My Perfect Birth Story =), its a teeny bit late


Well-Known Member
Jun 27, 2009
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well i was due on the 28th february, due date came and id only just started feelin really good (had awful pregnancy) so to be totally honest i wasnt bothered if i went a little bit over, however my mum dad and partner was gettin impatient and decided to try and talk baby out and was doin all sorts of random and weird stuff to my belly. all i could do was laugh and say she will be here when she is ready =)

anyways me and my partner walked home from my mums (its round the corner) i had a bath and got into bed, as i was driftin off i kept gettin little twinges in my back and across my bump and started to get excited, i kept sayin to my partner this is it you no and he was like no its not its them fake ones you get. i thought sleep was probably the best optition but these seemed so much different to braxton hicks so i thought id time and see if there was a pattern, they was all over the place and i must of drifted off.

woke up monday and knew that it was definately it and got excited and rung my mum to let her no, they wasnt extremely painful but as i had group b strep i though best to go in and get checked out. i wasnt even a finger tip dialted and as my contraction was formin no pattern she said i would be a while yet and to go home.

they was definately gettin a lot stronger and patterns started formin, there would be 4 every 6mins then few at 8mins then few every 5mins. monday night i thought im goin again to get checked out as i was petrified i wouldnt get my antibiotics i needed durin labour. i was 1cm. i felt like cryin and breakin down.

didnt sleep at all as the was really strong so tuesday i was very grumpy OH said lets go again and see if theres any progression. i said no theyl think im annoyin and bein over dramatic. by tuesday night there was definately no way i could go on any longer and decided it was time to get my tens machine out. mum ended up tellin me she was takin me down but she'd leave us there and if they was keepin me in to let her no and shed come back down.
my contractions was still all over the place by this point

i went to the antenatal ward to be monitored and was nearly crying with the pain of these contractions and the frustation of the thought of having to go home agen. after monitoring them they said there was not really a pattern and they was still petty far apart and they would send me home. i burst into tears and the women who had assessed me night before seen me and come over and said she'd do internal for me much to my delight =)

i was 4cm, not much but enough to be admitted. we walked down to the labour ward, whilst on way i burst into tears agen thinkin id be leavin with my little girl. this was around 10ish
anyway my mum arrived with my bags and was more excited then me. my labour was pretty much a laugh and a joke compared to other peoples. after watchin one born every minute i was expecting to be in great pain and stuck to a bed, like hell i was,
i was caught of the midwives singin whitney housten into the gas and air pipe whilst dancin about as far as the pipe would let me go, when they assessed me i was 6cm. i think this is around when i had pethidine,
i then went on to eat cake and drink hot chocolate, mum had to stand near the machine and tell me when a contraction was building up so OH could grab my drink and cake so i could get the gas and air. i remember lookin at the clock and it being 3.10am. my mum had to keep tellin me and OH to be quite because we was laughin and she said people would be asleep. i was like earth to mum this is a labour ward everyone is probably doing the same.

then the cordless monitor i had on switched itself off, midwife said i was dancing about to much lol. so i had to be strapped up then and sit on the bed.
at about 5ish the midwife come back in to check me over and i was 9cm, she said she would leave me another hour to see if waters would go themselves but if i needed to push she would break them for me, as she was leavin the room i said mr midwife i need to push (gas and air affected my words a bit, god knows what i would have been comin out with if i had anything stronger), mum started sayin "sinead dont say that unless u really need to" she said afterwards she thought i was just jokin as midwife had just said it and tried leavin the room but i actually did need to push.
she asked if i wanted anymore pethidine as it had worn off now and i rejected it. thinkin id have my gas and air but she took it off me much to my horror!
she went to feel up there and said i had hardly any water there, i kind of started to panick as i though big baby here we come. she said right im goin to break them now, i was totally shocked and mortified by the littlest trickle that came out of me. i was expecting a huge gush.

