Mums/Moms after Recurrent Losses (MARL) - Come join us!

So happy to join you ladies. After 5 miscarriages at around 6 weeks we finally had our miracle boy on August 11th. Levi Rhys is certainly a challenge but he's the cutest thing in the world and we couldn't love him more.

Look forward to sharing this journey with you all xx
I shall move in her aswell then :)

Hello Ladies I am Tracie :) im nearly 25 and i have a beautiful little girl called Isabella, who was born on december 19th 2011. I joined PARL quite late and was the first one to pop on there.

I had 6 mcs before my daughter. I was told i would probally never carry a baby of my own naturally, and if i did carry it would be down to PGD.
I have a chromosome problem called a balanced translocation, and that caused my mcs.

Anyone My chunk is now nearly 9 months old. she talks, she nearly walks and she is the cheekiest lady i no. but i love her more than word :)
Yup he screams every time she goes near, touches him, looks at him, speaks to him. I think he's going to want quiet and no fuss, like me.
Hi ladies, stalking this thread on a daily basis for mummy tips!! Can't wait to join you all it's getting so close now!!!

Quick question did anyone try RLT or EPO in the last stages or pregnancy? If so when did you start taking it?
Hi everyone. Thanks for setting this up Amanda! I'm stalking too and can't wait to join! I've already gotten such a wealth of information just following along. I hope you are all, right this minute, getting some well deserved sleep!
My lil man is an old man now compared to your tiny teeny babies :)
Bumpy I did both starting at 36 weeks...Levi was 9 days late so I don't think it made a difference for us but sometimes just feeling like you are doing something which might help can make you feel better :) You will be in here giving your own tips in no time!

Levi hasn't pooped since about 10pm last night. He is usually a poop in every diaper kind of kid so we are hoping he works something out soon. Poor little guy is seeming a bit uncomfortable. Not sure how long its ok to wait before I worry about the lack of pooping...any advice ladies with older kids?

Thanks, Chrissie x
Croy, J used to poop all the time and is down to twice a day now. It is, however, quite normal for breastfed babies to go less often. Once a week poos are not uncommon!
Croy if you're at all worried give him a teeny bit of boiled water. Thats what they advised me with Samuel
Hi ladies how is everyone? Lexi is much better touch wood!! She is on
A different milk she's on aptamil pepti an it seems to make her a lot happier, she's generally a happy chilled girl, she stares an looks around sleeps eats she's gorgeous.

Sleep wise I'm fortunate I'm not sure if it's a bottle fed thing but she's having 6oz!! Loves her food, every 4hours but in the night she s going 5-7 hours!

Croy she has not pooped yesterday but I give her water as she is bottle fed but hv said perfectly normal for baby's there only classed as constipated if there poo is hard like pellets an they haven't gone in days! X

Amanda my hv works a 2nd job dealing with the police an infant death, she was telling me throughout her years of investigation it's normally where parents have fallen asleep on sofa with bubs it's nearly always dads an nearly always smokers! I explained Pete was working away an I have had lexi fall asleep on me in bed an I woke up with her on me! An I have put her next to me in bed! She said as a mother you have a natural instinct even in ur sleep, you will hold onto your bubba same as sleeping with you as a woman mother it's ok x
Croy- Dylan uses to poop every diaper and a few weeks ago he only goes once or twice a week, it sucks as he seems to not be comfortable but the dr says its normal. When he goes: it's massive. We gave him 1 oz pear juice once and that worked but didn't work the next time. he eats all expressed breastmilk but once a day nursing. We are adding formula today as I can barely keep up with two and need extra from daycare.

Sarah- how big is she now? I wish I could give mine that much food, they get 85 ml per feed, 8 times a day. Glad she is sleeping so well!
Wow, Sarah that's great she is sleeping so well. Levi is up about every 2.5 hours and wants to eat!

We supplement with formula a couple of ounces with a night time feed, some times more. I was so sore from breastfeeding. I am healing now and he is latching better. I am calling the local hospital tomorrow to find there breast feeding support group to get someone to check the latch again. I wish someone would have warned me that breastfeeding isn't always the walk in the park its portrayed to be. It's hard and it doesn't mean you are doing it wrong if you feel that way, its just hard at first. Looking froward to feeling more on top of things soon.

Jeremy is back to work tomorrow and my parents just left this afternoon so I am home alone for the first time all day with Levi. I am excited and terrified in equal measure! I am hoping that we an both get up and dressed but other than that I am not planning much except a walk to the post office if we can! Pretty sure we will be getting take out for dinner though, not going to even try and make anything on my first day.

Thanks for the poop advice. I hve been giving him boiled water with a little Gripe water in it for a week or so. He pooped more today. I also read that at about this time, 3-4 weeks, they go through a growth spurt and literally are using more of the calories they get from mums milk so there are less to be pooped out. He actually started pooping again today. He is super gassy and that bothers him, but I guess its all about his body figuring out how to process food at all.
hi guys sorry ive not been about will update more tomorrow as paul is taking the kids out and kieran is getting registered i just wanted to jump on and share the link to his pictures i promise to do his birth story tomorrow i am so tired and can hardly function at the moment
Love the pics Jenny!

Gripe water- anyone give it straight from the dropper? I haven't tried any of it yet but want to. And do you give it right before you feed?
Puppy- how funny that Samuel is scared of his sister! It must be because toddlers are not the quietest or gentlest of creatures. :haha:

Croy- Congrats on finally getting your little miracle! On the poop issue… I don’t think it is cause for concern unless he is having a really difficult time and you can see he is in pain. Around 2 months Penny started pooping about once a day and sometimes will go a day or two with no bowel movement and she is fine. I’m sure your 1st time home alone with Levi will be a success! Tim only had a week off so I was on my own pretty quickly but I enjoyed having Penny all to myself again:thumbup:

Tracie- Congrats on your miracle as well! She sounds like she is climbing the milestone chart with great ease. She is at such a fun stage right now and they only get cheekier as the months go by. My little girl is more like a toddler than a baby these days and definitely has a mind of her own.

