New - been trying to conceive for 20 months

Hi Linn
I know it will happen for us - the right egg and sperm :spermy: have not met yet :winkwink:
I went to a fertility specialist last year and did some tests then finally got called for my follow up appointment in June past, they have me on a waiting list for IVF now (its a year wait approx), but i dont want IVF however as the doctor said I might as well go on the list and when the time comes I can decide if i want it or not - I can put it on hold for a few years and then if I have no luck by the time i'm 34 i might consider it and i wont have to wait another year on the list, i'll just go back to the top again so thats comforting I suppose.:wacko:
Anyway my plan this month is to :sex: morning and night for the 4 days around Ov - and lie with my legs in the air afterwards and avoid alcohol, fizzy drinks, coffee, processed food, etc and get loads of sleep too. And if all that doesnt work then i just dont know what to do. I'll probably buy one of those Clear Blue Fertility Monitors and see if that helps next month.
Its just so frustrating :growlmad: not being able to get pregnant.

Anyway good luck to both of us (and everyone else on here TTC) this month - i'd love to be posting in the :bfp: forum!


hi there..i know how upsetting ttc for a long time can be.....i have a 4year old daughter & conceived easily with her, well 6 mths. Its been a year off ttc now & nothing. Husband has been told he has low sperm count & moility so im hoping they will book me in for an IUI when i next see my fertility specialist in October. I have tried pre-seed. Found it very easy to use, only down fall is my husband found it put pressure on him if you know what i mean. i would be like...oh hold on a min got to put this!!! kinda sometimes put u off doing it! I have heard success stories using pre-seed so would def recommend it even though so far it hasnt bought me luck :(

Katy x
Hi RebaRezzelba

I know what you mean about not wanting IVF, I always thought I wouldn't do it but I definetely think its good for you to stay on the list. Because me personally I have been getting more desperate the longer I have been waiting and would now consider IVF. Unfortunetely I couln't have it on the NHS as I already got one daughter so I will start saving for the next couple of years and if nothing happens by then at least I will have the money for private IVF. I'm trying nearly the same stuff as you this month also thought about getting a CBFM. Are you using OPKs? I use the cheap ones you can get on the internet and so far they seem to be working for me. When are you due ovulation this month? I wish you best of luck for your BFP this month.

Hi Dancingkaty1
I got the same issues using preseed but I will continue to do it for a few more months, unfortunetely I don't seem to be getting any EWCM so I hope it will help. Have also started taking evening primrose oil this cycle. Has your husband started taking any supplements or done anything else to help improve his sperm count? I heard zinc can be good and have now bought some for my OH. I don't even know what his sperm count is like but thought it won't hurt. So desperate to try anything, lol
Best of luck to you getting your BFP soon.

Hello and welcome

Hope your Dr appt helps you honey

I should be ovulating in the next day or 2 - i have 2 OPK's left so i will prob use one this eve and another 2moro eve. Im skint at the moment so hate spending money on them but i suppose its the sacrafice we have to make. The CBFM is quite expensive too so I must check if there is anywhere on the net selling them for cheap. I have one Preseed application left too I think so might use that tonight - and I need to "do it" this eve, tonight, tomorrow morning, tomorrow evening, tomorrow night, wednesday morning & wednesday night - then thurs night (just incase) and that should cover all basis.... I hope! Oh the joys of baby making - at least we are getting plenty of practice in anyway! :)

I should be ovulating in the next day or 2 - i have 2 OPK's left so i will prob use one this eve and another 2moro eve. Im skint at the moment so hate spending money on them but i suppose its the sacrafice we have to make. The CBFM is quite expensive too so I must check if there is anywhere on the net selling them for cheap. I have one Preseed application left too I think so might use that tonight - and I need to "do it" this eve, tonight, tomorrow morning, tomorrow evening, tomorrow night, wednesday morning & wednesday night - then thurs night (just incase) and that should cover all basis.... I hope! Oh the joys of baby making - at least we are getting plenty of practice in anyway! :)

hi :)
I hope you were successful with your last 2 opk's. Tell me about being skint :( I lost my job during my last pregnancy and haven't gone back to work since I had my daughter, thankfully OH is working but it's a lot less than when I was working too. Due to having to save money I have started to use the cheap OPK's from amazon, think I paid £7 for 50 opks incl. postage and it arrived the next day when I ordered in the morning. So far I think they are working for me, I get a positive one 13-14 days before AF shows up so I can only recommend them.
I'm really annoyed my last 2 cycles were short and this month I ovulated on CD 17 which was today and OH went away for work yesterday so no BDing :( We did every day since AF showed but not the day before OV and today obviously neither. So I guess my chances are very slim :(
I wish you good luck for this cycle, u never know when it will happen :)
Regarding preseed boots also do a fertility friendly lubricant its £15 but 100ml's I think preseed was only 40 so it should last longer. Hope this helped keep me updated about your cycle and TTC.


