you have to help me out with something, i really don't know what to do!
Long story but i have to tell you the basics so you understand the situation....
I fell out with my best mate of 9 years back in February,
I had a thing going with my tattooist in dec/jan 2004/2005 but he finished it to go back to his ex who he had a child with, i was devastated coz i REALLY liked him and had been trying to bag him for a while, but i understood coz of the little girl. i cried to my best mate a lot over him and she comforted me......then in feb 2005 i met Jase and things took off really quick between us, once i was happy and settled my tattooist decided he wanted me back (he left his ex) and was phoning me at 2/3 in the morning asking me to sneak out to meet him, Jase would be in bed next to me hearing all this...
After a while he stopped but i told my mate about all this and showed her his texts saying he wanted me etc.
anyway, in feb 2006 my mate started seeing my tattooist, and i know i shouldn't of cared coz i was happy with Jase but i hated it! as far as im concerned, best mates don't dso that, no matter what the situation, I tried to over come it but i couldn't so we fell out and didn't speak for a while, she hurt me a lot but i know i hurt her too by walking away.
then a couple of months ago i emile her to tell her i missed her and she came round and we seemed to make up, she told me how happy she was and what a great guy the tattoist is, i hated hearing it but i smiled and said i was pleased for her to avoid another row. since then however, we haven't seen or spoken to each other.
this morning her 2 girls came up to me in the playground (there uncle takes them to school so i don't see her there either) and told me that my mate is very unhappy, they said when they go to bed she sits and cries but puts the music on so the kids don't hear her, but they do! they also said that the tattooist doesn't get in till gone 10 every night and that my mate goes to bed on her own and cry herself to sleep. The main thing that worries me that that they said they don't have dinner coz they cant afford the gas so they have crisps!!!!! and that my mate hasn't eaten for 2 weeks and is losing weight she also said to them she wishes we were still friends. these girls are 9 and 7, they shouldn't be aware of all this
guys what do i do?!!!! i want to phone her so badly but she's so stubborn, she will probably say things are fine and the tattooist is the greatest ever, grrrr I know he is not though, he's a coke head and cheats left right and center, i had a lucky escape and i want her to have one too! they are due to get married next year but i cant let it happen, she's not happy with him i know it! but i don't think she will tell me coz i warned her about all this when she first started seeing him.
god i miss her and love her so much, i want to help her and give her a hug but im scared to phone her incase she wont open up.
plus if i do phone and she does open up and need my help, i wont want to move away from her and i know Jase really wants to move now
what do i do, help!!!
sorry its so long
you have to help me out with something, i really don't know what to do!
Long story but i have to tell you the basics so you understand the situation....
I fell out with my best mate of 9 years back in February,
I had a thing going with my tattooist in dec/jan 2004/2005 but he finished it to go back to his ex who he had a child with, i was devastated coz i REALLY liked him and had been trying to bag him for a while, but i understood coz of the little girl. i cried to my best mate a lot over him and she comforted me......then in feb 2005 i met Jase and things took off really quick between us, once i was happy and settled my tattooist decided he wanted me back (he left his ex) and was phoning me at 2/3 in the morning asking me to sneak out to meet him, Jase would be in bed next to me hearing all this...
After a while he stopped but i told my mate about all this and showed her his texts saying he wanted me etc.
anyway, in feb 2006 my mate started seeing my tattooist, and i know i shouldn't of cared coz i was happy with Jase but i hated it! as far as im concerned, best mates don't dso that, no matter what the situation, I tried to over come it but i couldn't so we fell out and didn't speak for a while, she hurt me a lot but i know i hurt her too by walking away.
then a couple of months ago i emile her to tell her i missed her and she came round and we seemed to make up, she told me how happy she was and what a great guy the tattoist is, i hated hearing it but i smiled and said i was pleased for her to avoid another row. since then however, we haven't seen or spoken to each other.
this morning her 2 girls came up to me in the playground (there uncle takes them to school so i don't see her there either) and told me that my mate is very unhappy, they said when they go to bed she sits and cries but puts the music on so the kids don't hear her, but they do! they also said that the tattooist doesn't get in till gone 10 every night and that my mate goes to bed on her own and cry herself to sleep. The main thing that worries me that that they said they don't have dinner coz they cant afford the gas so they have crisps!!!!! and that my mate hasn't eaten for 2 weeks and is losing weight she also said to them she wishes we were still friends. these girls are 9 and 7, they shouldn't be aware of all this
guys what do i do?!!!! i want to phone her so badly but she's so stubborn, she will probably say things are fine and the tattooist is the greatest ever, grrrr I know he is not though, he's a coke head and cheats left right and center, i had a lucky escape and i want her to have one too! they are due to get married next year but i cant let it happen, she's not happy with him i know it! but i don't think she will tell me coz i warned her about all this when she first started seeing him.
god i miss her and love her so much, i want to help her and give her a hug but im scared to phone her incase she wont open up.
plus if i do phone and she does open up and need my help, i wont want to move away from her and i know Jase really wants to move now
what do i do, help!!!
sorry its so long