Just after some advice as to number of cloth nappies to get. I live in a flat and the washing machine is in the basement & shared between 6 households but there are no other kids just couples/singles in the building. I usually get it one full day a week for bedding etc but can easily but a single load thru at other times - usually late evening. I would really want to have enough nappies for washing every 3rd day though just in case.
Current plan is to get Little lamb starter pack (20 nappies, 10 wraps, reusable liners etc)
I have 3 shaped flannel nappies a friend has gotten me from Sears Canada.
I have 1 all-in-one nappy (not sure of brand its at my mum's in the uk)
I also have 3 2nd hand bambino-mio wraps
I was planning to maybe get a pack of terry squares as back up and a few more all in ones. I also wondered how people find the shaped terries - they don't look that absorbent to me and my feeling is the squares will be better as they become multi-layered wiith folding etc.