!

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Mom in love
Apr 5, 2010
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This is a continuation from the PARL thread (pregnant after recurrent losses). Even if you weren't on that thread, you are welcome to join us here. We are a group of women who have all had at least 2 recurrent losses and have recently had our rainbow babies.

We successfully made it through pregnancy. Now let's start the next chapter together, smiles, sleepless nights, spit up, poop and all!
Yay Amanda well done you for the new thread but finding the time! Lol! Hope delilahs good x

Lexi is good still colicky we have been trying Colief an not worked! Tommorow my health visitor is going to bring over some other milk as she thinks lex maybe lactose intolerant! X

I'm sitting here trying to keep my eyes open it been 3hours 45 since the last feed an she tends to go 4hours so I decided to wait up but struggling now!! X

For those that join an are new I'm sarah I had 4 mc was only ever told I had low progesterone but that was mainly to do with conceiving I conceived lexi taking clomid, an all my pg were clomid, I used progesterone pessaries aspirin an swear by drinking litres of water, I think that was the secret to a keeper! X
Good idea Sarah! I'm Amanda and have had 4 losses before my lovely Delilah decided to stick it out with me. I had one ectopic and lost my fallopian tube. I was diagnosed with adenomyosis which may or may not have caused my losses. I'm 37 and time was running out. I conceived Delilah with my first and only IUI on 11/11/11. I did progesterone and took a thyroid med even though my thyroid was in the normal range. It worked! She was 6 weeks early, but she's perfect.

Sarah, I switched Delilah to a formula that is partially digested. It seemed to help her. I don't think she has colic, but she does get fussy, especially when she has to poop. This lets her poop much more regularly and she's happier.

Do you have a swing? I HIGHLY recommend it! Babies love movement. Also, did you read or watch the DVD Happiest Baby on the Block? I bought the DVD on Amazon. It has some good tips about calming a fussy baby. I would send it to you, but I already sent it to another B&B girl. It's so hard when they are fussy. They seem to grow out of it, and you also get to know them better. I'm much better at calming her now than I was when she was smaller.

Glad you found the thread. I hope this one goes a little slower. I can't keep up with the PAL thread anymore!
Hi guys I've subscribed will write in tomorrow little info yay well done too being a grad lolive just finished feeding Kieran xxx
Okay....maybe I'll be able to keep up with this one! The PARL was just to confusing for me!!

About me, I've got a beautiful little girl who is 5.5 years old and a miracle baby boy who is 2 months old. My DD took one month to DS took 3 years, 3 losses, 4 rounds of clomid and one IUI to do the trick. But he was worth every second of the pain!!

I've got low TSH, a prothrombin gene defect and an autoimmune disease. I took high doses of levothryoxide and daily fragmin injections to finally get my baby boy.

Amanda - which formula are you using? Bryce has major stomach issues each time I give him formula. I only give him the old bottle a few times a week, but it would be nice to find something that didn't make him miserable.

Ditto on the swing! Greatest baby invention to the baby carrier!!
Jen, I can't wait for your birth story. Kieran is sooo yummy!

Round, I'm glad you found the thread! I'm using Similac Alimentum Ready to Eat formula. It's expensive. I read that the ready to eat version is better for babies who have intolerances to powder formula. All powder has corn in it which might irritate their tummies. I chose this one because I read it helped with reflux and to prevent constipation. Once she gets a little bigger, we're moving back to powder as it's cheaper. We mix this with breast milk when I haven't pumped enough to give her exclusively. But I'm having more success with breast feeding recently which I'm excited about. I think we'll always have to give her some formula, but maybe not as much as we have been.
Hi everyone! :hi:

I'm sorry, I had a really long entry typed up on my phone but then I got interrupted by a certain someone :D

Hm, my story? Five first tri miscarriages with the last one's tests coming back as healthy despite heparin, aspirin and progesterone. So I ended up getting tested for natural killer cells and taking steroids during first tri and voila! Mummy to a gorgeous baby at last! :cloud9:

Davies, I'm sorry about the colic. We were using infacol for a while but it didn't seem to do much and now J seems to have outgrown the worst of his problems. I suppose I gave his intestines a crash course with all the unpasteurized fare I've been gobbling over the past four weeks :D
Four hours between feeds is really good, though! We only manage that at night.