Hi Linn

Well I did both the OPK's yesterday (one after work and one last night - cos I thought I felt Ov pains...) anyway both were negative :nope: - so no idea now if I've ov'd or not. I took my temperature this am (even though I havent been charting in about 6 months) and it was low so I think I havent ov'd yet going by that cos when I was charting before my temp would be 96.6 most mornings and before ov it would go down 1 to 96.5 (which it was this am) and then it would go up to 96.8 (after Ov) and finally reach 97.5 within the few days - so I'm hoping the 96.5 was my pre ovulation dip. However that means my usual day 16 Ov is out the window and Im more confused than ever! :?

Im contemplating buying more OPK's (but the are £20 for 8) so I dont know if its worth it. I must get a batch online for cheap for next month. Terrible you lost your job during the last pregnancy - i have a fear of that cos my work is getting quieter and quieter and I think it might close down by next year.

Anyway I've been :sex: everyday since last friday and will again 2nite and maybe in the morning too (too tired most mornings.... I would rather sleep):haha:

You never know you might have caught the egg even though your husband is away at the moment - hopefully the :spermy: made its way to the egg before he left!

Anyway keep me posted on how your getting on TTC - its nice to have someone to talk to, especially seen as we are in basically the same boat and have roughly the same cycle.

Chat soon

Hi :)

How annoying your OPKs were both negative, I hate it when I run out. I did get a postive one this month and couldn't BD so not much better, at least if you are BDing every night you should make the most of your chances but I guess you won't know when your AF is due. I hate getting my hopes up when really I only ovulated later so AF isnt even due yet but I think I'm late. Anyway hope only dies when AF arrives so i know I got a small small chance.

£20 for 8 tests sounds expensive to me, Tesco do OPKs 7 for £5.86 so thats a lot cheaper other than that I can only recommend the cheap ones from Amazon i usually buy these they ship really fast. If ordered in the morning they dispatch the same day UK first class. When you get 50 for £8 you can take as many as you like :) I alos ordered the HCG tets there but don't know if they are any good I only had BFNs so far which were accurate but I read people saying they weren't that good.

Do you take your tem in F not C? I'm useless with that, I used to temp as well but quit in february as i was obsessing way too much doing that also I never got up at the same time so I stopped and started doing OPKs.

Yeah it is terrible with all those redundancies at the moment, I was 12 weeks pregnant when I found out I was gonna have to leave and worked there still til I was 23 weeks and then I took a temporary job until I was 37 weeks pregnant. Was glad I even got another job with my bump but obviously they wouldn't offer me a permanent contract. I always had loads to do but they decided to move the office to the czech republic to save money :(
Keeping my fingers crossed you will be able to stay in your job for loads longer so you can get maternity pay eventually.
I'm just glad my OH has a pretty secure job.

Talk soon

Hi Linn

I'm on my first month of pre seed so X fingers! Due to Clomid my cervical mucus has all but dried up so I'm hoping that it will be good for us.

Another thing is I'm 35 now and my DP is 34 (he already has an 11 year old son from a previous relationship) so I feel like time is rapidly running out for us so I am prepared to try anything.

Just remember that we're all in the same boat and it is reassuring to know that no one will ever judge you on here. You only have friends on here!

Thanks Linn for the tips on the cheap preseed alternative at boots and the cheap OPK's at tesco and Amazon - i'll order some for next month - or I might pop to Tesco later this evening.

I charted my temp using Fahrenheit cos I used a thermometer I got from my sister who lives in the US - but 96.6 is roughly translated to 35.6c so its pretty low - and its always 96.6 until after Ov when it goes to 97.5/6 max - i've never had a temp over that - and after reading the net (which one shouldnt do all the time) i was convinved I had a thyroid problem (cos it say the normal temp should be 97.5 and then post Ov it should be 98. something which mine has never been) and its say on the net if you have a temp lower than 97 it could mean a thyroid problem - however I mentioned this to the FS and she said its not a problem cos im obviously Ovulating going my blood tests etc so I just dont know. And I did have a thyroid blood test a few years ago (cos my other sister whos a nurse said i had a bulge in my neck (swollen goitre) - anyway they came back negative so I guess I dont have that problem - just a big neck :haha:

Anyway we'll see what happens this month - when are you due :witch: ? Im suppose to be the 2nd Oct but if I havent Ov'd yet it could be later. I hate the wait (TWW) from now until :witch: - every ache and pain you class as a pregnancy symptom - and then she shows up :sad2: !

