My induction at 38 weeks (very very long!)


Well-Known Member
Mar 29, 2010
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I wrote this when Macy was 3 weeks old but just haven’t got round to posting it!

Well, Macy is 3 weeks old now and I thought I better get round to writing this before I forget all the little details! Quite a lot of my labour is fuzzy so my OH and my Mum have had to fill me in!

My story starts at 37weeks, I went in to the maternity unit for a growth scan, I'd been having them every 3weeks since 25weeks as my fundal height measurements were small and the scans were showing babys growth was slowing down. At the scan I was told baby had hardly grown at all since the last one and was now down on the 5th centile for growth. I spoke to a consultant and a doctor who recommended careful monitoring/scans and induction as soon as my cervix was favourable but no later than 39weeks. I was a bit gutted as I really really wanted a natural, active birth and I knew that induction would likely ruin this! But on the other hand, I'd been really worried about baby due to growth, lack of movements and other problems with bleeding etc. and I was really glad I would be getting to see her safe and sound in my arms as I still had it in the back of my head that she wasn't going to make it.

I was checked and they said that my cervix was already favourable - I was 1-2cm dilated, soft and babys head was pressing on my cervix just waiting! I'd had a few niggles and also lost some of my mucus plus so they did a little stretch and sweep and said my body was already preparing for labour on it's own and I had a good chance of going into labour naturally before the induction anyway! I was booked in for 38weeks and they told me to drink Raspberry Leaf Tea, have lots of sex (not that I felt like it lol), keep active and eat pineapple all week.

That week I tried everything to get myself into labour - sex, breastpump, evening primrose oil, loads and loads of raspberry leaf tea, acupuncture and spending all day on the birthing ball. It didn't send me into labour but I could feel myself getting ready as I often had contractions for a couple of hours I could feel the babys head right down low. I also kept changing my mind about accepting the induction as baby's movements were good and the CTG monitoring I was having every couple of days showed she was doing well too. I wanted to delay the induction but I was too frightened too incase something happened to my baby if I put it off any longer. The night before the induction I was so nervous I could hardly sleep at all but by the time morning came around I was just glad to be getting my baby out that day.

I went in for my induction at 8am and waited all day, they kept saying they’d get to me but in the end they said they were sending me home as I needed two midwifes and a one-to-one doctor. I had a horrible midwife who kept telling me how likely and induction wouldn’t work at my stage and how I’d probably end up with a section and wouldn’t be allowed to move as they’d need to do continous monitoring etc. etc but I tried not to let it get me down. They did a quick check of my cervix before I left and said I had a favourable cervix with a bishop score of 5 (needs to be at least an 8 to break water) and they did a stretch and sweep. So off we went to visit my Mum and sister to pass the time and then straight home to bed where I didn’t sleep a wink all night yet again! I was really gutted as I’d set myself up for meeting baby and then being sent home brought all my worries and nerves back again.

Next day, we came in early for about 7.30am and I was put on the CTG straight away. I had a new midwife who was a lovely older woman who was really keen to let me have my natural birth and was hoping that they would only need to use the pessary then could just leave me to it. She was really positive and I was really really hoping she’d be with me through most of my labour! Everything was fine on the CTG so I was given the 24hr propess pessary after an hour and then monitored for another half hour. I asked what would happen and they told me I’d just have to wait and see if I go into labout and if not I wouldn’t be checked until the next day. Anyway, me and OH chatted and went a wander round the hospital for a bit but nothing was happening. I got a bit bored and fed up and started to moan then my OH popped out for lunch. While he was away I got up and spent the hour doing star jumps and walking round in circles and started to get some niggles in my back. This was about 1pm. Once OH had come back I had started to feel more pain and was put back on the CTG which was showing contractions every 3 minutes but they weren’t lasting very long. My Mum and sister came to visit for an hour and the contractions went away while they were there.

After they had gone, the contractions came back to every 2 minutes and were starting to get just a little bit sore. They didn’t feel like I expected at all - I was expecting strong period-type cramps but really the contractions felt like a sharp pain where someone was tightening a rope around my lower tummy. By 4-5 pm I was using the birthing ball and bending over for each contraction as they were getting quite sore and I was having to breathe through them but I was coping brilliantly! The midwife left me alone all the time except she came in about 5.30 to give me a TENS machine and tell me that I’d be getting the pessary taken out and my waters broken at 6pm and that because I was contracting really well I would be able to let my labour progress naturally and just go on the CTG every couple of hours for 10-20mins to check baby was dealing with contractions okay. I had been on the CTG a few times and throughout the whole thing the baby wasn’t showing any signs of distress. I was still managing to laugh and joke with my OH between the contractions and when he popped out for his dinner I jumped in the bath which stopped the contractions. When I came out and started walking about again they came back much stronger and I was in quite a lot of pain so I started the TENS machine which was amazing - I really recommend these!

