I BF DS1 until 9 months, we were both ready to stop then I know it is shorter than what a lot of others would do but I had no guilt whatsoever. This time BF has been so much more of a struggle, his weight gain is fine, he's mostly content. But feeding is so stressful, I won't go into why as I have done so many times already. I'm currently going dairy free but I'm pretty sure he has a latch issue anyway, but the MW has said no TT issue (but don't trust her experience). I'm not sure I have the energy to go down the route of finding a private specialist. I've always hated BF, I hate the feeling, I hate the responsibility but I'm not sure I could handle the guilt of going to formula when I know it doesn't compare to the content of BM, especially when I persevered for DS1 and when DS2 is thriving despite feeding times being a struggle. I feel like BF robs me of my enjoyment of my baby, but I've always felt his health was more important. I just want this stage to be over, I hate it