Ok - those sites don't tell you when you have ovulated chicken - they just give you an estimate based on your LMP. You cannot use them to accurately predict when ov will be, or to confirm that ov took place.
If you want to predict ov, use OPKs, check your cervical mucus or cp.
If you want to confirm that you ov'd, you need to chart your basal body temperature.
If you missed a period, the chances are extremely high that you didn't ovulate at all when you thought you did. There are lots of reasons why that might be - many women don't ov every month and it's perfectly normal. Others don't ov often at all and there might be an underlying health problem like PCOS, for example.
If you don't know for sure when you last ov'd, you can't count how many DPO you are. Sorry hun

The menstrual cycle goes af - ov -af - ov. Sometimes an ov is missed out, but (as far as I know) it's not normal to miss out af when you have ovd - you can go af - af - ov - af, but not af- ov - ov -af.
Only asked about the birth control because some types can cause fake pregnancy symptoms - i don't think that's true in your case though
In your position I'd wait till next af and then start checking your cm and using opks - that will help you to figure out what your body is doing. I'd forget those online tickers - they are pretty useless. Tickers like the one in my siggy are based on charting basal body temp and are accurate - you could try that too, but I'd probably go with cm/opks at first! Good luck and give us a shout if you have more Qs!!!