My story...didn't quite go to plan!


Mama to One + Bun :)
Aug 24, 2009
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This will probably be pretty long so make yourself a cuppa! :coffee:

The build up

I had an appointment with the midwife on the Friday [23rd] because my blood pressure had been high for a couple of weeks and I needed it re-checked. Turned out it was high again and there was a trace of protein in my urine so I was sent to the DAU who decided to keep me in to be monitored.

They gave me a sweep and to my surprise found out I was 1cm dilated and the baby's head was extremely low and fully engaged...which started me getting continuous mild period type pain which eventually started getting a pattern to but tailed off overnight.

I had another [more vigorous!] sweep the next morning, was now 3cm! Lost my plug and started cramping which eventually turned into contractions around 7-8 mins apart, then ended up getting sent home. Things started to intensify and I put on my TENS machine, was having contractions every 4-5 mins and went for a bath. Bad move! This slowed things right down and I ended up taking the TENS off about 8pm and trying to sleep even though I was still contracting every 15-20mins :(

I was back in the DAU on Sunday morning for yet another sweep. I had it at 9:30am and was told I was 3-4cm. This time it went straight to contractions rather than beginning with a dull ache. I was determined to stay active and not to let them die off again so I went home and had quite a few walks round the estate with the TENS...probably looked a bit silly but wasn't too bothered at this point!

I bounced on my ball like a mad woman, called the DAU to check what point I could go in and was told to wait until I was getting 3-4 contractions every 10mins, or I couldn't cope with the pain. By about 10pm I was contracting every 2 1/2mins and was starting to get very shaky so I called to let them know I would be coming in.

Back at the hospital

I was examined on arrival by a rather unsympathetic midwife and was told I was still only 4cm and to go home because I wasn't progressing! I was in quite a lot of pain at this point and the thought of going home was horrible. They said all they could do for me was give me pethidine which I was adamant I didn't want...I asked for gas and air but they said it was too soon :(

Eventually they agreed to let me stay but sent OH and my mum home :( I was told NOT to keep bouncing/walking but to try and get some rest, and that nothing was going to happen so maybe a bath would be best to TRY and get things to tail off again. I was gutted, but eventually went off for a bath feeling very despondent.

I stayed in there til about 1:30am and it did help a lot with the pain, and also slowed contractions right down again. A while after I got out they started back up in full about 3:30am I spoke with the midwife again and caved in and agreed to a small dose of pethidine to try and help me sleep.

Basically it was crap...I was laying down but still had to get up with each contraction [back to every 7-8 mins] and it didn't help in the slightest. Made my eyes feel a bit weird but I can't be sure that's not just because I was completely knackered!

I was losing blood and had been for a few hours....not mucousy anymore, just red blood, and it started getting heavier so I showed the midwife. She hooked me up to the trace machine and discovered that not only were my contractions clearly a lot stronger than she had thought, but the baby's heartbeat was dipping with each one :(

They decided to move me over to labour ward where I had my waters broken at around 6:30am....and found I was now 5cm. OH and my mum came back up and things started to intensify.

The labour

I was still hooked up to the trace machine so my idea of a water birth went out the window. I was still really regretting having the pethidine as well as I really hadn't wanted it [and actually put in my birth plan not to even offer it to me] but OH told me not to worry :(

The gas and air helped quite a lot, but around 9:30am I asked for an epidural. They thought it seemed almost like I needed to push....I wasn't quite sure but I was feeling massive pressure and this bearing down feeling, but not like I needed a poo [sorry haha] They said they'd examine me again just to be sure and found I was still only 6cm, so they could proceed.

It began to work down my left leg but I still had full feeling down the right side. They got me to roll onto my left side to try and get it to trickle down. I was getting some relief but was definitely still in pain....but about 10-15 mins later after having it topped up I think 2 or 3 times I was back to the same level of pain again! They said they'd have to take it out and re-do it, but they still weren't happy with the baby's heartbeat and also my BP. They tried to attach a clip to the baby's head to monitor him but were having problems getting a reading from it.