Anyway chat later
R :)
Hi Linn

I'm on my first month of pre seed so X fingers! Due to Clomid my cervical mucus has all but dried up so I'm hoping that it will be good for us.

Another thing is I'm 35 now and my DP is 34 (he already has an 11 year old son from a previous relationship) so I feel like time is rapidly running out for us so I am prepared to try anything.

Just remember that we're all in the same boat and it is reassuring to know that no one will ever judge you on here. You only have friends on here!


hey thanks for your post :)
I'm now on my second month of preseed, im not on clomid but I never really get any EWCM anyway, I have also started taking EPO to increase my CM and it has actualy worked this month I had some EWCM around ovualtion which was yesterday... only thing now my OH has gone away this week, typically. I'm only 25 (26 very soon) but also feel like time is running out as I wanted 2 kids close together, but I guess that won't happen anymore. Did the doctor find you weren't ovulating and has since prescribed clomid? I wish you good luck that the clomid is gonna get you your BFP.
Thanks Linn for the tips on the cheap preseed alternative at boots and the cheap OPK's at tesco and Amazon - i'll order some for next month - or I might pop to Tesco later this evening.

I charted my temp using Fahrenheit cos I used a thermometer I got from my sister who lives in the US - but 96.6 is roughly translated to 35.6c so its pretty low - and its always 96.6 until after Ov when it goes to 97.5/6 max - i've never had a temp over that - and after reading the net (which one shouldnt do all the time) i was convinved I had a thyroid problem (cos it say the normal temp should be 97.5 and then post Ov it should be 98. something which mine has never been) and its say on the net if you have a temp lower than 97 it could mean a thyroid problem - however I mentioned this to the FS and she said its not a problem cos im obviously Ovulating going my blood tests etc so I just dont know. And I did have a thyroid blood test a few years ago (cos my other sister whos a nurse said i had a bulge in my neck (swollen goitre) - anyway they came back negative so I guess I dont have that problem - just a big neck :haha:

Anyway we'll see what happens this month - when are you due :witch: ? Im suppose to be the 2nd Oct but if I havent Ov'd yet it could be later. I hate the wait (TWW) from now until :witch: - every ache and pain you class as a pregnancy symptom - and then she shows up :sad2: !

Anyway chat later
R :)

Hi there again :)
I'm glad I could be helpful, I got all my tips from the forum and I think its just great. Ok the OPks at Tesco I noticed there last time when I went shopping just thoguht that way you can still get them today even being skint as just under £6 is not too bad. I have found since joining the forum I spent a lot of time in the HPT / OPK / supplement isle when going shopping. Is your DH on any supplements? I have now put mine on zinc which I also read on here can improve sperm count, I also bought that at Tesco for just £1.50.
hehehe my OH thinks I'm going a bit OTT with all that stuff I recently started like EPO, preseed and his zinc but he is happy to take it as long as I won't talk to him about TTC and what i would do if I got pregnant all the time, so thank god for the forum and being able to talk to you and other lovely ladies I met.

Oh now I understand with the Fahrenheit I was like thinking do they use that in N. Ireland lol. But thought not. I have lived in England for 6 years but I am not Brittish so thought it was possible.
When I was still temping my temps would be quite low too similar to yours. Never considered a thyroid problem. Do you also have a problem with your weight? Hope you don't mind me asking. My friend who has a diagnosed thyroid problem finds it very hard to loose weight I don't have any problems with that at all. So I'm guessing I'm fine here too. My friend has also PCOS and is now pregnant with no 4, it's just so weird how some people seem to catch easily despite medical conditons and you got no known issues and still waiting. Well I ovulated yesterday so should be due on the 28th. Last month I ovulated on CD14 this month CD 17 I usually get my period 13 days after ovulation. Knowing me I will test the weekend before. Got too many cheap tests in the house.
Anyway keep me updated on the OPKs if you do still go to Tescos.

