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Hoping what's CIO? Sounds fab whatever it is!
Thanks for advise re colic ladies. She seemed a little more settled last night, hopeful she mainly has it at night, she tends to poo really late an it's the build up but even after she still pulls her legs up etc to pass wind, an screams as she does it! I am going to stick with this yuk smelling milk for few days anyway an see what happens, she went 830pm -330am for a feed then 7am so not bad at all! She was awake at 10pm-11pm pooing an pulling her legs up but still she did good x
Hi girls sorry been Mia been having a rough time with aarron so not been on but today I'm going to do my birth story on my mums laptop and get back into swig of things xx
Fluffyblue- I think we were on the Chart stalker’s thread about two years ago! I’m happy to see your little guy is thriving.

Davies- CIO is the “cry it out” method. I always swore I wouldn’t do this but I’m glad I tried because it worked fantastically for us. I hope the change in milk help or that you find one that works. She already sounds like a good little sleeper!

Jenny- I already replied to you on the Disco thread but wanted to say I’m excited to read your birth story!

Do any of the US ladies have fun plans for labor day weekend? I think we are going to take Penny on her 1st camping trip:D I’m so excited to spend 3 whole days with my little munchkin and the hubby!
No fun plans, I'm doing the CIO method on myself...lack of sleep will make you cry alot. Lol
Camping sounds like fun though.
Davies, we have something similar. J has what we call the witching hour. Come 7pm he is so tired and frustrated he can't take tummy trouble on top. On bad nights he gets so upset he can't even feed properly and the only thing that works is carrying him with his stomach on our hands facing the floor until he is calm enough to feed himself to sleep.
I suppose you've been shown some massage techniques for the tummy? One thing that also seemed to help J was a heated cherry stone pillow.

Thankfully, the bad nights are much much rarer now. It is just past 7pm right now and J is calmly sitting on my lap sucking on his fingers :)
Awesome to see people here! I'm loving how much slower it is moving. LOL!

SabrinaKat, I've seen you around. I'm an older mom too and have always dreamed of having more than one. But at this point, I just don't know if it is in the cards for me. And since she was just born, I seriously can't imagine wanting another one! But maybe some day I will. Like you, it would be something that would happen naturally I think. I'm so glad to be done with the TTC business. It was so stressful. And who knows if I'll ever be able to carry another one to term?

Does anybody else sorta feel guilty being grumpy and complaining when we got lucky, thankfully, ultimately? My OH used to comment, 'But I thought having a baby would make you happy', but I was also suffering from mild PND, sleep deprivation and hormones -- the first few months were really hard (also was recovering from pre-eclampsia), but now....I really am delighted overall....anybody else?

Yes, yes, and yes! I often feel guilty about complaining. But just because we've had losses doesn't make it any easier to be a mom. The sleep deprivation does a number on all of us. I'm also struggling with breastfeeding. Combine that with all the hormones and it can easily be a recipe for complaining and depression. I think I've had some mild depression. I think I'm finally moving out of it. I'm trying really hard to be positive, because yes, ultimately, I got the baby I so wanted. But it doesn't always make it easy!

Amber, so good to see you here! I'm glad to hear CIO worked for you. I know what a good mom you are and Penny comes first. I've always thought CIO wasn't for me either, but I may have to go that route at some point. Of course Delilah is too little at this point. We'll see. I know it works for a lot of people. Our cousins just did it with their 1 year old. They hired a sleep consultant and paid $500 to basically be told that the baby can be mad but not scared. So the dad would sit in the room next to the baby's crib while she cried. She could see him, so felt safe, but was just mad. He put on his headphones so he couldn't hear her. The first night she cried for an hour. The second night 30 minutes. The next night 15 minutes and since then she sleeps through the night with no fussing.

Sarah, (I'm going to try really hard not to call you Davies), have you tried Gripe water? Another mom just told me she swears by it for colic. Do you think Lexi is constipated? Delilah would grunt and groan from gas and poop inside of her. Recently I started massaging her little anus to relax the muscles. It helps a lot. It allows her to pass gas and it also allowed her to poop once. It's like a natural laxative. I make sure to keep a diaper underneath her though. It's not as gross as it least not to me.

Heather, good to see you here. Did you friend me on FB? I don't know anyone's real names and don't accept if I don't know who you are. Let me know and I'll accept you.

Pip, Delilah had the witching hour too! We also called it Tasmania as she was akin to the Tasmanian Devil. I think part of it is her reflux, but I also think we were under feeding her at the time. Once we started getting her nice and full, we haven't experienced the witching hour/Tasmania. Every now and again we will, but I think it's the stupid reflux that is bothering her.

Jodi, I CIO too! LOL! Sleep deprivation is no joke. Sorry I haven't responded to your text. I never seem to have the time.

