my nightmare :(


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Aug 13, 2013
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I dont even know where to begin, but im looking for support. My husband and I have been together for over 10 years. We tried off and on for about 3 years, and then tried pretty much every other day for over a year to get pregnant. I was put on clomid 50mg for one cycle, then 100 mg the next, and finally my last cycle I was put on 150 mg. I went in for blood work on day 21 each time.
I was told the last two cycles I did not ovulate, and thats why I was being bumped up on my clomid each cycle. Well at the beginning of june, with the 150mg cycle, I went in for my routine blood work, and I was told the next day I did not ovulate and was going to have to see a specialist to talk about IVF treatments. We pretty much decided we could not afford to do IVF, and would rather adopt, then try IVF and not work and then we wasted all the money for nothing. My period was late, but it was always late and I had always gotten excited over nothing, so I didnt even think any thing of it. Well I was over a week late, and my best friend was getting married that weekend, so my mom told me I needed to take a test before the wedding, because we were going to be drinking shots after the wedding...I didnt see the point, but I bought a test after my interview for my new job.
I came home, peed on the stick, which this mind you is the FIRST time I wasnt giddy staring at the lines hoping it was pregnant. I just had given up. and guess what? Within 10 seconds I saw two lines...I freaked out, thought I was mis reading it, called my mom, husband, best friend, and CRIED LIKE A BABY! thats how happy I was. We had our first ultrasound the very next week, our baby was around 5 weeks 5 days old, we were so excited we bought a frame to put it in. I felt like crap, but I loved it. I felt terribly nauseas every day, boobs hurt, the whole nine yards.
Fast forward to 10 weeks along, and I go in for my check up. Everything was great. On our way home, I got a call from the dr saying I was suppose to do a ultrasound to exactly pinpoint my due date, since I wasnt very far along the first time. My husband had to go to work, so my mom went with me. When they started the ultrasound, I knew something was wrong: for one, my baby wasnt much bigger, had no limbs, which I have read enough to know alot about the development. I was nervous, but my mom was so excited...the ultrasound tech literally said nothing the whole entire time.
Finally when she was done taking the pictures, she looks at me and says, it looks like the baby is measured at 6 weeks and 6 days. She knew I knew, but my mom just looked at her and said, well did they get the due date wrong before or what? So I looked at her, without even blinking and said no, mom the baby must of stopped mom got very defensive, I guess you would say, and asked, So your telling me the baby died, yes or no?, the nurse finally said, well I have to talk to her dr, but yes, the baby has only grown a week farther along, and its been a month since her last ultrasound, and there is no heartbeat.
It was the worst moment of my life. I started bawling after my mom asked that and I couldnt stop. They told me I could get dressed, and I set in the bathroom within the room crying so hard, they just set in the room waiting for me to come out.. When I finally did she told me I had to go to a department across the hall to talk to the dr about my options. It was literally the worst experience of my life. That happened on July 29th. I didnt get my D&C until the 2nd.
It has been so hard to get over. I hate having to wait to try again, when thats all we have been doing for over a year. Now its like our lives are completely different...we have to stop thinking about having a baby, even if for only a few months, but its just foreign to me. Its hard to explain.. Im sorry about the book I just wrote! but I needed to get it out...I have so much more to say, but I would be here for weeks typing.
That's so incredibly devastating. I'm so very sorry.
I'm so sorry. This sounds all too familiar. I had the same experience earlier this year, but at my 12 scan. It's very hard, but I'm still hopeful that mine and your time will come to have a healthy baby in the near future. Hugs xx
I am so, so sorry. I remember exactly how it felt to be in that exam room and the crushing depressoin that follows. It is especially unfair given everything you went through to get that BFP in the first place.

This might not be comforting now, but there is a huge silver lining here-- you CAN get pregnant. You DID ovulate on Clomid... the doctors were wrong.

Just to hopefully give you a little bit of hope-- after my parents were TTC for a few years, they were diagnosed as infertile. My mom was told she only ovulated once every 12-18 months and my dad had motility issues. They were told they had a 1 in 6 million chance of ever getting pregnant on their own. They eventually decided to stop treatment and testing because it was getting so invasive and they decided they would just be childless.

Fast forward a few years and my mom gets a surprise BFP. (Her doctor had to do a pregnancy test before a procedure and she told him it was a waste of time because she was infertile. To her complete surprise, it was a BFP!!). Less than two weeks later, she miscarries and her doctor tells her she still has no chance of having children.

About a year later, she got another surprise BFP. Nine months later, I was born, healthy as can be! :happydance:

I always thought about their journey when I was struggling with my MC and TTCAL and fertility testing because it reminded me that doctors can be wrong and anything is possible. I had a 1 in 6 million chance of being here... and yet here I am! :happydance:

I wish you all the luck in the world as you try to recover emotionally from your loss and start to TTC again. I pray you get a rainbow baby soon... you deserve it!! :hugs:
so sorry for your loss dear. i also remember that very same moment of crushing down after my mc was diagnosed and just crying violently and the docs waiting for me to go out of the dressing room, and in the end giving me a hug.

nothing ever can replace your angel and an experience like this changes you forever.. but it is true that with time the pain gets easier to bear and you somehow learn to live with it.

...and i know it won't console you now (and it's not meant to be a painkiller for your grief)... but there is a little miracle in here: you DID get pregnant. and i am sure you will get pregnant again! this little angel will come back to you :) :) :)

after my own experience i came to believe children choose their parents and when to come... and i am sure this little soul is gonna come back to find you :)
thank you everyone for your kind words. I was bawling because I saw a picture of my husband holding my belly after we told everyone I was pregnant. It has been the first time I saw it, and it brought back ALOT. I got on here, for the first time since writing this post and saw I had all these replies. I did not even know if anyone would read this, let alone respond. Thank you for the support, and Ive actually been telling myself, even when I was crying tears of joy with my positive test, that no matter what happens, I now know I can get pregnant. Maybe it was my conscious preparing me for all of this, because I know deep down, I will have my baby. I know it will happen, I just hope it happens sooner rather then later.
Awww seeing pictures can be the worst. :nope: There's a picture of me on the dock at my husband's family camp last year when I was 8 weeks pregnant-- just a few days before we found out that the pregnancy wasn't viable. Everytime I stumble across it on Facebook, it hurts to remember how excited we were.

Tuck the picture away for a little while if you need to. It's so wonderful that you can be optimistic! Hold on to that faith and one day, all of these tears will be worth it when you have your rainbow in your arms!! xoxo

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