My Birth story from Mar 2010(a bit long sorry got carried away!)


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Nov 24, 2010
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My Birth story (a bit long sorry got carried away!)

Well details first my yellow bump turned out to be blue and after saying all the way through that I thought he was going to be late he tuned up on his due date the 28th March 2010 at 8.34am weighing 7lb13oz a big surprise as everyone thought he was going to be a 6lb baby as I was so small and his name is Alfred William Bazyli Edwards.

Now for the long bit

Wed 24th
11pm I woke up feeling wet so I went to the toilet and when I wiped it was a pink streaked mucus, didn’t tell my OH as I thought he needed the sleep went to bed and started getting period type pains every 10 mins or so but went back to sleep

Thurs 25th
6am got up and had some paracetamol woke up OH and told him about pains but said he was fine to go to work as I thought this was just the start of things he came to bed for a cuddle, I had kicked him out at about 30 weeks as I liked having a mountain of pillows around me!. My pains tailed off during the day and were irregular so I relaxed, snoozed and watched tv. OH got home at around 6pm and we decided to get a takeaway from the Italian, I had an early night as I thought things might start up again when I went to bed, sure enough the pains started coming around every 10mins but I left oh to sleep.
11pm oh woke me up saying he thought I needed to see this something wasn’t right I took one look at his face which had swelled up and saw that he couldn’t breathe properly (he has asthma as well!) and decided we needed to go to a&e. he was admitted overnight and hooked up to all sorts of machines as he had had an anaphalactic shock due to the seafood (which he has always eaten and never had problems with!). The nurses were really worried about me as I mentioned that id had a few pains they wanted me to stay as well so they could keep an eye on me but I told them I was fine, I wanted my bed!

Fri 26th
I went home at 3.30am and was back to pick him up the next day at 8.30am we both spent the day in bed watching tv all my pains had stopped I think my body realized how tired I was.

Sat 27th
I got up feeling weird hubby was working and I was irritable and just didn’t feel quite right like I was coming down with something.11am had a bloody show and this is where things picked up, pains were coming regularly at 8mins apart and were a lot stronger than previously. We went to our house to do some plumbing (we are staying at my mums static caravan at the min due to our house having no bathroom) at around 2pm I decided I wanted to go back to have a shower, something to eat and put my tens machine on. At this point I was having to concentrate on the contractions and realized that this was probably it but in all my excitement I forgot to tell hubby so he was really grumpy at having to leave his plumbing!! (He forgave me later!)I had a shower and watched tv lent forward over some pillows as there was no room for the ball and at my last midwife appointment I was told he was slightly back to back so it I felt pains get on my hand and knees
5pm put tens on I found that this was great and really helped thought the contractions we rang the hospital at about 7 just to give them a bit of notice
10pm we went into hospital I was having 3 contractions in 10mins and they were lasting over a minute, but still bearable I only went into hospital at this point as I was eager to see where I was up to, if I had to prepare myself for being in labour a long time if I was shown to only be 1cm.
10.30pm I was put in a labour room but told that I might not stay there, the mw lay me on the bed felt a contraction and said that was a weak one (which it was as I was lying down) and to not get my hopes up she did an internal and mw was shocked that I was 4cms and stretchy (yey!!) and I was told I would be staying. We asked if the birth pool was free but unfortunately it was occupied but if this changed she would let us know as she loved doing water births. We got settled, she got me something to eat and was told she would pop in and out to check on me and I would be examined again at 2am. Managed with the tens, the birth ball and the rocking chair but I was clock watching from 1.30 onwards as I was feeling like I wanted some sort of pain relief but I wanted to wait and see how far I had gotten before I decided what. At some point I had a conversation with the midwife about pain relief and she advised pethedine not gas and air as it was my first it would give me chance to rest as it was likely to be a long labour, I was quite open to the idea of pain relief (before I was in labour) to allow me some rest if labour was slow but I did want to avoid it if possible. My mum always tells me the horror story of my sister not breathing properly when she was born and says she would have died if she wasn’t in hospital (!) after doing all my research I realised it was because the pethedine was given too close to delivery.

Sun 28th
2am I was examined and I was 7cms!!! We discussed pain relief again and as I was coping so well we decided to try the gas and air, wow brilliant stuff I was a happy bunny again! Hubby gave me a lovely leg massage with the labour oil I had bought, The only thing that bothered me at this point was I felt like I needed a poo (tmi)and I couldn’t go!! I was only iron tablets that made me constipated and my friend who has had 3 babies had advised to have a poo before labour started as it made things easier so I was a bit paranoid about the lack of poo, I didn’t voice my concerns to anyone though and TBH looking back it was probably just the pressure of the baby.
6am shift change and I was examined again between 6.30 and 7 by both the midwife and the student I was really annoyed that the mw didn’t tell me where I was up to until she pointed out that she couldn’t as the student wouldn’t learn anything!! and I was 10cms (woohoo!) and they asked if I would like my waters breaking (they were bulging) I said I would, didn’t hurt a bit, they said they would leave me for 2hrs for baby to come down but 40mins or so later I was pushing mw’s were really surprised they looked at each other then at me and said are you pushing I replied I might be as I didn’t want to get told off! I didn’t need any direction it was just so natural I just couldn’t not push and I didn’t even tell them I wanted to push I just started doing it. They didn’t coach me though any of the pushing until the crowning so none of that push push push counting to 10 stuff that you see. I think the crowing was the most intense bit of it all I felt it all at the top but they tickled water over me which was ace it really really helped. As soon as his head was born I said ‘well that’s a relief!’
He was born at 8.34am on his due date, I had a second degree tear from his shoulders where the mw pulled him down instead of up but stitches have been fine.
Labour was recorded as
first stage 10 hrs 40
second stage 24 mins
membranes broken to birth 1 hr 19.

I can honestly say I enjoyed my labour the hyperemesis that I suffered from was far worse and the midwives who looked after me all said that they didn’t want to see me again they wanted me to have a homebirth. On another note for those scared of hospitals due to the intervention, despite not putting it on my notes about minimal intervention I was never strapped to monitors during labour they just monitored my pulse,bp and the babies heart rate every 40 min (ish) with a Doppler on a stand, the only time I had a midwife with me constantly was after the shift change at 6am when I was already 10cms it was made know to me by my first midwife that she would have liked to have been with me more but her other lady wasn’t coping too well and the only thing that annoyed me about hospital was at one point a different student midwife was sent o check on me (just before shift change) and I had been sick and she said it was because I was using the g&a wrong but I wasn’t I think it was transition.

So there we go alfie is now 10 months I managed to bf until 5 1/2months when he decided bottles were easier and I’m now back at work and deciding when to have no2!!
Thanks we thought it was a bit much having 2 middle names but one is my hubbys dads and the other is my hubbys stepbrother (who is no longer with us) they both went well so we thought why not!

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