my surprise jump to ntnp, advice please


Well-Known Member
Sep 19, 2009
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hello :wave:

Not sure where to start so i will introduce myself, i'm 0203, i'm 20 my OH is 25 and we have been together for nearly 3 years and living together for a year and a half. We were originally wtt until 2013 because we wanted to get married first. However long story short, i changed my doctors last month and they didn't want to re issue my pill prescription until they had given me a check up because i had been on them for so long, but i left it a bit too late to arrange an appointment and this month i havn't been on the pill but we have been using other protection. Anyway this month has thrown a lot into question for me and OH mainly...why are waiting if we want a baby so much? Today OH suggested that i just don't go back on the pill.

It's all happened quite quickly and i'm still in a bit of a "wake me up i'm dreaming mode" but it's what we both want. I was just wondering what i should do, is it best to keep using protection for a while longer or just start ntnp from next month?

I say, just do it! We've just magically jumped into the NTNP/TTC bandwagon as well. OH has made his mind up that he wants a baby, and he wants one now! :p Lol.
I don't see any reason why you'd need to wait a little longer. It might be easier for your doctor to find the conception date, but in all honesty, I don't think anything bad is going to happen if you just lose the condoms/birth control now...

Best wishes!

Thank you :) i think i saw you around the WTT boards, i was a bit of a recluse though :haha: and only stuck to the journals really. That's really good about you moving to NTNP...i guess i will see you around :D
My only advice is to MAKE SURE that you are ready for a baby before you take that step. Many women start NTNP/TTC thinking it will take a while, and it happens right away when they aren't really ready yet! It sounds like ya'll have been wanting this for a while though, so I'm sure it would be a pleasant surprise if you got pregnant the first month ;)

Yeah we have been waiting for it for ages! and it would be fantastic if we get pregnant straight away :D although our plans changed very suddenly we are both very sure that it is what we want and that we are ready for it :D
I am right there with you!! I am turning 25 this December and my fiance or OH is 25. We have been engaged for 2 years and been together 6 years in January! We have been living together for over a year. For various reasons we are not getting married right away, but every fiber in my being and HIS is telling us it's time to have a baby! :baby:

We love our apartment, have plenty of room for baby, we have the finances for baby, we live right down the road from my Mom and in a lovely town with parks and safety!

We are going to be trying in January starting with our 6 year anniversary! I haven't told a soul except both of our parents, which are wildly supportive of the idea! We are both so excited and ready, we have a count down on the calendar, I've been taking prenatals, we joined the gym to get fit, I'm tracking my BBT we are READY! :happydance:

The only thing I am concerned about is my coworkers questioning why we aren't getting married first. I don't want to go there with people, I need a good strong answer to get them off my back once they find out I'm pregnant! My fiance says to just tell them it's our choice, but he doesn't know my coworkers!! haha:ignore:

ANYWAYS, what I'm trying to say is CONGRATULATIONS! Lots of baby dust to you!! If this is what you truly feel is the right time, then you know yourself and your relationship more than anyone else does!:hugs:
Good luck for you in January :hugs:

One of the things i am mainly worried about is that we are not married yet and i don't know what people will think...oh and the fact that i am 20 so seen as quite young...and what what my dad would say (would be shocked at first but i know he will come round, i'm his only girl so it takes him a while to get used to things i.e when i moved out, mum, step mum and OH's parents on the other hand would be overjoyed)

But basically i need to stop worrying what other people will think, it's my life! me and OH know that it is want we want to do and that we are ready for it :D
Just try to remind yourself that this is between you and your SO. When I have my nervous feelings about what people might think or say I just remind myself that none of those people will be living it. None of those people will be coming home to my sweet loving SO, and our future baby. It has nothing to do with them. I love my life, and want nothing more than to share that love of life with our future baby!! No one's ill feelings towards us not being married should be able to shake that.\\:D/
We're definitely gonna get verbal beatings for TTC before we get married but screw them! It's our life. I'm actually just going to say "Save it... Just be happy for us otherwise I don't want you involved". Simples :) xx
i think i am really going to have to work on telling people to butt out because it's my life...i care waaaay too much about what other people think!
We didnt tell anyone when we were NTNP for my daughter. It shocked and upset my dad, (long story short he is against babys before you are married.) But my dad is the one that officiated my wedding about a year and half later. It was so cute at the wedding my daughter had just learned how to walk so her and my sd were our flower girls. It could not have been more perfect!
ahhh that sounds lovely :)

We're not telling anyone about ttc i'm just thinking about what people will say when we get pregnant, i think my dad will just have problems dealing with the fact his little girl is having a baby...but i know he will come round :D
It's so nice to hear from people who are not married yet and still TTC! It makes me feel so much less alone!! Thank you girls!!!:hugs:
we should stick together! would be nice to be able to talk to people who are in the same position :D
Yes Please! lol Especially considering we aren't telling anyone but our parents so I have no friends to talk to about it, plus most of my friends are no where near this point in their lives yet! I'm going to be 25 in December, I am MORE than ready for this! :)
well i was thinking about making a thread so we can find others that are in the same position, not married yet, young, worrying what other people think and who don't have many people around them that are at the same point and TTC ect. What do you think? that way we can see if there is anyone else out there like us and we can support eachother while TTC- whatcha think?
I think you might get some people that are rude comment on it...but you can get that with everything!
We really didnt plan for ttc my dd. It wa just a, "Im going to quit taking my pills" OK...haha. We are pretty laid back.
Can I gently play devil's advocate? Please don't be offended: you certainly don't need to be married to raise a great kid together, nor do I believe I single parent can't raise a great kid alone, but obviously two committed parents make the whole thing easier. Wouldn't you agree that marriage is a relatively small and easy commitment compared with the huge commitment of having a baby? I'm surprised that several of you seem to see it the other way around. I hope you are not putting off marriage just so you can have a really expensive wedding?! I'm curious why the delay?

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