I had another internal and was told I was still 6cm, but that there was a lip in my cervix and they wanted to see what happened when I pushed! Everything seemed to happen really quickly here but they said the baby was back to back, so decided not to bother with the epidural but I would be taken to theatre and given a spinal block to try and get him out ASAP. They planned on trying to turn him manually but if they couldn't then I'd need a c-section :cry:

I was shaking like a leaf in theatre but the relief once they got the spinal in was immense! Wasn't very dignified laying there with legs in stirrups but at least I wasn't in pain anymore! I had an episiotomy and had a midwife watching my contractions and telling me when to push. I hadn't a clue if I was actually pushing or not, but after only 3 or 4 contractions my little man was out with the aid of forceps.

OH wanted to cut the cord but wasn't allowed as he had it wrapped round his neck, but started to cry almost immediately [as did we!]

Finley Jack was born at 11:23am, weighing 6lb 4oz, with a full head of hair [midwives said no wonder they hadn't been able to get the clip to stick!] :lol:


I hadn't had great success in getting him to breastfeed, as he just didn't seem particularly interested or good at latching on. I ended up hand expressing colostrum and having a midwife syringe it off to feed him. The next morning someone came to look at him and said she wanted to test him for jaundice.

He was testing high and as he was under 24hrs old he would need phototherapy :(

Blood tests also revealed a trace of infection, so a canula was put in his little hand and we started a 5 day course of antibiotics. It was horrible when he was under the UV box...I wasn't allowed to pick him up unless I really needed to, he had to wear an eye mask thing and I just felt desperately sorry for him :cry:

Luckily I was producing an unusually large amount of colostrum and then milk...they got me expressing every few hours and offering him the breast then topping him up with bottles. On the 4th night I got a lot of help from a brilliant midwife and he's now feeding exclusively from the breast, with just an evening bottle that OH gives him :cloud9:

Anyway we were in hospital for 6 days, by day 5 he'd already regained his birth weight plus put on some extra! We came out last night and it's sooo good to be home!

I don't blame you if you didn't read this but I really wanted to write it all down somewhere so I don't forget it :)

Pics...just one or two :blush:

Sorry for the size, I'm being lazy and just copied them straight from Facebook

In his light box....
aww hes absolutley gorgeous, and has LOADS of hair :) glad it all went well x
Awh he is a wee stunner, how brave you were. Thanks for sharing your story x
He is beautiful. My daughter had to have the photopherapy as well. She had it for 48hours in total as for the 1st 24 hours the midwifes put the wrong light on. I was so upset by it. Well done for breast feeding as well. Congratulations
God I didn't feel too brave at the time! God that's awful littleblonde :( Finley had the Wallaby style treatment for the first day [the light comes from underneath and they just get Velcro'd into a little suit] which wasn't so bad but apparently the overhead system is more intensive so he had that on the second day. Then we just sunbathed by the window :)
Goodness, it sounds like you had a hell of a time. Glad your little man is here safely, he is lovely and you did a great job! Congrats! :hugs:
he's gorgeous hun! and well done to you! sounds like you had a tough time!
Read every single bit if your story - thank you so much for sharing. Finleys gorgeous and huge thumbs up to you for managing to breastfeed! X
Hi hun.

Huge Congratulations to you and you OH. Baby is sooooo cute and you should be so proud you done so well after so long!

Enjoy life as mummy and daddy and hope to speak to you in baby club!
Oh he's gorgeous! Loads of hair! Congratulations and thank you for sharing your story x

Finley is just beautiful!!

Well done and thanks for sharing your story!

he is gorgeous and a lot of hair too. well done and congrats
Congratulations hun he's absolutely gorgeous!! And so much hair!!

Sorry things didn't go the way you wanted them too though! :hugs:

Wow, he is really handsome, congratulations!
Congratulations, he's really cute! Sorry things didn't go as you'd planned them, but it sounds like you're doing really well with the bf now. Good luck with everything! xx
Wow, he is stunning! Thanks for sharing your story :hugs: congrats
Thanks everyone for the lovely comments. Had the midwife round today and we were reading through my notes...she was amazed at the amount of colostrum I was able to express on day 2, I was getting 25ml which meant absolutely nothing to me but apparently the "norm" is usually about 2mm! :o

She said this was probably why he'd done so well with regaining his weight and it made me feel loads better about everything, where I was feeling guilty about having pethidine and wondering if it had anything to do with his initial reluctance to feed. Numerous midwives have assured me it's probably down to the traumatic delivery instead but I was still a bit unhappy about it....but finding this out has sort of reclaimed something for me and now I feel like at least I was able to do a good job with part of it.

If that makes any kind of sense!

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