*NEW* April Mummys Group *2009* :)

Oh bless her, she must have just thought ooo I want one!
I have bought her a peppa pig princess palace and peppa's royal family that will be for her from Leo, im not sure when to give it to her tho, Im obviously not going to be taking it to the hospital haha
We got Daisy a little brother dolly and pushchair that we gave her when we bought Finley home. But I do wish we got a few little bits that other people could have given her each time someone new visited the baby xx
Tricky, in my opinion the presents off others is overwhelming Layla? She's getting all the attention which we wanted - not to feel left out, but it's kinda working opposite? Most have got Layla a little something too and we bought her a box of blocks "that we had previously asked baby sister in my tummy" for. She's taken fab to Ellie, loves cuddling her, wants to know where she is etc.
Hospital I knew if all was ok I wouldn't be in long again, and wasn't. But I didn't want to bring baby home whilst Layla wasn't there as it's previously been "her" house. So OH left me at hospital, brought her back to pick us up and take us all home at same time. She loved this :)
Uhm other tips I can't think of scenarios but ask away, only 11 days in but if I can help I will :) ohh and Ellie is superclingy compared to Layla the minx! ;)
Wow congratulations on all the new babies!! :D im so happy for you all x

nothing new with me baby related :( but im now working full time :D 40 hour suck big time lol its an apprentice so only getting paid £500 a month and have to travell to london twice a month :o missing ava like crazy when im at work!
Leo Stuart Arnold arrived 2nd October at 4.27am!! 9 days early!

My waters went with a massive gush at 11.15pm on Saturday night, we were sent over to the hospital to be checked out at around 1am, no contractions so I went home.
Got home and contractions started around 2am, by 2.20 am I was in the bath, I stayed in the bath until around 3.30am as I decided enough was enough. We arrived at the birthing unit at 4am and he arrived at 4.27am!!!

Total Labour from waters breaking was 5 hours 19 mins (or something like that)
Established Labour was approx 1 hour 27 mins

They had to guess as they didnt have time to actually examine how far dialated I was as they were about to but the head was there!
I was pushing for a grand total of 5 mins!!

So yeah I just made it to the birthing unit on time!!
awwww congrats again Melly :)
How is everyone else????
We are going well down here in the south hahahahaha :)
Bored at home.. both kids sleeping :)

Waiting for my "ladies" to appear today.... nervous hahaha :) We will see how we go lol :)
Hope your all well :)
I will catch up properly soon ladies I promise but I thought I would let you know I have put some pics of Leo in my pregnancy journal (link in siggy) xx
9babies, love the new ticker, really hope you have a long uneventful 9 months xxx
Thanks hayley, so far my pee tests keep getting darker from yesterday. I am hoping. Hw are you?
Yes it is. Nd hubby started crying and told me that is all he really wanted for Christmas. It was so cute. :cloud9:
cant believe the babies are coming up to 3 years old - where has the time gone? to think I've had 2 more babies since our late night chatting :haha: xx
wow this hasn't popped up in my CP for yonks!!!

These were the good old days....I do really miss them :cry:

Think I may go back to the beginning and remenise (sp?)

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