Jen, patiently awaiting your birth story. It must be so hard with 2 kids!

I just bought the next best thing to the Fisher Price swing. I got an Ergo carrier. I'm wearing her right now. It's soooooo much more comfortable to wear than the Moby wrap. It is also sooooo much easier and faster to put on. I'm a big fan of this product. I wish I could just keep her in the swing, but even in the upright position, she starts to get the reflux. This girl seriously has to be completely upright for it not to bother her. I can't wait until she out grows it!
Yes Amanda I did...

Ollie has 2 black eyes from a bump on the head...he tripped and banged it in the corner of the skirting board massive lump bruise etc and now his eyes, luckily doc said its superficial. He is a menace and very clumsy!!

Ollie has a witching hour usually 6-7pm then he tends to self settle with a bottle. I'm quite lucky he sleeps very well.
Hm, anus massage - I never thought I'd be asking about that one but I am curious. I often lift J's legs by his thighs, right up towards his head. He grunts and pushes while I lift and often passes gas. It makes me laugh :blush:

Tasmania :rofl: When J gets really angry (immunisations coming up tomorrow) he goes mad like the little one does at the end of The Incredibles... Thankfully, it doesn't happen often! I like to keep my little boy as happy as can be.
Amanda I want to no more about massage to! Pip I pull Lexis legs up I cycle them! Nothing works!! She's really sick on this milk nutigem or something it's called got health visitor Tom so going to ask her what she thinks! She will be four weeks Monday N I'm still bleeding it's light but heavy enough for a pad! Anyone else had this after natural birth? My scars healing well obviously I haven't had sex yet, when can you have sex? X
Can't believe I've only just found this :dohh:

Hopefully this will move a little slower than the pal thread!!

I'm Emily. I have a dd aged 15, a dd aged 14, ds is 11 and our beautiful rainbow, Max is 17 days old.
I had three missed miscarriages before our little maximoo decided to hang around for the long haul! We had all the fertility tests done and nothing was found to be wrong with us but my lovely consultant decided to put me on progesterone from bfp.
I went to my consultant appointment and pretty much decided to have a break from ttc for a few months but the day after the appointment, I tested and got my bfp!!

It's lovely to see all my pal ladies over here and some new faces too. I'm finding being the mummy of a rainbow miracle totally different to being a mummy that hasn't suffered losses.
The joy is so much more intense but the anxiety and jumping up ten thousand times a night to make sure he's breathing isnt very nice to deal with!
It's nice to know there are lots of other rainbow mummy's who will just 'get' me. My family certainly don't!!
Ooh, Embo! Congratulations! How did everything go?

I know what you mean about the breathing. I force myself not to touch him to check so as not to wake him up but I do watch J's chest and listen for his breathing.

Davies, I've heard that baby massage can help although I'm personally not familiar with the techniques. For us, J mostly seems to have outgrown the worst. He's three months old now. I think that had we not been away I would have been knocking at the hv's door, too. Cranial osteopathy is another thing you could try. It sounds a bit flimsy but quite a few friends of mine have recommended it.
We saw an osteopath while in France. He was very knowledgeable on positions to hold J in and all the changes we made were very helpful to us and noticeably increased J's comfort (less arched back - plank of wood).

It's incredibly hard and so so draining when your baby cries, I really feel for you :hugs: but hang in there. Remember, this too shall pass :hugs:
Ok- I will go with first names too!
Amanda- which ergo baby wrap did u get? Is there just one main kind? I got a maximom carrier from moms of multiples sale and you can carry up to 3 in it! Dont know how and haven't used it yet but thinking I want something new and more sturdy.
Hey ladies! Just want to say hi and can't wait to graduate and join all of you here in the MARL thread :) will be stalking here for mommy tips!
Ah hi tuckie! X

Pip what is osteopathy? Sorry I'm such a divvo but not heard of any of this! My hv is coming sometime in morning so I'm going to tell her etc an so far she's been amazing at helping so im hoping she has another idea! I tried Colief in her recommendation tried this milk! Lexi is really sick on this milk so I'm joining u an embo on the check breathing one! Is that not normal lol! Sometimes I have just waved my phone in her face!! Eith the light just to check a breathing b no puke! She's a really noisy sleeper snores grunts etc!