Bumpy- I started RTL at 34 weeks. I drank it once a day and then I moved to 2/3 cups a day after 37 weeks. I also used EPO and used it as a suppository at first but it was very messy and I even had a false alarm thinking my water was leaking.:dohh: I switched to orally which was much better but you are supposed to have better results if you put it right next to your cervix. I had Penny at 38+3 but I’m not sure if either of those things did the trick. We didn’t know until after the birth but her placenta and sack were inflamed which is why she came early and I didn’t go into established labor myself (it was nearly 28 hours from the time my water broke to the birth.) You are getting so close! Good luck!:flower:

Davies- Good to hear the change in milk has made a difference.:thumbup: You certainly do have a great sleeper! Enjoy it. I have also read that mothers have a natural instinct even when sleeping. When we co-slept we always had Penny on my side of the bed. Tim was fine if she slept on his chest but he almost rolled over on her the one time she slept next to him:wacko:.

Jenny- he is such a cutie! Love the new pictures:D

Hopeful- I gave Penny gripe water straight from the dropper but she did not like it so we haven’t used it since.

I hope everyone had a lovely weekend! We ended up not taking Penny camping since the weather wasn’t looking too good. Instead we had mimosa Sunday with all of our friends. They brought their kids and we went to the park and played volley ball and snacked on homemade crepes. Penny had a blast playing with all the kids (Layla is 2 months older and Boston is 4 months younger). That night we went to the balloon glow and looked at all the different vendors. Monday we had a play date with Layla and grilled out with friends. Last night Tim and I settled in after Penny went to bed and watched the Lorax and had a carpet picnic.
Jenny, love the pictures. Makes me miss the newborn stage already!

Hoping, sound like a wonderful weekend. Maddy and I have a Lorax date next weekend! I'm anxious to see it.

Hopeful, I give Bryce his gripe water straight from the doppler. He loves it and gobbles it right up. I give it to him just before bed when he needs it.

Croydon, we had issues with Bryce not pooing around that stage. It turned out to be the formula we were giving him on weekends (on weekends, hubby does one feed a night with formula). I've switched to a low iron formula now and it's a bit better.

My little girl went back to school today, so bittersweet. I'm looking forward to having some alone time with Bryce, but I miss my big girl already!!
Hi all I have the terrible twos starting at 19 months ! He is so different than my other two were Ben and Laura were so placid and good. Ollie is a little monkey. He has been a nightmare moaning for two days solid.....and he usually goes bed at 7 and self settles with a bottle and a cit full of teddies but no 2 nights running he has rattled the bars of the cot till they are loose, screamed his head off not cried just high pitched yell.

I think (well hope) its a teething phase or he is just picking up on the tension as we are under some pressure at home at min. I hope it will pass :(

My big girl goes to senior school tomorrow can't believe it and my eldest starts his nursing degree in Monday....where does time go!
Jenny -love the pics, get some rest while you can xx

Hopeful - Levi takes it straight from the dropper like its candy, he loves it and it does seem to settle him. I also have a bottle of boiled water that I make each day with a dropper full of Gripe water in it. We can give him that to try and help him wait for a feed if we are in the car or something, or just know he's not hungry. He refuses the pacifier sometimes but after a few sucks on the Gripe water bottle he will usually take it!

My first day home alone is going well. I haven't got much accomplished but I sis just bri=ush my teeth. I also ate breakfast and lunch and we even went on a little walk. Levi has been boycotting napping for longer than 20 minutes at a time so its been tough, and tough on the girls because he wants to feed all the time. I read they go through a growth spurt around this time so I am hoping that explains it. I won't be able to keep up with his appetite at this rate! ha ha! He's a growing boy :) He's asleep now in the swing so I am pumping and putting the inserts in his washed cloth diapers. He is about big enough for us to start using them, he's big but he has no bottom...clearly doesn't take after me in that area!

Also, ladies have any of you started your period yet? He is only 3 weeks old but I swear I am having some cramping already. I know breast feeding isn't a birth control method but I did think it was supposed to delay things for a bit. I wonder if C-sections change that? Anyone got any experience?
Hi Croy- my first day alone too! 3 hours of sleep last night as I did the night feeds...exhausted!!!! Ava is sleeping in her swing and I am pumping too! Congrats in a day well done. Do you have the snugabunny swing?

I had cramping when breastfeeding and pumping for a couple of weeks, then had a few random cramps later on, could be your uterus gong back to normal. Haven't had period yet, I though breastfeeding delayed it maybe?

Fluffy- I hope you are able to sleep soon. So that's what we have to look forward too? ;)
Well done to you too, Jodie, I am so impressed that you are coping with two little ones! I think Levi certainly does not have a personality that would have allowed him to be a twin! ha ha! Plus I tihnk he is a little too used not not being put down, so we need to work on that and letting him be a bit less attached to us. Hubs just likes to hold hm all the time, which is sweet but might not be the best for Levi now I am alone with him.

I am not sure exactly which swing we have, we are borrowing it from friends. Its a Fisher price cradle swing? I love it. It can swing back to front or side to side and can be laid back or more of a seat.
I did get the inserts put in the diapers so that feels good!

Get to do the whole thing again tomorrow!

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