Congratulations, cla!

Round, I'm not up to the speed of the PARL thread, either. I'm here I think we'll all be struggling to write regularly but that's fine. After all, the whole point was to become mummies and here we are now with our gorgeous babies - isn't this the coolest thing ever?!
Hello mummies

My name is Lynnette, i have an almost 3 year old and my rainbow boy Samuel who's 19days old.

We had 3 losses before Samuel was conceived, one of which was suspected ectopic over Christmas 2009, that was a horrid holiday for us :( - we were waiting on a fertility testing appt when we conceived Samuel so looks like we had a lot of bad luck.

Samuel is having his growth spurt a little later than he should be but after having a 90% tongue tie cut at 11 days old and discovering he has reflux last week he's finally catching up on weight and breastfeeding.
And helllllooooo rainbow mommies :wohoo:

Still trying to get in the swing of things so just saying hi for now :hi:

Love and :hugs: to all..thanks Amanda for setting this up :hugs:

Just popping in to say hi and I'm looking forward to joining you in the new year!

I'm sorta in this group (one mc, two chemicals (one definite, one probable), and spent loads of time on PAL (see SabrinaKat's Good News back on Feb on PAL)....I'm also on the First-time Mums over 35 thread here as well as we got lucky at age 43/44.

I was diagnosed with PCOS years ago, so figured I couldn't have children and didn't mind too much (I guess....), but when my now husband and I got married, we threw away the contraception and within a few months, I did get pregnant (at age 41), but sadly had an mc (and a terrible hospital experience as well). Ultimately, my OH agreed to try IVF and in the meantime, I had a chemical (Sept 2010) and my GP put me on metformin, and I did loads of pre-IVF blood work, where it was discovered that I had an underactive thyroid and whilst it took a few months to get the dosage right ('possible' chemical in March 2011), the month after it was the right dose, we waited for my AF to start our first cycle of IVF and it never came -- I was actually successfully pregnant with my rainbow and Finn came in Feb 2012.

At my age, I am soooooooo delighted and would love another one -- BUT we decided if it happened again naturally, fantastic, but I just want to enjoy my LO and NOT obsess over trying again (hopefully that makes sense?). I do grumble about sleep deprivation, but am most of the time, so delighted with my LO (hence the 'delighted' in my profile)....

Does anybody else sorta feel guilty being grumpy and complaining when we got lucky, thankfully, ultimately? My OH used to comment, 'But I thought having a baby would make you happy', but I was also suffering from mild PND, sleep deprivation and hormones -- the first few months were really hard (also was recovering from pre-eclampsia), but now....I really am delighted overall....anybody else?

best wishes
Popping in to say can't wait to join you all in feb xxx
Hi and thanks for starting the thread Amanda!
I'm Jodi, will be 37 in sept, had 4 unexplained mc all between 5 and 6 weeks, never had anything form in the gest sac before.
So in oct/nov tried it all, Acu, chiro, prednisone, progesterone, lovenox, baby asp, l methyfolate, other vites, injectibles and iui.....
And got a boy and a girl. Holy shit!

So, the kids were preemies, water broke around 1am the day of 34 weeks exactly, had them via c section at 3:50 am.

Many pretty sleepless days and nights later, except for 2-2.5 hours as much as we can which seems to be 2 times at night and occasional naps, here we are :)

I have to go back to work mid sept, not looking forward to it. How can you go to work on this little sleep???? My family is 3 hours away so its just me and DH who have been taking care of them, he took 3 months off too, unpaid . Mat leave sucks in the states, way too short, esp when u have preemies.

Welcome to everyone!

Sabrina- I know what u mean, it's sleep deprivation, dh says the same to me too.
Wohoo! Can't wait to graduate and join you ladies!
Congrats to all the Rainbow mommies:flower:

I think this thread is a great idea for all us RPL ladies and I would love to join:D I stalked the PARL thread on and off so have seen some of you around.

