wow that really sucks that you dont get more help in America... as crap as the uk is.. im glad we have things like this (although not sure for how much longer the way things are going).
I am just hoping the get the lower rate care. hes not eligible for mobility yet as hes not 5. so anything on top of that is a bonus. I didnt even know you could claim DLA for the problems my son has as i always saw it as something for children/adults with an obvious disability. it was our education visitor who told us about it. I cant believe that woman was so greedy though.. to be honest whatever we get given is a godsend and helps immensly espcially once you factor in the top up of child tax credits (again i didnt know about this.. found out on an autism website).
Most of all out of all of this im actually looking forward to my son getting a proper diagnosis. Weve known there was something wrong from 1 when he stopped talking and started throwing himself at walls. Thankfully thats stopped now and he claps or slaps his face.. not ideal but defenitely better than going headfirst into a wall.
do any of you guys worry that any other siblings will be the same? DS2 is 9 months and im so worried hes going to end up the same.. although i guess this time it will be easier because i know what im looking for and we already have all the help for seth so getting help for him shouldnt be as hard. xx
wow that really sucks that you dont get more help in America... as crap as the uk is.. im glad we have things like this (although not sure for how much longer the way things are going).
I am just hoping the get the lower rate care. hes not eligible for mobility yet as hes not 5. so anything on top of that is a bonus. I didnt even know you could claim DLA for the problems my son has as i always saw it as something for children/adults with an obvious disability. it was our education visitor who told us about it. I cant believe that woman was so greedy though.. to be honest whatever we get given is a godsend and helps immensly espcially once you factor in the top up of child tax credits (again i didnt know about this.. found out on an autism website).
Most of all out of all of this im actually looking forward to my son getting a proper diagnosis. Weve known there was something wrong from 1 when he stopped talking and started throwing himself at walls. Thankfully thats stopped now and he claps or slaps his face.. not ideal but defenitely better than going headfirst into a wall.
do any of you guys worry that any other siblings will be the same? DS2 is 9 months and im so worried hes going to end up the same.. although i guess this time it will be easier because i know what im looking for and we already have all the help for seth so getting help for him shouldnt be as hard. xx
If they qualify for the higher rate mobility you can claim it from 3.
wow that really sucks that you dont get more help in America... as crap as the uk is.. im glad we have things like this (although not sure for how much longer the way things are going).
I am just hoping the get the lower rate care. hes not eligible for mobility yet as hes not 5. so anything on top of that is a bonus. I didnt even know you could claim DLA for the problems my son has as i always saw it as something for children/adults with an obvious disability. it was our education visitor who told us about it. I cant believe that woman was so greedy though.. to be honest whatever we get given is a godsend and helps immensly espcially once you factor in the top up of child tax credits (again i didnt know about this.. found out on an autism website).
Most of all out of all of this im actually looking forward to my son getting a proper diagnosis. Weve known there was something wrong from 1 when he stopped talking and started throwing himself at walls. Thankfully thats stopped now and he claps or slaps his face.. not ideal but defenitely better than going headfirst into a wall.
do any of you guys worry that any other siblings will be the same? DS2 is 9 months and im so worried hes going to end up the same.. although i guess this time it will be easier because i know what im looking for and we already have all the help for seth so getting help for him shouldnt be as hard. xx
If they qualify for the higher rate mobility you can claim it from 3.
the most my son would get would be lower rate mobility as he can walk but needs a lot of guidance and it takes us forever to get anywhere due to either him stopping and refusing to walk or him getting distracted lol. A walk that would take 5 minutes without ds1 can take upto 30 minutes with him. xx
oh my gosh thats such a huge amount! Do you have any relatives that might help you out hun? or is there anywhere that sells second hand ones in great condition? xx
Atomic: I cant believe how much it can vary... their should be a set criteria to meet but then again i suppose they cant do that as every single case will be different.
Im basing my thoughts on what ds1 will get due to another child who attends the same nursery as him. I have talked to his mum quite a lot and he can talk/is toilet trained/ sleeps through the night and doesnt need as much support as ds1 and he gets higher rate care and low rate mobility. So on that im hoping well get at least low rate care. Were hoping to be able to afford to run a little car.. which will be seriously helpfulll aspecially during winter as ds1 is scared of severe rain or wind and it knocks him over with him being so small.
essie: im glad that there is help out there. I think thats the only bad thing about america is the whole medical situation. Its disgusting that some people cant get the help they need because they cant afford itmakes me very sad.
are you girls all ready for christmas?? HAPPY CHRISTMAS EVE!!
Really don't base it on some one else's. Niamh developmentally is ahead of where she should be but gets the higher rate care. As I said its not what they can do its how much you have to do for them. Niamh is toilet trained but is unable to get up and down herself. First thing in the morning or on a really bad day we have to carry her to the toilet so she would fit the same criteria as some one needing a nappy change.