My baby came 4 weeks early and is now almost 4 weeks old. Because he was early, he was even more sleepy than usual, and was too sleepy to really get a good suck at the breast. I tried to breast feed initially but his blood sugar dropped really low, which scared me enough to give him formula. I pumped for a couple of weeks - used a hospital rental electric double pump - but never really got much with the pump and he was still too sleepy to nurse effectively. I was advised by a lactation consultant to not even bother trying to nurse when he was that sleepy, just to pump. I gave up pumping because I just couldn't anymore, especially since I was getting only drops of milk with each session. I never felt that my milk obviously came in - no engorgement, no leaking. Now, I am still able to express drops of milk and my baby is more awake but refusing to latch at all - he only wants the bottle. I'd really like him to get the benefits of breastmilk. Should I even bother trying to pump again? Is it just too late and all the hormone levels are back to normal? Every lactation consultant I've seen up until now has said something different, which is super frustrating. Thanks in advance.