My Birth Story. Peyton Sofia born Aug 22/2010 (long sorry)


Maman to my girly Peyton!
Dec 22, 2009
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It all started Friday August 20th at about 5am. I got out of bed for a pee and was very proud to have gotten to sleep 4 consecutive hours until I felt a little gush down below. I stopped dead in my tracks trying to figure out if it was my water or a weak bladder so I made my way to the bathroom to investigate. There was enough there to wet my panties but since it wasn’t happening again I went back to bed and figured I could wait till morning to call my midwife. I called my MW around 8:30am. She was doubtful that it was my water but to be on the safe side she told me to meet her at the hospital at 11am for an internal exam. Once at the hospital my MW performed the swab test for amniotic fluid which was positive but my MW was still not too worried at this point because it could have been mucus, blood or urine so she cleaned around the cervix, then made me cough on the next test and it was also positive.

A little panic ensued on my part because I was not quite ready to go into labour yet. My MW and I discussed the next steps which we hoped going into natural labour within the next 24hrs (however that didn't happen) we finally agreed to meet in the labour ward at 9 am Saturday August 21th. When I arrived I was put on a fetal monitor and everything was great with P and we consulted with the OB as per our course of action before making any decisions. We were sent down to U/S to check how much fluid was left. The U/S was one of the highlights of our stay at the hospital. The U/S tech confirmed that P was in fact a girl and that everything looked great. There was plenty of fluids left and guesstimated her weight 7lbs 8oz.

We were then sent back up to the maternity ward where my MW and the OB presented us with 2 options: go home and come back in 3 to 4 days for another scan to check fluid levels or be induced with Cervidil to soften and efface my cervix. After discussing alone with our MW, Nathan and I decided to go with induction because MW was sort of concerned about infection. Cervidil was then inserted at 1:45pm, I was placed on fetal monitor for 2 hrs around and things were still looking good. At 4pm we were officially admitted to the hospital and led to our room.

By 5:30pm I started having irregular contractions at about 6:30pm the Cervidil tampon fell out on it's own. All evening I was having irregular contractions that were not very painful and finally at about 11:45pm I decided to try to sleep, however I couldn't since the contractions started coming every 5minutes. I lay in bed until about 12:30am staring at the clock timing my contractions and finally decided to get up to go pee. I grabbed my ipod to time the contractions and returned to bed and lay on my side instead of on my back to see if the contractions would still be coming… of course they did exactly on time. When the second contraction on my side started I heard a pop and my water broke all over the bed at 1:43am. I woke Nathan up who started moving furniture around thinking that the baby would be here sooner the later. LOL! I told him to relax call the nurse and help me out of bed. This is the point where everything blurred together. The contractions kept coming longer and stronger all through the night. I tried several positions which didn't ease the pain, I took a shower which didn't ease the pain, Nathan and I did breathing techniques which didn't ease the pain and my confidence was shaken as the pain became unbearable. At around 3:50am our Nurse Ashley checked my cervix which was 4cm dilated. Shortly after this I threw up from the pain although I was very disappointed in myself for not going through with a completely natural child birth I gave in and begged for Nubain and Gravol at about 4:30am but my husband wanted me to wait for my MW before taking anything because he thought I was going to be mad at him for letting me take it. So at 5am after Kathy and I discussed it I got the pain meds. I can describe the Nubain and Gravol in one word: USELESS!!! It didn't take away any pain, it only made me stoned between very painful contractions.

By 7am I was begging for an epidural which I received at about 7:45am along with the Oxcitocin drip. I wanted to kiss the doctor who administered the epidural. She was so calm and reassuring and by 8am I felt complete relief. By this time my body had experienced so much pain that I was suffering violent tremors and they continued for the better part of the day. I spent most of Sunday alone as my MW and nurse Nancy wanted me to get some rest so my husband spent most of the day in the waiting area with other family members. The nurse however was in every half hour to check my blood pressure and temperature.

Around 3:30 to 4pm I was put on an antibiotic drip just to be safe. I started to feel pain in my lower belly which was the result of the epidural wearing off and as time went on the pain kept getting worse. Also at around this time the nurse and MW were asking me if I was starting to feel the urge to push… I didn't, I just felt a pressure in my bottom and the pressure got worse and worse with every contraction which thankfully weren't as horrible because the epidural was still in place. The Nurse and MW kept asking if I felt the urge to push and because I didn't at around 5:15pm the OB was called in the assist with the birth by vacuum. He arrived at around 5:30pm and at about 5:45pm I was told we would start pushing through the contraction which I still couldn't feel very much but they were monitored on the fetal monitor. My MW, nurse, OB, mother and husband were all encouraging me to push with all I had to get our little princess out safely as I was nearing an emergency C-section. So I dug deep down to find strength I didn't even know I had and after pushing trough 4 contractions we welcomed our daughter into the world on Sunday August 22nd at 6:13pm. She weighed 6lbs11oz and was 20.5 inches.

It feels like our story was only just starting at this point and got worse before it started getting a little better. We found out baby Peyton was jaundice when she was 1 day old and had to spend a day and a half in and photo-therapy bed. This added to 4 nights of no sleep, new mother anxieties and adjusting to the new family dynamic was very overwhelming for me. Peyton was finally discharged the morning of the 25th and we were finally able to come home as a family. Nathan, Peyton and I have been spending the week together getting to know each other as a family. I wouldn't go as far as to say that things are easy just yet but they are improving day by day.


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What a beautiful story! You did a great job! And what an amazing feeling it must be to be a first time mama :flower:
Congratulations! She is beautiful! You did amazing! How are you enjoying being a mommy?
Thanks Steph,

The emotion is still raw and I am still somewhat upset I ended up taking the interventions, but the Dr. told me that the way she was presenting was what was causing me unbearable pain. I need to accept that!

dont feel bad about it sweetie. You did an EXCELLENT job. You did your best and thats all that matters. Plus, it sounded like a long labor and sometimes an epidural is necessary for the mama to get rest. Try not to feel bad about it. You should be proud of your accomplishment :flower:

btw, she is SOOO cute!!! :cloud9:
Looks alot like her mama :)
I understand how you feel. Kaiden's presentation caused me unbearable pain as well. And my midwife felt that I got to a point where interventions were needed. I still get upset that I took interventions sometimes but those feelings come less often than in the beginning. In the first couple of weeks I cried a lot but now I just think about the what ifs. But what's important is that you did what was needed to bring her into this world safely and sometimes that requires intervention.

You did a great job and you should be proud! If you ever want to chat let me know.
Congratulations honey, you did a fabulous job and she is absolutely beautiful xx
You have a beautiful baby girl, Brig! Enjoy her! I know you are upset that your birth didnt go as planned, im sorry hun :hugs:
:hugs: I'm sorry your birth didn't go to plan but you did a great job! She's here and she's gorgeous :hugs:
Wow she is absolutely gorgeous! Well done and thanks for sharing x
Brig well done honey - shes a cutie and you are both fine. Birth plan is just that so dont be disappointed if you didnt follow the plan, main thing is shes here and when you look at her everything else just melts away.

Enjoy her and being a Mummy, you and Nathan are gonna be fab - go Team Suave! xxx

Congratulations hun! U did so well... and she is absolutely lovely!! All that hair :cloud9: ... wow!!! :flower: x
well done to you both you've done brill but its a big thing you're bodies just gone through so dont be too surprised that it takes some adjusting its normal!!
Congratulations - you did so well. Peyton is gorgeous xxx

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