My yellow bump turned blue on Dec.30, 2010.


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Feb 28, 2010
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The Birth Story of Kieran

Arrived December 30, 2010 7:52 pm 6lbs 12.5 ounces 19.5 inches (38+3 weeks gestation)

Our story begins on Wednesday December 29, 2010. I had a very busy day and spent the afternoon with friends. I noticed in the early afternoon that I was having period-like cramps. I assumed that this meant that baby was engaging. I had been to see Dr a week ago and he said baby was still floating and wasn’t likely to engage until I was 39 weeks. That evening I went to my regular prenatal yoga class and then went to watch Ian play indoor soccer. During Ian’s game I had loads more cramping but again dismissed this. We got home around 11pm and Ian went up to bed around midnight. Ian knew I wasn’t feeling well so he took his phone to bed with him. I didn’t want to alarm him and suggest that this could be early labour as I didn’t want to play the false labour game. I knew that I would not announce labour until I was sure it was the real deal. The pains kept on coming so I downloaded a contraction timing application on my Iphone to start tracking these pains. I was getting very tired at this point and only tracked a few pains and decided to shut of the tv and try to get some sleep.

At 1am I woke up to a warm gush and I knew this was it. I stood up off the couch and more gushed out so I screamed for Ian announcing that my water had broke. There was water everywhere!! On the couch, all over the carpet, down the hallway, in the kitchen, in the bathroom. It just kept coming and coming! I never expected it to be this much. It took Ian 4 large beach towels to soak it up. Ian called our Doula Jen straight away as the contractions were getting more and more intense. She told us to start timing them and let her know how we get on. Ian put on his watch and before we knew it the contractions were about 2 minutes apart and were lasting about 45 seconds. We did our best to grab everything we needed as I was not done packing for hospital. Ian called back Jen and we left for the hospital around 2:30 am.

The ride to the hospital was extremely painful and it was horrible to be sitting in such a small area where I couldn’t move around to help deal with the pain.

We got to the hospital and headed straight to triage. They checked me and I was 4cm’s and 100% effaced. Baby was low. I was so happy that I had managed to get to the hospital and already be in established labour. They still could not admit me until I was 4-5cms so they suggested I walk around for an hour and they will recheck me. It was about 3am now. Jen arrived not long after so the 3 of us spent the next hour wandering around and practicing pain coping techniques. I was in so much pain but was managing to breath through each contraction. The hour took so long to pass. I was rechecked and was now 4-5 cms so they agreed to admit me.

I was admitted to a LDRP (Labour, Delivery, Recovery, Postpartum) room and I was very excited as these are the big beautiful rooms that you get if you are a low risk pregnancy. I immediately wanted to use water to manage the pain. Our nurse suggested trying the shower first and if I liked it she would fill up a Jacuzzi tub for me to use. The 3 of us went into the shower and Jen was directing the water to my lower back while Ian was holding my hand through each contraction. The pain was very low down in my pelvis and nowhere else. After about 30 minutes the tub was ready and we moved over there. I spent the next 2 hours coping in the tub. I tried all different positions. The water felt great but the pain was still so intense. After about 2 hours I really wanted to be checked again to see if I had made any progress. I had to get out of the tub and walk back to my room and get checked on the bed. This was agony.

I was checked again and there was no progress. I was in disbelief! After all this pain and all my hard work coping nothing had progressed. I decided not to get back in the water and try walking around and using my birth ball etc to see if we could get anything going. We tried this for a while. The pain was getting unbearable. Around 9am Dr arrived and he checked me. This was so painful. When nurses check you they just check the basics but Dr was checking for so long. I still had not progressed at all. After the check the pain was beyond anything I could ever imagine. I tried the gas and air but it made me feel very sick and very high. At this point I made the decision I swore I would not make and that was to get an epidural. I was no longer coping and was just screaming through each contraction.

It felt like ages for the anaesthesiologist to arrive. I was given an IV first which hurt a lot. The epidural itself was not too painful. Once the medication set in I was so relaxed and felt great pain wise although I felt very disappointed in my decision. At this point the decision was made to start Pitocin to get things moving again. My vision of a beautiful natural childbirth quickly disappeared as I was now hooked up to an IV, Epidural and Pitocin. They suggested I get some sleep at this point. I tried but it was pretty hard. I was getting so excited to meet my baby now!! I was checked again around 12 and was now 9cms! Ian and Jen had both left to get some lunch so I was all alone and could not share my excitement with anyone! Finally Ian got back and I announced to him that we were at a 9! He called Jen so she could hurry back. I asked to have my epidural turned down so I could feel the urge to push. I got to 10cms and started pushing around 2pm but nothing was happening. The baby was not coming down further. I tried every single birthing position in the book from squat bar, side laying, all fours, missionary, birthing ball etc etc. Nothing was happening.

I pushed for four very long hours but unfortunately baby was not coming down at all and with each contraction the heartbeat was dropping. At this point I was told I would need to have an internal foetal monitor attached to baby’s head. Another intervention I did not want but as much as I refused it I was convinced it was necessary. A bit more pushing and Dr told me I would need a c-section but I begged to have some more time to try to push baby out. I pushed for a bit longer with all my might but baby was still not budging. I was in agony at this point as my epidural was turned down so low. As I still had not progressed I had to do what the doctor thought was best and have a C-section. I was so scared at this point and crying hysterically. I lost all excitement of meeting my baby and was in disbelief that my natural, drug free birth was about to end in a c-section.

