I have kown them for 33 years now, but I will never get used to their attitude against me or my husband
I visited them on Saturday and asked:"what about chirstmas, Matthias and I would like to visit you on Monday (OH is at work).
And my Dad said (very nerved):"it is not important for me, but ask your mother". When my Mum came into the room she said:"if you want to you can come, but there is no real need to!"
I will visit them since Matthias loves his grandfather (I would prefer to stay home - I got the message).
NO, I didn`t get them wrong. My mum told me years ago (when I was around 10 to be honest) that I was not wanted and more a kind of stupid accident. I learned to cope with this feelings and I want that Matthias knows his grandparents - although it hurts very much. OH doesn`t want to let me go there without him since my mum doesn`t dare to say something wrong when he is around... When it comes to my parents I am more like a stupid child than a grown up women...

I visited them on Saturday and asked:"what about chirstmas, Matthias and I would like to visit you on Monday (OH is at work).
And my Dad said (very nerved):"it is not important for me, but ask your mother". When my Mum came into the room she said:"if you want to you can come, but there is no real need to!"

I will visit them since Matthias loves his grandfather (I would prefer to stay home - I got the message).
NO, I didn`t get them wrong. My mum told me years ago (when I was around 10 to be honest) that I was not wanted and more a kind of stupid accident. I learned to cope with this feelings and I want that Matthias knows his grandparents - although it hurts very much. OH doesn`t want to let me go there without him since my mum doesn`t dare to say something wrong when he is around... When it comes to my parents I am more like a stupid child than a grown up women...