At 6.30pm the new midwife came in to break my waters but she tried for ages and couldn‘t so had to go and get a doctor instead! The doctor finally managed to break them, it wasn’t really sore except when I was contracting and I couldn’t move as his hands were inside me lol. They told me I was 3cm dilated and babys head was right there waiting to come out but I was a bit disappointed as I expected to be further on based on the pain I was in. After that, the contractions came on stronger and I phoned my Mum to come up as she wanted to be there for the birth and the midwifes told me the baby would be born that night or in the very early hours of the morning.

The new midwife wasn’t as nice as the last one and decided that I would have to stay on the CTG for the whole of my labour so I wasn’t allowed to move which wasn’t nice. They told me I would have to progress to between 4-5cm in 2hours or I’d be put on the drip to intensify the contractions. I was really upset as my contractions were already really painful and I was now only getting a break of 1-2minutes between each one, I felt my labour was progressing really well on it‘s own but they told me I didn‘t have much choice as they wanted to get my labour over with quickly. After only 45minutes the midwife decided that I had to start the drip and at this point I started to panic and lose control of the contractions as I’d heard loads of horror stories of how the drip makes contractions much more painful and can stress baby out.

Up until this point I’d been handling the contractions really well but once the panic started I struggled to cope with them and I started to cry and demand diamorphine if she was putting me on the drip (I had actually really really wanted to avoid any drugs and was so angry and upset at myself). I was given gas and air instead which was great for a while. The midwife tried to put the drip in but my veins kept spraying her lol so she went to fetch a doctor which I was happy about as it took ages and I got longer without the drip. The doctor fitted the drip and I sat up in a chair next to the bed and rocked and groaned my way through the contractions. I still had the CTG straps round my belly which were really starting to annoy me as I could hardly move with them.

From now on, details start to get really blurry and I can hardly remember the timeline of anything but will try and keep it right as best I can!

Shortly after the drip was turned on the contractions were getting stronger and were less than a minute apart and I was really struggling so I kept asking for diamorphine but the midwife kept delaying and making excuses (I think it was actually because I had in my birth plan that I wanted to avoid it). I took the TENS machine off although I wish I’d kept it on as I realise now it was definitely still helping! Eventually I started to get really rude and demanding and I kept begging her to hurry up and give me it now as I couldn’t cope. I can’t really remember this time as my OH says I wasn’t given the diamorphine until midnight but I was sure it was early as I can’t remember that much from getting the drip fitted to midnight! I know that before the diamorphine I was starting to scream a little and cry with each contraction as they were so sore, like nothing I’d ever felt before and they kept turning the drip up more and more before I’d had the chance to get used to the intensity of the last one!!

Once the diamorphine kicked in I was so much calmer and a much nicer person lol. I can’t explain how it works, it didn’t really take the pain away but it took me to my own little world and I was smiling and giggling with the contractions thinking “Hey, this really hurts but I really don’t give a fuck!” I was also talking lots of rubbish to my OH and Mum which had them in fits of laughter and I was getting annoyed at the midwifes touching me during a contraction and kept telling them to leave me alone (normally I’m a really shy, polite person and never swear too!). Also kept reciting stuff about labour/birth to the midwifes as if they didn’t know how to do their job and I kept telling them I was right and they were wrong! The diamorphine made everything really slow and the babys heartbeat sounded really slow to me on the CTG but apparently it was fine.

The diamorphine wore off after a couple of hours and I started screaming and moaning again. The midwifes kept feeling my tummy during a contraction which bloody hurt and I was really annoyed and kept telling them they were “fucking annoying me” and slapping their hands away hehe. I kept begging for another dose of the diamorphine but they said I had to wait until it had been 3 hours since the first one. Don’t know how I got through that hour but there was lots of screaming and swearing and was sucking in as much gas and air as I could, don‘t think I ever really got the hang of it though and they didn‘t tell me how to use it properly!! They checked my cervix before giving me the next dose of diamorphine and yay I was 7cm!!!

I was only allowed a half dose of diamorphine this time which still helped but it wore off after about an hour and at this point I was in agony. I was absolutely screaming at the top of my voice each contraction and begging my Mum and OH to help me. I also kept needing to get up to pee and there was no gas and air in the toilet which was awful. Towards the end I just couldn’t cope with the contractions anymore and I couldn’t even scream, I could only sob and sob when I felt one coming on and the drip was making them come on so fast I couldn’t even catch my breath between each one. I kept asking how far along I was but they wouldn’t check, it felt like hours and hours but really I think it was only a couple of hours and then I was feeling the urge to push.