hi linn...yes my husband has been taking fertile aid for men since we found out his results...dont know if it will help but we are willing to give it a go. Seeing the specialist on October 22nd so will re-do his sperm test prob the week before so we have up to date results. Im due on this weekend & i just know im gonna come on...had back ache for a few days & what makes it worse is my husband sister's baby is over due....she is going to be tking in today i think to be induced so as if it wasnt going to hard seeing the baby anyway im going to have period hormones flying all over the place too & gonna feel so emotional ....bad times! Im so sad i even worked out using my calander today that if we conceive nxt mth ( doubt we are this mth coz of the back ache) then we should have the 12/13 week scan the week b4 christmas...i was imaging telling everyone christmas day around the dinner table & showing the scan pic!!!! how sad am i! any1 else imagine how they will tell there family when they get their long awaited BFP! XXXX!
hi linn...yes my husband has been taking fertile aid for men since we found out his results...dont know if it will help but we are willing to give it a go. Seeing the specialist on October 22nd so will re-do his sperm test prob the week before so we have up to date results. Im due on this weekend & i just know im gonna come on...had back ache for a few days & what makes it worse is my husband sister's baby is over due....she is going to be tking in today i think to be induced so as if it wasnt going to hard seeing the baby anyway im going to have period hormones flying all over the place too & gonna feel so emotional ....bad times! Im so sad i even worked out using my calander today that if we conceive nxt mth ( doubt we are this mth coz of the back ache) then we should have the 12/13 week scan the week b4 christmas...i was imaging telling everyone christmas day around the dinner table & showing the scan pic!!!! how sad am i! any1 else imagine how they will tell there family when they get their long awaited BFP! XXXX!

aww huni i know TTC can be so cruel, yes it would be good telling everyone for xmas, i work out dates like that and then it hurts even more to get that BFN... i hope the supplements will work for your DH fingers crossed for your appointment. i was a bit gutted this month too as OH went away just before i ovulated. are you on the IVF waiting list as your DH has low sperm count? i hope you won't be too sad seeing your little niece or nephew. i must say i find it really hard to hear BFP announcements and see pregnant beliies once the babies are there im ok. im just glad i have not gone back to work since having my daughter 2 years ago... that used ot be the worst for me the whole office permanently seemed to be pregnant. i was so jealous hearing them all talk of their pregnancies. good luck for you don't forget anything is possible until AF arrives!
Hi Linn

I never got to the shop to get the OPK's yesterday - I started a Spanish Class instead!! But I will def go out this eve and get some.

When I went home yesterday I noticed some CM so I thought that this was prob Ov day (day 17) so we :sex: again last night and I took my temp this am and its still low (96.6) so still no Ov. I've had a cold/flu (hopefully not Swine) for the past 3 weeks (its going thank god) so I was thinking maybe that had disrupted my Ov days....? Can this happen do you think?

Anyway it just means more :sex: which Im sure my DH wont mind (mind you these past few nights he's been wrecked but I still jump on him.... :haha:

As for the thyroid problem - no weight issues at all - been a size 10/12 all my young adult life - so thats why the docs didnt think there was anything wrong cos i didnt have the classic symptoms - I was tested for PCOS too a few years back and the doc said there was a few cysts but nothing conclusive cos again the classic symptoms like weight and acne etc were not present (and also the blood tests werent showing anything abnormal). So its all a mystery to me - unexplained infertility.... which is a right pain in the butt - at least if there was a definite problem you could fix it and move on - this unexplained carry on is so frustrating.

I wonder will today be Ov day? I def need to get those OPK's - i have a slight pain in my side/ovary area so it might be about to "pop"..... At this rate there should be enough :spermy: in there waiting to greet it????

Oh and no husband isnt on anything (he takes cod liver oil capsules only) - his sperm test came back above normal so i dont think the problem lies with his tadpoles - and he prob wouldnt even take them for me cos he hate taking tablets - but i might sneek them into his Oj in the morning.... He'll think im drugging him.

