I'm pretty AWOL nowadays and spend most of my time on FB (so, if you miss me, add me

) but...
I would love to meet the girlies I was pregnant with (Feb/March/April 2010 mummies) and those in the March Mummies (even if I've forgotten your usernames, you are meant to be in here

Namely the ones I've gotten to know better, and the ones on my FB too.
Top on my list is MiissMuffet, and that's good because she lives in NZ too

Also (forgive me if I miss you, it's possibly because I have forgotten your username!)...in no particular order:
annawrigley, cocoaone, mummydee, mummyem, Neferet, x-li-x, missdiior, lauraxamy (hope I got that right!), tiger, kel127, julchen_79, Jox, seity, blondeNklutzi, littleblonde, lynnikins, jj-rabbit, tink1o5, chele, greenlady, mrsraggle, sophieee, Quintin'sMommy, sam9kids and a couple of girls who aren't on here anymore but I have on facebook