need to move/erect a 6ft fence!


Totally Outnumbered!!
Dec 17, 2008
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My neighbours are driving me absolutely crazy!!!

They're a Mum and daughter - daughter is nearly 5, and Earl adores her! Problem is she is so rude and since the nice weather if she sees that our door is open (we're in a terrace so the back door is a patio door that I keep open most of the time) she's stand up looking over the 4ft fence shouting continuously for Earl or me. She's makes the dog upset (he's got epilepsy that has recently turned into severe anxiety) with all the shouting. She has put a hole in the fence that more than once Earl and the dog have hurt themselves on. We've had her round a few times as a favour (sometimes Earl goes round but not recently) and the last time she was here she basically set about bullying my youngest - leaving him out of games, pushing him over, jumping out and scaring him to make him cry.

Today, all I wanted was to sit and have a nice afternoon as I've got most of my chores done, and I'm all swollen and hot. Instead I had no choice but, just to get some peace, to take both kids upstairs, put a DVD on the tv in our room and close all the windows and back door so she couldn't see or hear us.

Also to make matters worse, she doesn't go to bed until at least 9pm every night. Our children are in bed by 7.30 at the latest come hell or high water, so that hubby and I get some time with one another. With this nice weather it would be nice to use the garden, but she's there, all evening asking us questions. Her Mum doesn't stop her...instead i'll hear her saying 'go and ask Aimee if Earl can play!' I'm 8.5m pregnant and the last thing I want is to be pestered 24/7 by someone elses child.

I must confess I think that the Mum isn't keen on spending time with the girl. They've always got company, or she's out in the garden pestering Earl. I rarely hear them interacting apart from at night through the wall when we hear them shouting at one another. That, however, does not excuse the imposition. I'm desperate to stop Earl from interacting with her but it's impossible....unless we leave the house which I'm in no fit state to today (had a bad night). I feel like a prisoner in my own home......

Must go.....she's shouting at me again! :wacko:
Sounds awful :-(
The girl sounds like she needs parenting better, as she is old enough to know these behaviours aren't acceptable.
In my opinion ske shouldn't be playing out at 9pm either.
Have a word with her mum.
Had similar issues myself with a women up the road who's daughter kept bugging us, her 2 year old brother was left running around cull de sac half naked most the time-nearly got ran over several times. I don't get some people!
it doesn't sound very fun.

We have a problem with our neighbour, she just makes us feel uncomfy in our garden, She helps Oliver over the fence so he can play in her garden - she is single!!

We asked about putting a 6ft fence up the landlord said due to planning permissions you arent allowed to? I don't know if that is just here to x
it doesn't sound very fun.

We have a problem with our neighbour, she just makes us feel uncomfy in our garden, She helps Oliver over the fence so he can play in her garden - she is single!!

We asked about putting a 6ft fence up the landlord said due to planning permissions you arent allowed to? I don't know if that is just here to x

That's another thing - they always ask Earl if he'd like to go over, and then I find the girl trying to climb over to our side/lift Earl over.

Literally every other fence on the estate seems to be 6ft....except this one side to our garden. The other side is 6ft, and you know what, our neighbour that side is lovely! lol :dohh:

Last night took the put it politely.

Hubby got home at 4.30. He's been working 6 over 7 as he has extra training and things that need to be done and taking on overtime to help out money wise. We wanted to spend some time as a family, so I popped dinner in the oven and got out a board game for us to play while Eddy pottered about.

The whole time we could hear her shouting, which of course upset Earl. Eventually, he ignored her, and he played and ate dinner with Daddy no issues which was lovely.

Got to 6pm, and everyone started to get ready for bed as we always do. Eddy goes to bed 6.30ish and Earl 7ish, it's just the way it is with us. I came down after putting Edward to bed (hubby was watching some TV with Earl) to hear her shouting again, but this time her Mum was with her. I went out and of course Earl followed. They had been to the shop and bought Earl chocolate milkshake and an ice lolly which they had already opened ready for him to have..... at 6.45pm when hes in his pjs and already had his supper etc. Earl saw the lolly and of curse wanted it. I very politely but quite firmly said no thank you, it's too late but thank you all the same and closed the door behind me. I explained to Earl that he couldn't have a lolly this close to bedtime and that we have lollies in the freezer which he can have tomorrow. He took this without an issue which I was very proud of. - bear in mind with this part of the story that we have lived here 2.5 years and both the girl and her mum have been told on countless occasions when the boys go to bed just in passing conversation, even in the past week or so.

He went to bed at 7.15 after stories with Daddy as normal.

About 8.30 - yes, on a Sunday night when everyone has school/work the next day - we could hear them outside in the garden and she starts shouting for me and hubby. We ignore her as best we can and continue to eat our tea and try to watch the DVD we'd put on. She was still there at 9.15. Me being me was too worried about appearing rude to go and close the door, but hubby did it in the end as it was just too much.

Thankfully she has school today until 12 and then I think we may vacate the house for the afternoon as I'm just too p'eed off to really cope with another ruined afternoon.
We had one of our neighbours children doing this, but it was a case of us moving in and she didn't know us from adam and followed us in the house, me and dh both work with children (though Im now sahm) and like them but it worried me for her safety if we had not been nice people. She is going up and down the street till 9-10 at night and is 8 years old. She seems to have very little supervision. For us it was a case of ignoring her as much as possible to discourage her. The mother shouldn't be encouraging her to disturb you. Is she going to be encouraging her when you have a new born. Its horrible when neighbours don't understand you sometimes need privacy

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