Although I'm on her alot I dont think anyone really knows me cause I dont get involved in debates and stuff too much.
Ones I think are lovely and really helpful;
I know there must be loads more but cant think just now.
Errrrm let's see:
KittyVentura coz she has the same sense of humour as me and the same GREAT taste in baby names. We could put our Fins together and let them wrestle in a Fin-Off
Newlywed77 coz she's a sweetie with a gorgeous little girl to be Fin's wife and tend to his wounds after the Fin-Off.
Errm loads more! Brunette Bimbo, Peacelovebaby, Aliss, CharlotteXO, Elephant 29, Wriggley...loads more but can't remember names!
Aw, I feel honoured! Thank you ladies!
And Jo, Holly thinks that Fin is gorgeous and she will tend to his wounds and look after him!
I'd like to meet all my fellow weight loss buddies (you know who you are ), Elephant 29, Happigail, pepsichic nut-shake, oh there's so many more I can't remember everyone's user names!!!
First that spring to mind are sam9kids,jaybee, Aliss, Embovstar,Miss_Bump,RainbowDrop_X,missbroody,chele,missraggle (once i'd thought of one the names just ke[t flowing hehe). They all seem really lovely and i was in the 3rd tri with them.
And of course all my lovely friends in baby weight loss group (we could all meet up and have a salad!) xx
it's okay, i will still answer their desperate postnatal and newborn questions when they end up here in a few weeks or months
Kel127 because we play WoW together and our babies are near the same age, but totally different, so it would be fun to see them next to each other.
Kel127 because we play WoW together and our babies are near the same age, but totally different, so it would be fun to see them next to each other.
omg i play wow too!
Kel127 because we play WoW together and our babies are near the same age, but totally different, so it would be fun to see them next to each other.
omg i play wow too!
I think there are actually quite a few WoW players lurking on BnB.