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Natural Birth- What's worse? The Contractions or Pushing?


Expecting Baby #3
May 23, 2012
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Hi ladies,

This is my third pregnancy and I am due in 9 weeks. I'm highly thinking about going Natural with no epidural this time. I had an epidural with both of my first two, but with the first one, the epidural didn't work correctly and I ended up feeling much of the contractions. With the 2nd one, I didn't get to the hospital until I was almost 8cm dilated and then freaked out and got the epidural.

Knowing what I have been through and knowing the pain of the contractions that I had with both (which were both completely different from one another) I feel like I can do this by myself this time without taking away the contraction pain.

Since I was numb at the time of pushing, what in your opinion is worse? The contractions or the pushing? I would love to hear your stories and opinions. Also, I want to put it out there, I am keeping my mind open to both a natural birth or a vaginal birth with epidural. I'm going in hoping to do it all on my own this time, but I know every pregnancy is different, and this one could be easier or harder.
I just had gas & air with my three children . I think the contractions are worse than the actual pushing! There’s no mistaking a contraction pain and the relief you feel when baby comes out ! Getting to 8cm on your own is fantastic too.

Everyone told me about the “ring of fire” when the babies head is crowning but I didn’t get it with any of mine or if I did I was too high off the gas haha .

I was always terrified of having to have a epidural/c section so that wasn’t an option for me unless it was necessary.
Pushing was worse than the contractions for me, and i went through back labor haha. I went completely natural and sat in a hot bath for pain relief. Overall, I'd do it again. Only downside was getting stitched up. Of course they did lidocaine injections, but the pressure was like giving birth again. I had a long tear by my cervix. "Ring of fire" is correct. As mentioned above lol.
I was all natural for my son and for me the worst was the contraction. Pushing actually relieved the pain, so it was really the contractions that were killing me. I did feel the ring of fire, but honestly... it was nothing compared to the contractions and once the head is out of the way the ring of fire goes away.
I’ve only had natural labors and I have to agree that contractions are worse than pushing. I’ve had both back and front abdominal contractions and the front hurt the worst (granted they were induced with pitocin which is probably why). Pushing is my favorite part cause it’s short and ends in a sweet surprise :)
I've only had natural births so far, but I think this question depends on the person, for me the worst part is pushing, not the actual pushing itself, but the burning/stinging of baby crowning I cannot deal with that feeling I hate anything that stings in general! But as for contractions, I found them completely fine, they get very painful, but bearable!
Contractions are worse in my opinion. I find pushing to be a relief. The ring of fire hurts but it doesnt last long.
Am I the only person a complete wimp when it comes to pushing? it gives me major anxiety pushing out a baby and i tend to freak out at this bit. Give me contractions over that anyday :rofl:
Contractions by a mile.
I think when they tell me I can push I get a sense of relief lmao.
I find pushing way easier than the pain of contractions, but I seem to do this weird tense my whole body up thing when I get contractions and I put myself in more pain!!!!
So for me definitely contractions are worse
Contractions were worse for me, but that ring of fire is awful. That’s over relatively quick though which is why I don’t think it’s as bad as the contractions.
Wow girls!! Thank you so much for sharing your experiences with me :) I hadn't even heard of the ring of fire lol Is this why our lady parts burn so badly when we try to go to the potty afterward?!

It's a relief to hear that most of you think the contractions are worse than the actual pushing, but man the ring of fire freaks me out now, not going to lie! LOL

I really want to do this all natural this time. (Please Lord, give me the strength!!) [-o<[-o<
Ring of fire....i will try and explain :lol:. Right, think about the biggest poo you ever had and how much it hurt your poor bum coming out....its like that but times by 100 :rofl:
Contractions.. 100%

For me, pushing was quick and i knew i was near the end.. the contractions felt like a lifetime and it just seemed like it was never going to end!
Am I the only person a complete wimp when it comes to pushing? it gives me major anxiety pushing out a baby and i tend to freak out at this bit. Give me contractions over that anyday :rofl:
Omg, i freaked out while pushing!! It was so bad that i almost passed out lol!
Omg, i freaked out while pushing!! It was so bad that i almost passed out lol!

Me too! I don't know why it's something about pushing that really gets to me, I think that's why I find contractions fine! I master labour like a boss, then as soon as I need to start pushing I'm all tears and crying shouting I can't do ittttttt:rofl: I only want an epidural this time not to feel it when I push or that ring of fire hahaha
I found the contractions bad and the pushing is prob the most scariest part. I hate that ring of fire bit. :shock:
Ring of fire....i will try and explain :lol:. Right, think about the biggest poo you ever had and how much it hurt your poor bum coming out....its like that but times by 100 :rofl:
I am seriously LMAO right now at this!! :rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:
So tell me this! Those of you who have had multiples, has the pushing become easier since our lady parts know how to stretch after having babies already?! LOL I am really wanting to do this all natural, but man the ring of fire is freaking me out FOR REAL! :rofl:
So tell me this! Those of you who have had multiples, has the pushing become easier since our lady parts know how to stretch after having babies already?! LOL I am really wanting to do this all natural, but man the ring of fire is freaking me out FOR REAL! :rofl:

Pushing was definitely easier on my second baby 1 push and he flew out I'm not even joking, they had to catch him :rofl: in surprised I had time to even feel the sting he shot out like a bullet! Doesn't say much about my lady parts really.... but my partner has never once complained:rofl::rofl:

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