My Lovely Birth!


Well-Known Member
Jun 21, 2009
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Hi Ladies,

Well I gave birth on 22nd May so it's about time I wrote it down before I forget!

I had a fantastic experience, after being told by numerous midwives & consultants that they expected me to struggle with birth, being that I'm only about 4'10 & OH is 6ft and quite broad etc! I struggled with morning sickness all through my pregnancy & had a few blips of high blood pressure too & a panic in te final few weeks that I was measuring 5 weeks behind according to fundal heights measurments, the consultant had wanted to induce me early & then agreed to leave me until 41 weeks but not a day more as I wanted to try and go naturally...

Anyway I'd been taking RLT & EPO for a good few weeks before I was due & tried to keep as active as poss.

I woke up at 6.38 (no idea why I remember the exact time, but hey!) on Sat 21st & I'd had a big bloody show & got v.excited, saw the midwife for a routine bp check about 10am who tried to tell me it could still be a while yet & to just wait & see.

I decided I wanted baby out (I was due on the Monday) so dragged my OH to the local park & walked around until I started getting back ache quite badly. Once we got home I lay in bed & tried to sleep but woke up about 4pm with my first noticeable contraction, it didn't hurt but it was definately there- from there they started to be every 15 mins or so, we went to krispy kremes that night then went to bed, where the contractions kept building!

I managed to cope all through the Saturday night as the contractions slowly got closer together, by 9am on Sunday they were much stronger & I was having 3 contractions within 10 mins, lasting about a minute each so I rang the ward, who tried to reassure me birth was still a long way off and to stay put if I could cope.

I managed on my birthing ball & by swaying my hips until 4.30ish then decided they were getting a lot stronger, I couldn't talk through them so decided to go & get examined at the hospital.

the midwife examined me & told me I was only 2/3cms and baby had turned back to back.......great! She was about to send me home but my bp had gone up again so she decided to put me on a ward & warned me things may get painful & take some time due to the baby's position.

I went to the ward & wanted to cry- everyone else on the ward had babies! And visiting time was fast approaching- all the time I was contracting, trying not to scare the 3 yr old who was visiting his mum in the next bed! Me & OH decided we'd rather walk round the hospital than be there so off we went!

My mum showed up about 6.30- (she'd said she'd bring my some magazines as we thought I'd be in over night) we carried on walking round until about 7ish then went back to the ward- things quickly got quite painful & I curled up in a ball on the bed & closed my eyes through every contraction, which were only seconds apart now, so I sent OH to see if a midwife would come & give me something for the pain. At first she came & told us to time the contractions now, then took one look at me and went "no need, I'll do an internal I think you've progressed" I had! Now 5-6cms with waters bulging!!! YAY!!! She took us straight to delivery!

I don't remember much from the delivery room- I thought I was there hours but considering my labour is only recorded as 3hrs 20 I can't have been there for very long! I went into my own world, where only me & my bestest friend gas & air were allowed! I just focussed on breathing & kept telling myself the pain wouldn't last forever. My mum & OH were in the room but tbh I could have been on stage at wembley doing it & wouldn't have noticed! I spent the whole time on my knees, holding on to the head of the bed, which was sat upright.

I remember OH going to the toilet & saying "I won't be long" and the midwife told him he'd probably go about 5 times before the baby was close to coming.....

5 mins later I told her I felt like my body was pushing, to which she told me it was just things getting more intense.... With the next contraction I felt my body push & this weird growl noise came from nowhere (I couldn't believe it had come from me!) the midwife dropped her papers and went "Ooo that sounds promising, let's take your knickers off & see what's going on" she then told OH he probably shouldn't leave the room again as the baby was well on it's way.

I seemed to push forever but I think it was about 30mins in total- she kept telling me that the head was coming & I really didn't believe her at all, I also assumed my waters had gone but 2 mins before she was born I pushed & felt a lovely warm flow & some of the pressure eased as they burst; the next bit wasn't so nice when she started crowning! I screamed and screamed and screamed!!! It really was the most horrible sensation & all I wanted was a kill all my friends who had given birth for not preparing me for how horrible it was but it only lasted a very short time & it just made me determined to push through it & get her out asap lol! 2 more pushes & out came her head- then she told me to push again and out she came, it was so weird feeling her legs and arms come out! As soon as she was born I stopped for a second & breathed a HUUGE sigh of relief & was only snapped back to reality when OH went "We've got a little girl!" We'd been team yellow all along (although I'd had a feeling we were having a girl!) And the midwife said she'd come out the right way up- so she'd turned at some point in labour!

Emily Catherine Hamilton was born at 2216hrs on 22nd May (an hour and 44 mins before her due date!) weighing 7lb exactly!!!! (funnily enough the exact same as her cousin born 10 weeks before her!)

I had a 2nd degree tear which was stitched- I kept telling the midwife that having the stitches was worse than the birth- I kept the gas & air whilst she did them, and came out with comments such as "This is like being at the dentist" "Are you using knitting wool to stitch me?" and when she was checking to make sure the stitches were ok I laughed & asked her "Is it like when hairdressers checked the sides are even?" :blush: She laughed & invited me back next yr for being a good patient, I declined and said she wouldn't be seeing me for quite some time!

I had wanted to breast feed but after asking every midwife on the ward & the lactation consultant who was there it became clear that Emily had other ideas, so we switched to formula & never looked back, it's so true- happy mummy = happy baby.

Sorry this has ended up so long but I wanted to get it all down; I was convinced I wouldn't cope with labour pain & would end up with every drug going etc but once I put my mind to it I realised I was able to do it & that although the pain is the most painful & intense feeling ever, its also the best. So any scaredy cat mummy to be's out there- don't fret! :hugs:

Here's my baba......

Minutes old [IMG][/IMG]

With Daddy... [IMG][/IMG]

With her 10week old cousin.....[IMG][/IMG]

And now at 4 weeks old....

Really good story what a lovely little girl you have too, also filled me with a bit of confidence too xx
What a lovely story :) And your little girl is beautiful
The last piccy of your baby is soooo cute (they all are but the last one is the cutest! lol) her feet look gigantic! lol xxx
Awww! Lovely :) I Love the pic with her cousin and in matching dresses too :)
Congrats on the birth of your princess, I agree that the stitches are far worse than the birth!! x
Haha the last pic is cute! Her socks look enormous! X
Aww she's lovely, congratulations and well done :D
Haha those were the smallest socks I could find & they are still huge, although she does have big feet....I have a feeling I'll be looking up at her before I know it!

I really loved my birth experience & would say to anyone expecting, don't fret; just keep an open mind & go with your bodies instinct x

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