My wonderful induction at 37+2


Mommy to James
Jul 22, 2010
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My son James was born on February 7, 2011 at 10:34 PM weighing 6 lbs. 7 oz. and measuring 18 and 3/4 inches long.

Here's a birth story for you to read since I simply can't sleep.

Today was just a normal day and I went to my weekly OB appt and was hooked up to the monitor for my NST like I normally am. Well after being hooked up for about 45 minutes my doctor came in and informed me that the babys heart was having "abnormal D tones" and she would like to send me to the hospital to be induced after checking my cervix. I immediately freaked out thinking I wasn't completely prepared! I called my husband and he started getting things ready for us to go.
My OB checked me and I was 80% effaced, 2 cm dilated, soft cervix, midrange cervix, and baby's head in 0 station.

So I sped home because my doctor told me to be at the hospital in an hour and a half. I shaved my legs and got some other odds and ends together and then my husband and I stopped by Burger King for my last meal. Funny thing, as we walked in the lady working the counter said "You look like you're going to pop" and I replied "Yeah, I'm heading to the hospital after this meal" and I'm pretty sure her jaw dropped to the floor. :haha:

We arrived at the hospital at close to 12 and the started my IV for fluids and had be fill out a bunch of paper work and answer a bunch of questions. At about 1 pm a doctor came in and broke my bag of water and then they started the pitocin on me. One of the nastiest things was sitting in that bed and just dripping amniotic fluid. It felt like I was just peeing my pants and sitting in it.

Once my contractions got started, at about 3 PM, my husband and I walked around the hospital for nearly an hour and then I came back to the room and sat down in a chair. This is when my contractions really got going. I had to focus on something in my room and really breathe and relax through them. I moved onto a birthing ball and was in agony. My nurse decided to check me and informed me I was 4 cm. This was the MOST painful internal I ever had...I actually started bawling in pain and begged for them to give me some Stadol (sp?) in my IV. I found that the medicine really only made me sleepy in between contractions and didn't actually help the contractions whatsoever. SO, without consulting my husband at all I called the nurse in and told her that I wanted an epidural. This was at about 5 or so and she said it would be a while because the anesthesiologist was in a C-section right now then he had another patient to give an epidural to first. This was truly the worst hour and a half of my life. With each contraction I wanted to rip my hair out or shoot myself or something. It was BAD! I even turned on my husband and wanted him to be completely silent and just sit on the couch and do nothing. Apparently I was giving him the death stare.

The anesthesiologist finally came and I couldn't say anything. I was just hoping he could hurry up because I wanted these contractions gone! The epidural did not hurt at all! Anything at that point was better than those contractions! Let me tell you, my epidural was great and the best decision I ever made. I couldn't feel a single contraction! I was truly in heaven! :cloud9: At 7 pm my original nurse was off her shift and I managed to get an amazing nurse in replacement! She was only there until 11 and I figured I'd go through many nurses since my OB told me I'd probably be in labor for 24+ hours since it was my first and I was induced. I really enjoyed this nurse and she got to know us on a personal level and she had me move around in tons of different positions...including hands and knees. She checked me at about 8:45 PM and I was 8 cm dilated! :saywhat:

The nurse had me sitting on my side with one leg up in a stirrup and alternating for about an hour and I even fell asleep so she didn't think I would have progressed at all... but she checked me and said I was 10 cm and ready to push! Pushing was honestly the hardest part for me because I'd never done it before and I wasn't sure if what I was doing was right. Plus holding my breath for so long got really tiring.

Well I only ended up pushing for 30 minutes and baby James slithered out screaming like a banshee! My husband and I were bawling like babies the whole time and were in amazement that this baby was inside of me growing for 9 months! James was perfect for a 37 weeker...his lungs were developed, good weight, everything is perfect! :thumbup:

I delivered the afterbirth like 2 minutes after James came out and I hardly noticed it. I got a small episiotomy and only had to get one stitch.

James was really fussy for a few hours after birth and only stopped crying when his daddy would hold him and sing. He wouldn't even nurse for me! :cry:

Finally at 2 AM he nursed from me and now is fast asleep next to my bed as we speak.

Well that is my birth story, and anyone looking for a non-terrifying birth story including induction and epidurals should read this because I honestly had an easy labor that lasted from 12 pm when I checked in at the hospital until 10:34 PM when James came out. Which isn't bad considering I'm 37 weeks and was I'm tiny! Not every induction story is terrible!

I'd like to thank my son James for giving me such an easy pregnancy and an incredibly easy labor. I would do it again in a heartbeat. I love you so much and you are perfect! :hugs:

Attached are some is a horrible one of me holding James after I was bawling when he came out. The other is James just a few hours old sleeping.

Thanks for all your support through my entire pregnancy ladies!


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congratulations, fab story, well done posting so soon after, enjoy your baby boy :)
Wow - congratulations, James is adorable :)

And by the way, you don't look like shit, you look amazed and happy! Hope I look that good after I've had mine :)
ahhhhhhhhhhhhh congrats on the baby boy!!!!!!!! OMG so awesome!!! :hugs: :dance: :hugs: you look so beautiful in your pic!!!!
congrats - James looks gorgeous!!! Your story brought back not so distant memories xx

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