So pleased we have this thread to feel normal about these things we do! X

Jodi Amanda when can you use carriers from? I have been lent one! I love them! Should look at box really lol! Would live to see pic Jodi of twins in one how cute! X
Amanda obviously d will look cute to! X

Well 525 she's only had 3oz as my friend reckoned I should give her another bottle last night in her colic scream! I new she didnt need it as she had fed 2hoirs before then I had given her 5oz of water, which settles her usually! Anyway I got talked into this final bottle to which she had 3oz when normally has 5/6! Now she's just had 3oz again!! Instead of 5/6!! Y do I listen to people n not just trust my instinct I no my bubba! X
The anus massage...basically you just take a clean finger and press it gently but firmly against their anus and rub it in a circular motion. The idea is to get the muscles to relax which in turn will allow the air to escape and any constipation. When Delilah was really backed up, this alone didn't work. She did enjoy how it felt though :shock: We ended up using a glycerine suppository. Lately she poops at least once a day, but the other day she was straining. Grunting really hard and sticking her legs straight out and crying while farting. I took her diaper off but kept it underneath her bum and did the massage. First a big fart came out then the poop started pouring out, right into the diaper. She stopped crying after that. You can also make clockwise circles on their tummies to help get things moving.

Jodi, this is the one I got I also have the infant insert for it. It's so comfortable to wear. I want to get a ring sling too. Pip, I noticed that you use one a lot. What brand do you have? I was thinking of getting a Maya Wrap ring sling. I just want something easy to throw on. The Moby is so time consuming.

Em and Pip, I do the exact same thing! I'm always poking and prodding her to see if she is breathing. I've gotten a little better, but I still check a lot. Being in the NICU didn't help at all. There were machines that told you when they stopped breathing, even for a second. I got so used to those that I actually missed them when we took her home.

I have a question for everyone. What is your sleep routine? Do you have one? I can't seem to get Delilah to sleep unless she is touching me in some way. Right now I go to bed around 10pm. Tim keeps her out in the living room and gives her a bottle around that time and I pump. He keeps her out with him until the next feed and he gives her a bottle and then takes her into the bedroom. Then she sleeps with me in the bed, but I'm so paranoid about her being in the bed that I don't get a restful sleep. Then she's ready to breast feed (which takes an hour to 1.5 hours!) and then I hold her sitting up in the nest of pillows I've made so her reflux doesn't act up. That's how we sleep for the remainder of the night/morning. Naps during the day aren't very successful either. After she eats, she falls asleep on me. I try and transfer her to the swing which works most of the time, but doesn't last more than an hour. Today I just popped her into the Ergo carrier after she was done with the swing. Otherwise I'm stuck on the couch with her sleeping on me.

Any suggestions? She's way too little for CIO in my opinion. I thing part of the issue is the reflux which there isn't much I can do except wait for her to grow out of it. But any suggestions would be appreciated.

Hi Tuckie! You are in the home stretch!
Amanada, I think your routine sounds pretty normal. Bryce is only 4 days older and he's got a similar pattern. Durring the day he only sleeps on me, in his swing or if I take him for a drive. His nights are pretty good, I BF him laying down around 9pm, he falls asleep on the bed and I move him an hour later when I go to bed. He sleeps in a bassinet at the foot of my bed. He usually wakes around 2 and 5am. That varies pretty greatly as sometimes it takes him nearly 2 hours to fall back to sleep after he feeds.

Hoping, we did the CIO with Maddy at around 12 months and it worked, but it was so hard. But she needed to sleep better and I was glad that I did it. She's been a great sleeper ever since.

Davies, my DD had colic and the only thing that helped was using a baby carrier. She was litterally strapped to me all the time until 4 months of age. Then just like magic something switched on and she just stopped crying all the time. With her, I really felt the cause of her colic was the inability to soothe herself. We tried all the tummy colic remedies but nothing made a difference.

Jodie, I'm a Jody too.... but with a 'Y'. Damn hippie parents thought it would be funny to give me the boys spelling of our name!

I poke my baby all the time! I wake up just to watch him breath sometimes. The funny thing is that I never did this with my DD. I think going through all my losses changed my perspective on how bad things can happen. Now I'm crazy paranoid.

Oh and the guilt....I feel that all the time too. I felt it really bad when I was pregnant. I wanted to be pregnant for so long, that I felt guilty that I hated it so much this time. I also feel bad that I'm looking forward to my DD going back to school. I fantasized for so many years about being on maternity leave again and spending time with her and my baby. But now I just feel overwhelmed.

Quick question..anyone have consistenly green gooey poo for a few days straight? I think Bryce may have a virus as the frequency has increased as well. He seems fine otherwise, so I won't bother with the docs for a few more days.

Hi to all the future Mommies, can't wait for you to join us.
Hopeful- I think we all did the CIO method in the early days:haha:. I know I did some crying mostly over BF and pumping… I had such a hard time with both.

Amanda- That is so crazy your cousin shelled out $500 only to be told to CIO! I would certainly recommend it later down the road. I’m happy to hear you have found a more comfortable product to baby wear. I can’t remember what kind of carrier I have but I love it and still use it when we go hiking, shopping or for a walk around the block. It was a life saver when I needed to get things done around the house and had an unsettled baby:thumbup:.

