Puppy- how funny that Samuel is scared of his sister! It must be because toddlers are not the quietest or gentlest of creatures.
Croy- Congrats on finally getting your little miracle! On the poop issue
I dont think it is cause for concern unless he is having a really difficult time and you can see he is in pain. Around 2 months Penny started pooping about once a day and sometimes will go a day or two with no bowel movement and she is fine. Im sure your 1st time home alone with Levi will be a success! Tim only had a week off so I was on my own pretty quickly but I enjoyed having Penny all to myself again
Tracie- Congrats on your miracle as well! She sounds like she is climbing the milestone chart with great ease. She is at such a fun stage right now and they only get cheekier as the months go by. My little girl is more like a toddler than a baby these days and definitely has a mind of her own.
Bumpy- I started RTL at 34 weeks. I drank it once a day and then I moved to 2/3 cups a day after 37 weeks. I also used EPO and used it as a suppository at first but it was very messy and I even had a false alarm thinking my water was leaking.

I switched to orally which was much better but you are supposed to have better results if you put it right next to your cervix. I had Penny at 38+3 but Im not sure if either of those things did the trick. We didnt know until after the birth but her placenta and sack were inflamed which is why she came early and I didnt go into established labor myself (it was nearly 28 hours from the time my water broke to the birth.) You are getting so close! Good luck!
Davies- Good to hear the change in milk has made a difference.

You certainly do have a great sleeper! Enjoy it. I have also read that mothers have a natural instinct even when sleeping. When we co-slept we always had Penny on my side of the bed. Tim was fine if she slept on his chest but he almost rolled over on her the one time she slept next to him

Jenny- he is such a cutie! Love the new pictures
Hopeful- I gave Penny gripe water straight from the dropper but she did not like it so we havent used it since.
I hope everyone had a lovely weekend! We ended up not taking Penny camping since the weather wasnt looking too good. Instead we had mimosa Sunday with all of our friends. They brought their kids and we went to the park and played volley ball and snacked on homemade crepes. Penny had a blast playing with all the kids (Layla is 2 months older and Boston is 4 months younger). That night we went to the balloon glow and looked at all the different vendors. Monday we had a play date with Layla and grilled out with friends. Last night Tim and I settled in after Penny went to bed and watched the Lorax and had a carpet picnic.