I had to sign a big sheet with all the risks of a c-section and I was wheeled into the operating room. I had a few family members waiting for the news and I got wheeled by them crying. It was horrible. The operating room was very scary and I felt so out of control and all alone. The epidural was turned up really high and I could only feel my face. At this point I started barfing while lying on the operating table which was so nasty. All they could do for me is put a spit pail beside my face. It felt like hours before Ian and Doula Jen were allowed in to join me. I was so emotionally and physically exhausted at this point. I could feel lots of tugging and sounds of metal clanking. As the doctor was pulling baby out Ian heard him say “Oh my” Baby had cord wrapped twice around his neck, twice around his shoulders and once around his body and his head was so indented from being stuck in my pelvis but at 7:52 pm Kieran entered the world wide awake and screaming. I was really so out of it at this point that it is all a big blur. I could barely keep my eyes open when I first met Kieran. I had for so long anticipated how wonderful it would be to meet my baby and I did not get those first moments I so badly wanted.

Almost 2 months later and I still struggle to talk about his birth without crying. I will admit that I should not have been so hung up on the ideal birth. I know that there is nothing I could have done to have had a vaginal birth as Kieran was more than likely stuck and wrapped with cord around him from the moment my water broke but I cannot help but feel disappointed. Please don’t get me wrong though I am so thankful to have a healthy baby I just wish that I could look back and have positive memories of how he arrived.
Lovealittle1 your story was such a journey - i was laughing with the broken waters part, but crying a lot by the end! :hugs:

Bless you I can totally see why you find it hard to think about it positively. I had a friend who too had a horendous birth and did not go according to plan, her little boy had to be forceped out and she did not want any pain relief and in the end had to have pethodene. She was so upset by it not being as polanned she had to have councilling. She then went on to have a little girl, who came so fast her DH had to deliver her in the car on the side of the road!

I think we feel as women it should happen without help as it is our job we were given as women, but unfortunately whoever designed women did a crap job as loads of ladies need help with it, and the thing is you did do the best job for him as you made the right descisions for him when he needed you to. He is lucky to have a mommy like you!

Thank you for sharing your birth story xxxx
Wow hunny mega hugs, no wonder you have a tough time talking about it! You are right to focus on your baby though and you have a gorgeous boy to show for all that hard work. You did an amazing job hun, well done xxxx
:hugs: so sorry you didnt get the birth you had planned hun. It must be hard for you :(
Well i have been waiting for this for sooo long, but can now see why it has taken you a while to write :(

You did all you could hun to get your baby out yourself and as you say have to look at the positives of having a gorgeous and healthy baby boy who was in the end delivered safely.

I can totally understand how you feel about it, i had a horendous birth with my first, he got stuck in my pelvis as he was too big for me :(. This resulted in me not bonding with him too well at first but he is now a very healthy 10 year old who i love dearly. My youngest i had to have a section with as he was bigger than his brother and it looks like another section is called for this time.

It will take a while to get over emotionally but i promise it will get better :flower:

Thank you for all the nice replies and for taking the time to read our story. Xxxxx
Don't feel bad about not having the birth you wanted! You have a stunner at the end of it, and having had a similar experience I know your disappointment! (I only got my socks wet when they broke my waters tho, just as well as we have cream carpets LOL)

I have to say I think being a mommy is the best thing in the world and if you're like me you'd go through that hideous experience a million times over for our beatiful little men xxxx
Lal your birth sounds similar to mine, the epidural was one thing i was always refusing and after hours of intense contractions that hurt so much i was vomiting i really wished i had gotten it and am disappointed i missed out on it (i was too far when the bothered to do it as they were convinced i wasn't in established labour) Eva also had the cord wrapped around her neck, shoulders, arm and wrist. Apparently thats why my labor was as long as it was and also why every doctor/midwife that came into my room and felt for Evas head said i was in early labour because she was unable to descend because the cord was holding her up so high, although she eventually was pushed down cord and all, just later than what would of happened naturally, bit of a terrible moment tho, when her head was out the midwife was trying with all her might to unhook the cord from the neck unknown that its wrapped everywhere else and it was so incredibly excruciating! the baby was still inside me so with evey tug trying to get the cord it was terrible pain, then i heard the midwife say "we must cut the cord now" and they cut it without clamping it or anything and blood went spurting out the end of it and one more push and she was out and whisked away and her apgars were also really bad. But she is now a healthy little bubba and i know your upset you got a C-sec but i think if things had progressed naturally and you were able to give birth naturally with all your complications (which were similar to mine) that your birth would not of been any less stressful, i still look back on mine and shudder. What i'm trying to say is i think our labors sound exactly the same but mine ending in natural and yours ending in C-sec and i'm just letting you know that with those complications your birth would of still been horrible, i know because i had the alternative BUT WITH NO EPIDURAL!!! and it was horrible.

Also you commented on my journal the post i'm carrying on babies are easy. I'm sorry that was kinda a terrible post, i feel like a bit of a wanker writing it all. I keep saying motherhoods easy but i should be adding the words "for me" because i'm obviously very lucky to have an easy baby. I;m sorry your bubba doesn't let you put him down. Evas day time naps got better when i started putting her down alot earlier than usual and when i put her in the same spot she has her night time naps (dark room in bassinnet)



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