My name is Amber and I've lost 5 little angels before finally getting my rainbow baby, Penny Lace. The almost 3 years of RPL was awful but I would do it all again in a heart beat for my amazing daughter. She is 10 months today and and our hearts swell with love for our little girl each and every day. She is so adventurous and is constantly keeping us on our toes and laughing:cloud9:

I was diagnosed with hetero MTHFR and prothrombin (wild type). My 1st miscarriage was a chemical, 2nd was a BO, 3rd we loss our twins at 9 weeks and our 4th was a BO. With Penny we were on clomid (as well as pregnancy 3 & 4) baby aspirin, progesterone suppositories until 13 weeks, natural progesterone cream until about 36 weeks, chinese herbal meds until 9 weeks and I also did acupuncture until 3rd tri. I'm not sure what worked but I'm so blessed to be a mommy now:cloud9:

I have my whole story on the 1st page of my parenting journal if anyone is interested in the long version of my story:thumbup:
Thanks for colic advise ladies, Amanda that's what Lexis on but doesn't seem to b working! She's still pooing but cries when she does, it's not hard or anything! She cries passing wind! An pulls her legs up screaming at night? Any ideas anyone? I tried Colief infacol this lactose free milk stuff, debtinox colic drops! U name I given it a go! Warming milk cold milk room temp, I had colic bottles slow teat fast teat! I'm st my wits end as Petes working away! It's hard by urself! X

My birth story was quite simply the best day of my life! Needle phobic me I actually found the canula the worst part as it took 2nurses an a doctor about 5 attempts an the doc pierced a vessel! Yuk!! I had epidural Pethadine ventouse ab Forcep an episiotomy an I can honestly say I would do it again Tom if I could guarentee I wouldn't mc I would have another one tommorow but I can't face the heartache of mc. I loved giving birth! I no in wierd been told frequently since! X
Davies- I have no clue! Does she cry after all feedings or just at night when passing gas? Dylan brings his legs up when I hold him after he eats to pass gas but it's more grunting and maybe a little scream but doesnt last long.

When is Pete back? It would be so hard all alone.

Hi and welcome hoping! Beautiful pic and so happy for you. It will be nice to share some tips on here, I'm guessing Penny is more in the kinda regular sleep phase now?

Sabrina- your finn is gorgeous too, I like the play gym. Gotta find one with those toys! I have the baby einstein Neptune and some other smaller one my mom got but more toys will be nice. My son loves this big black and white whale on it.
Davies- it sounds terrible watching your baby be upset when you have tried everything. The newborn stage was the hardest part for me. I don't know a whole lot about colic but maybe she has reflux? I've read that keeping them at an incline sometimes helps:shrug: i'm on the same page as you when it comes to thinking about #2... I couldn't put myself or my family through a miscarriage. My husband is totally smitten with Penny and is 100% happy with just having one. Most days I agree but every so often I entertain the idea of a sibling for Penny when she is around 3 or 4.

Hopeful-thank you! You must be over the moon to get not one rainbow baby but 2 and one of each is pretty perfect! Yeah, Penny is pretty regular with her sleep schedule. We coslept until 4 months and she has been in her nursery since then. Up until about a week and a half ago she was still waking in the middle of the night at about 3 am or so. We finally decided to try CIO because I want her to have good sleep habits. I am so glad I did! It worked like a charm. The 1st night we had an hour and a half of on and off crying but since then I can put her in her crib wide a wake (8pm)and she will fuss for a few minutes and then sleep until about 7 am:thumbup:
So nice too see this thread...

Davies... Ollie was exactly the same I tried 8 different formulas before we settled in Aptamil Comfort but we used alternative therapy meds for his colic as nothing worked. He had all the tests even had him at a&e one night cus he wouldn't stop crying!!!

Just think he had a delicate tum and slight reflux it settled about 6 months but we kept him on comforts till12 months.

Hi I'm Heather 6 losses we think due to APS blood clotting disorder. Ollie was conceived on clomid due to irregular ovulation. I was on progesterone, aspirin and clexane till birth. My bundle of terror is now 19 months and a handful... wouldn't change him and love following your journeys xxxx

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