My Latest HV rant


Molly and Ethan's Mummy
Mar 19, 2008
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Molly has her 1 year check today (1 month late as the HV cancelled). She was really impressed with Molly generally, she said her mobility and talking were coming along really well. :cloud9:
When she turned up Molly was asleep upstairs so I had to go and wake her up. Obviously when i brought her down she was sleepy, and she still had her dummy. Usually Molly only has her dummy for sleeping, then occassionally in the daytime. So the first thing the HV does is give me a huge lecture about dropping the dummy as she is now a year old. :growlmad:When Molly had woken up a bit I put her down on the floor and she crawled over to the sofa where the HV was and stood up. She was just watching her, not trying to grab at her files or anything, and the HV said 'could you please move your child before she wrecks something':saywhat:. I would have grabbed her if she was interfering but she was doing no harm just watching, and I thought the HV would like to see her crawling around etc. Next she weighed her. Molly now weighs 19lb 5oz and has gone up to nearly the 50th percentile.:happydance: Then she did her head circumference which is also on the same percentile, and her length. Molly is on the 91st percentile - as to be expected as me and DH are both fairly tall. So the first thing the HV says....... 'oooooh shes skinny'. I think she knew right away that she shouldnt have said it as she started back tracking and saying 'actually she doesnt look skinny, I think she's just gonna be tall'. :dohh:. She asked me about what Molly eats. Molly loves veg and fruit, and would eat brocolli all day long if you let her.... so the HV gives me a huge lecture about how I should make sure she eats well as she was prem. :wacko:
So all in all Molly is doing really well. The only thing the HV picked up on is that her 'midline play is slightly immature', eg she doesnt point or wave yet. She said her speech is advanced for her age, and she said she thinks she will be walking in a few months!! It's a good job I'm not easily offended, she is soooo tactless:grr:
Thanks for reading all that, just needed to vent!!
HV are absolutely rubbish!!! when freddy was first seen by them my hv kept saying "well normal babies" whats mine a freak! I just think they really do not know what they are talking about!

My HV said yes drop the formula as cows milk will help with constipation, consultant said no keep with formula till corrected at one as cows milk can cause constipation!

Mind you my new consultant i absolutely hate! Hated her in the unit as when freddy was at deaths door she just said "oh my god I dont know whats wrong with him he is being a right pain!" Did have Cathy Garland but she left now have Liz Donovan! grrr she also upset me on check up as went into this long speach about how people think they shouldnt revive 27 weekers and the only problems are he wont be good at maths or science. Thanks for that! She also is getting a development person out as he is not crawling yet.

I think this forum is more helpful and tactful than the proffesionalls in our lives!
Bloody hell, what is wrong with these people! They have so little understanding of preemies. I cant believe she told you to move Molly like that either.

I think if someone treated me like that I would loose it with her, you did well to stay calm:hugs:
Oh my! Your HV sounds like a bag of misery lol.
I think I would have said to her that she was in the wrong job!! Silly cow!
And as for Molly having a dummy whats wrong with that, My girls still have theirs when they are tired and occasionally through the day and I aint having anyone tell me they cant have it..
Chloe and Jaycee have only just learnt to wave they dont point. They only say dadda and mummum! x
I must be lucky - I really like my HV, and her opinions/advice are far more in line with my own than those of the Paediatrician :D
she sounds like a real jobs worth - id switch if you get the chance

Molly has come on fab and you should be praised not questioned xx
I'd have thrown her out as soon as she said "move your child" No way I could stand for that kind of nonsense.

But then, I hate Health Visitors. In fact, I haven't seen mine since Abby was about 4 months old.

Well done to Molly - and to you, you're obviously doing something wrong.

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