Do you guys realize this was the most important thing that we went through together - pregnancy and delivery and our first year? You all mean the world to me and, of course, I would like to meet each and every one of you.
But I do have special thanks
TwinkleStar and lynnikins for making me realize that I am indeed in labor (alone with no heat or electricity) and no, I can't stop it
- Seity for keeping me sane and logical when I get paranoid
- MiisDior, Jox, lexi's mom, natasja, hayley x and all the girls who lost their bumps - for being strong, pointing out issues and still not losing hope
- lizziedripping - for keeping me sane when I ended up on bed rest the last almost two months of my pregnancy
- hivechild - well, uhm.. we agreed that Ronan will be Isabella's boyfriend

- missmuffet - just for being a ray of sunshine

oh and our babies were born one day apart
- oh and TOOTSIE! does anybody know what happened to her? she was the funniest, kindest person (when she wasn't fighting with her doctors

- Oh yes and Ivybaby - she really was the one saying that it's okay to give an evening formula feed, and it did keep Isabella and I sane and as it later turned out I did have issues with my thyroid which affected the milk supply
- Oh and SAMIE!!!!!!! A wonder woman, always there to help out. Love her!
**** Some girls said they didn't get mentioned -- my god I remember everyone after I read your comments and I still can't spell your names! (like MrsBandEgglet! I had to copy and paste it!! I would love to meet you and have a glass of wine with you as you have always calmed me down!!)
*** I can go on FOREVER, just going to my old threads. The point is that we were/are somewhat together during the most important time period of our lives