i started to push, my god it didnt feel nice at all. by this stage i was pretty much exhausted, id had about 6hours sleep since the sunday and it was now early hours wednesday morning. she was tellin me that i should be able to get 3pushes out of my contraction and i was managin 2 pushes so she kept coming out then goin back up again.
after about 20mins (i think) her head was on its way down and nearly there, she said she had a headful of dark hair which puzzled me and OH, i was bald til 3 and at the time we thought he was always white blonde.
then came the fun part, gettin her head out.
OUCH! i was sat and was sayin really calmly to my OH this really hurts yano.
then he started sayin come on u really need to push sinead, for some reason this mad me snap and i said im not havin a contraction yet you D***head! mum was stood laughin, so i said to her i dont no wot your laughin at either, and dont start tellin me what to do you have no idea what labour is you cheat (her longest labour form start to finish was 24mins!)
all i can remember then was trying to grab the gas and air from behind me whilst pushing and biting my OH's shoulder so i didnt scream.
midwife then said well done her head is out you can look if want. i said no then thought that if i looked it might help get the body out.
i looked down and seen her wide awake staring straight at me, i freaked out and was then demanding for them to cut me.
then midwive said sinead baby is gettin distressed the cord is around her neck so on our next set of contractions u need to listen to me and push when i say and get her out. i totally ignored her and just pushed and didnt stop til she was out. they had to cut the cord and bring her over to the resucitation bit to clear her airways as she was mucousy. i remember sayin why is she so small over and over again!
i then thought it would be fun to say " well is that it? that was easy" which made everyone laugh as ten mins before i was demanding all sorts and shoutin how much pain i was in.

they brought ava-mae over to me and i just filled up and cried. she was the most perfect thing i had ever seen in my whole life. she was just wide awake starin straight back at me. i looked over to my OH who had also filled up and said to ava u ready to meet daddy now and passed her to him. after about 5minutes of staring at them both i asked how much she weighed and why she still wasnt crying and she said she'd weigh her for me, they placed her on on the scales and she started to cry, when they said 6lb 5oz i was totally shocked as i thought shed be over 8lbs.

my OH gave her her first bottle, i went for my shower, for some reason i was dying to get in it. and my mum started to ring everyone. she popped into the shower room to ask me if the midwives would let them could my dad and little brother come before work and school and that was it, i was ready to show her off to everyone. beforehand id told barry i didnt want anyone there til i got some sleep, so i went in and told him to ring his mum and back and see if she wanted to come aswel before work. so her first visitors was when she was around half and hour old. she was wide awake through it all.

my established labour was 1hour 6mins. and was pretty much perfect. was straight forward and not as painful as i though it would be. i got away stictch free, and with only very slight grazing. although i bruised ava-mae's nose on her way out.

birth to me was the most beautiful things ever and the rush of love i had once she was placed into my arms is somethin il never be able to describe or forget. x
congrats hun!
I had a almost 9lbs baby and was leaking waters for over 24hours!

I had an pretty easy labour too

lucky you didn't have to be cut!
Congratulations! I'm glad you had a good birth that you can look back on happily. Congrats again xxx
Ps, I love the name Ava Mae! Beautiful xx
that is such a lovely birth story; I hope I'll be as happy with ours!!

Thank you for sharing and congratulations!

Nicola xx

ps, any pics ;)?
heres me on the very helpful gas and air

heres me eatin my cake

us after

ava-mae first picture, looks a right madam

me and my princess last week, givin me her first real smiles.

sorry for overload on pics haha
embovstar i hope all goes well for you and your little one is nice to you on the way out too =) you'll be fine
heya :D congrats on your little bundle of joy :D glad everything went well for you xxx
Lovely story! Congratulations xx
What a Lovely birth i hope mine is that quick and simple! i wish we had gas and air in the usa! and i wish they'd let us eat!
:happydance::happydance:Congratulations hunny, shes beautiful :flower:. xx

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