Started to push but it was now after 4am the next day and I had absolutely no energy, I couldn’t even hold my own head up and they were making me lie flat on my back which I really couldn’t push against. I was really embarrassed as I pood a little at this point and the midwife didn’t clean it, just stuck a tissue over it and I wanted it away before my OH seen! Once the head started crowning the midwifes and my Mum kept telling me I wasn’t pushing hard enough and wasn’t putting effort in and I had to try harder as baby was getting distressed. I was really upset and absolutely screaming as I was giving it 110% and the babys head was causing me agony, I felt like it was stuck behind the bones at the front of my pelvis and I was really burning like something was splitting something inside me. I knew I needed to switch position to get the head out but they wouldn’t let me! My OH was the only one encouraging me now and I felt like everyone else was against me.

Babys heartbeat dropped really low at this point and wasn’t recovering so the resuscitation trolley was brought in and I asked to try squatting to get baby out as I was getting really panicky! They turned me over and at the same time pulled the emergency buzzers to take me to theatre and a few doctors and midwifes came into the room. Once I was squatting I gave a couple of pushes and her head easily came out. I had to wait for the next contraction and push her body out which was harder than I thought - I always thought it would just slide out after the head! She was a blue/purple colour when she came out but she cried within a few seconds. I just kept asking if she was okay. Her cord was cut and they took her to the trolley to see if she needed any oxygen but she was fine so they wrapped her in a towel and brought her back to me.

The placenta came away within 5mins after the injection (which actually still hurt a little!!) and then I was given my baby girl for skin-to-skin. They also checked me for perenial tears and I was told I had severe labial grazing at the front that was unstitchable and also I was pretty badly bruised at the front.

My OH and Mum went home for some sleep. I was so out of it at this point I wasn’t really interested in her and after trying to get her to breastfeed for about an hour I gave up and the midwife dressed her for me as I was too exhausted and upset. The midwife then helped me into the shower and to get pyjamas on, I was really surprised at myself here as I’m so shy and prude and would never normally let anyone see me naked but at this point I didn’t care and the cleaner and every midwife in the hospital seen me wandering about stark naked with blood and gunk dripping out of me lol. Throughout my labour I also didn’t care and I think I actually ended up naked in the end as my nighty was so annoying and kept getting soaked in my waters and sweat etc. Yuck!

I was transferred to the maternity unit where I finally managed to get a couple of hours sleep then my OH came back and the visitors started when all I wanted was some peace and quiet. I got home the next day and my MIL had to give us a lift as our car was getting fixed. She was really annoying and kept telling me how to hold/dress her etc. and I was still hormonal and wanted to tell her to bugger off lol. She’s still as annoying and still tells me how to look after her today!!

We never did manage to get Macy to latch so we ended up syringe feeding for a few days and then I breastfed with nipple shields for 2 weeks. I had severe baby blues that turned to PND and ended up giving the breastfeeding up as I couldn‘t cope with her on my own at nights and my OH and Mum had to take a shot L I’m really disappointed but it was the best decision for me and I know my little girl needs a happy Mummy. I did express for as long as I could though.

Macy is 3months now and suffers from significant reflux and also a cow’s milk allergy. She’s on a lot of medication and is quite a tough baby, we‘ve been in and out of hospital with her reflux and refusal to feed and she is still underweight. We’re now under a team of paediatricians and a dietician too. We’re getting there though and I wouldn’t change her for the world. I think I might start a little parenting journal soon as I love writing.

Because of all the trouble I had during pregnancy, labour and then the horrendous month or two before Macy’s reflux was medicated (DR’s wouldn’t listen to me and kept saying she screamed 23hours a day because she was just fussy) we’ve decided we’re not having any more babies even though we’d planned two close together L I don’t think I could cope with another baby right now! I’ve just had a 5 year coil fitted so I might change my mind when I’ve forgotten about it all in the future. Sorry this story is so long, hope I didn’t bore anyone! If anyone has any questions about my labour or the induction feel free to ask away, nothings too personal! xx
congrats hun, im sorry it was a rough delivery and hard afterwards though xx
Awh, sounds like you had a tough time of it, I'm so sorry. Can I ask which part of Scotland you are from or what hospital you had LO in? It's just I have heard some horror stories about one of my local hospitals!
Thanks guys, it doesn't sound like a very nice story but my little girl is worth it and I wouldn't change anything for the world cos she is just perfect.

Sarah I'll PM you, don't really like posting where I am too much on here lol!

Congratulations on your little one. Sounds like you had a really tough time. I'm terrified of giving birth and I think I will opt for a c section when the time comes if it ever comes :winkwink:
Thanks, yeah it was tough but it was worth it, just won't do it again lol.

Good luck for when ur time comes :) xx
OMG that sounds horrible :(
at least you have a beautiful baby at the end of the day,
I always worry about being induced because of my diabetes, :(
I hope its not all bad.

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