In the early months I didn’t really have a rigid sleep routine. We co-slept and were baby led. I was worried about instilling bad sleep habits but sometimes the only way to settle her was to let her sleep on us, rock her to sleep or she fell asleep on the bottle/breast. She is a great sleeper now so none of those things impacted her. We started a routine once she went into her own room at 4 months. Here is my sleep routine now (I change it every few months to fit her milestones):
I let penny climb up the stairs to her nursery with me closely following behind. She loves the stairs and it helps tire her out. We go to the bathroom and brush her teeth and every other night I will bathe her. I clean her teeth first and then let her practice brushing. We go to her nursery and she plays on her piano or with other toys while I get her PJs and a new diaper (if we have more time I will read her a story or play music and we will dance and be silly). Once she is ready for bed I turn on her turtle star projector and pick up her stuffed dog, Violet, and carry both of them around while I sing her bed time song (the same one I sang to her since she was a newborn). At the end of the song I have her kiss Violet good night and we tuck the stuffed dog into her crib. I talk to Penny and tell her to sleep tight and we have kisses and hugs. I lay her in her crib and turn on Violet’s bedtime song to penny by pushing the button on its foot. The song plays for two minutes and usually Penny is out by then.

Fluffyblue- poor little guy! Once they are mobile you can’t escape the scrapes and bruises… it comes with the territory

Pepitas- that is a cute mental image of your LO going crazy like the Incredibles:D

Davies- I think I bled for about 3 ½ weeks and dtd at 4 weeks. I think you can have sex once the bleeding has stopped and of course once you feel up to it emotionally and physically. We had sex after my postpartum check up… I wanted to make sure everything was good to go. As for having a loud sleeping baby… Penny was the same which was reassuring because I could always here her. I used to refer to her as my baby dinosaur/monster:haha:.

Embo- congrats on your new rainbow bundle! I still check that Penny is still breathing before I go to bed every night (I can't sleep without doing so)and she is 10 months old! I love the name Max btw.

Round- (if you prefer I will call you Jody) it is good to see you in here! I’m not sure about the green poo… its been so long since penny had every color of the rainbow poo. I’m still in awe of you taking on a new born and an active little girl! I have enough trouble keeping up with Tim and a curious 10 month old

To all the soon to be mommies- I can't wait for you all to have your Rainbow babies in your arms!

On the subject of feeling guilty about complaining… I do this too! I try to have a positive out look on everything and even when she is upset I just tell my self that if she is screaming/crying it means she is breathing, healthy and alive. I have a lot of patience with my LO but I am only human and when I do complain about being tired I feel super guilty. I have had an instance or two when my DH found both me and Penny on the floor of her nursery crying because both of us were overwhelmed and over exhausted. We have all been through an emotional roller coaster and I’m surprised we still hold it together as well as we do! My hubby at times will give me crap if I complain about being tired because I finally got what I wanted. Just because I complain doesn’t mean I love my LO any less… we all deserve the right to vent!

I almost forgot… when Penny had tummy issues a baby message always helped her out. If you rub their belly in a circular motion (clockwise), trace (rub) the letter I on their left side, up side down L (start at the right side by the ribcage and move across to the left side and then down to the hip) and then in an upside down U it is supposed to help them with gas. I think it is called the I Love U stroke.

Sorry for the super long post... my supervisor is out of the office so I have some extra time:winkwink:
Samuel comes to bed the same time as me. He won't sleep anymore except on or next to me, right next to me that is! He feeds to go to sleep then wakes at regular intervals to feed and i just give him a boob whilst lying down and go back to sleep. Halfway through the night i'll get up and switch sides so he can have the other boob but generally thats our routine. I change him before we go to sleep and then change him when we get up around 8am. He then feeds properly when we get up and doesnt sleep because he doesnt like Laura, she scares him. He's only settled when she's in bed or in her highchair quiet.
Haha, Puppycat, seriously - he doesn't like his sister? :rofl:

I don't actually use my ring sling anymore. I just don't get on with it :blush: Instead, I use one with a harness, similar to a babybjorn. I'd like a fancier one but need to contact my local sling library as I don't want to spend that much without testing it properly.

We had an evening of The Incredibles following our second immunisations :( I'm shattered but J is finally asleep sitting up on my lap.

Our normal night routine: I feed J to sleep, either lying down in bed or sitting up in the living room. I then leave him where he is or move him into his carrycot to keep him with us over dinner (didn't have a monitor until this week). He wakes up during the night and I feed him lying down. I suppose he's a good sleeper as he will usually fall asleep again even if I move him.

During the day he usually falls asleep on me during a feed.

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