Keep me posted on your TTC journey!
Hi again... no im not on the waiting list for IVF....Im having a HyCoSy next week to rule fallopian tube blockages out...hoping the results are good as only have the 1 tube :( I dont really know what the specialist will say next time we see them....if sperm results are still bad & my tube is ok then what? or if tube is bad do i get that fixed before IUI is tried? thought IUI is usually tried before IVF isnt it??? im way confused lol!!! hoping a miracle does happen this mth so i dont have to have the HyCoSy done as pretty nervous bout the procedure!! I do know what you mean about not feeling as bad once you see friend had a baby about 8 weeks ago & when i saw her i didnt really feel much emotion which i thought i would!!! when i see preg woman i get so upset & feel so jealous...hate feeling this way! wish i didnt! x
Hi Linn

Here's a quick update for you. Well I took my temp on Friday (at 8am) and it was 96.7 (up .1) then I took it on Sat (7am - earlier than usualy) and it was 96.6 (down .1 but that might be because I took it an hr too early), then I took it on Sun (8am ish) and it was 97.0 (up so Ov must of happened) and then again this am at 8 - and it was 96.9 - down .1..... so needless to say Im kind of confused. But I didnt take it at the exact same times so Im just not sure. If I go for the 1st temp rise that would of been the 96.7 on Friday meaning I ov'd on Thursday.....? Or if I go for the Sunday temp of 97.0 I ov'd on the Saturday... So basically I ov'd between Thurs & Sat.... Thankfully we :sex: Mon nite, Tues nite, Wed nite, Fri morn, Sat morn and Sun nite.... So i must of had enough little :spermy: waiting there for the egg - i hope. Of course the only day I missed was Thursday (potential Ov day) so I might be out again this month - I probably am - I just can;t imagine ever being pregnant at this stage - I told my husband I was giving up at Christmas - that will be 2 full years of charting, and OPKs etc so I think ill just forget about it for a year (see if it happens naturally) and then at that stage we will get the call for IVF so I can see how I feel then - i dont want IVF but if its not happening for us then it might be the only option. I just turned 31 years old and I dont have time on my side (well I have at least 5 years left til im 36 before I start panicking) but I dont want to be doing this for the next 5 years - that will be 7 years of my life charting temperatures and having sex at the right time - it gets too mechanical and unspontaneous and kinda boring - so I need to stop (i know in the back of my mind I;ll still be thinking about Ov dates but Ill try to block it out).

Anyway thats the latest on me - how about you?


Hey there Reba:)
Sorry I didnt write all week I have been feeling really down and giving up comes to my mind often, but then I will never give up and start using contraception, but same as you I really can't see myself getting pregnant anymore. I will go to the doctors at the end of the year though as I never even did that. I'm too chicken :( I can relate to what you are saying about IVF but if that's what it takes. It must be extra hard for you as all your tests came back fine. At least if something was wrong they might be able to treat it. Did you have a lap done too? Sorry if I already asked I have now considered I might have Endo. As I have some of the symtoms but I don't get very heavy periods.

Yeah temps can be very confusing. I had to stop doing it, most months it eventually indicated ovualtion but I always wake up in the night to go to the toilet and often forget to take my temp before I get up. So I'm only doing OPK's. I test only once a day and usually get no line then faint line, stronger line and then a postive and then they go faint again so at least I know when I'm coming up to ovulation. Don't give up for this cycle til AF shows, I read somewhere that it's important to BD on the days before ovulation. I feel like I have no chances either as I didn't BD on the day before and the day of O. But I know I will be very upset again when AF shows. Isn't it crazy? I'm already thinking there is no chance but I will definetely be disappointed.
Did you buy more OPK's in the end? I'm addicted lol. My AF is due in 6 days... I'm 7 days DPO and can't wait to POAS. If only I'd ever get a positive. I never even get evaps to obsess about.

I wanna try and stop all that too though as I have put my whole life on hold for something that might never happen. OH already asked me if I only want to have sex because I want a baby, which I don't but it's at the back of my mind constantly. So I decided to look for a job in January. But until then I will try my best. Will use EPO again next cycle and am now considering those instead cups..... you wouldnt believe what I all bought since joining the forum.

Tell me more about your Spanish class, you speak any other languages? As you probably noticed English is not my first language. I love learning languages. Maybe I should join a class too and not permanently think about TTC.

I wish you best of luck for your HyCoSy, could you explain what they do for that? Yeah IuI is something you can try before IVF but for some people its not an option. For example if the tubes are blocked or the sperm count/quality is very bad there is not much point in injecting the sperm into the uterus which they do for IUI. Did u conceive your daughter with just that one tube? or did you loose it since? technically it's possible if it's not blocked but I guess with a lower chance as some month you would ovulate on the bad side. It is very upsetting to see pregnant women. I take my daughter to a park nearby nearly every day and have been seeing this women who has a 9 month old (by my guess) and looks like she is 4/5 months pregnant. It really upset me seeing her and I don't even know that person.... thats what LTTTC does to you, at least it's comforting to know other women feel the same and it's somewhat natural when you are in our situation.

Hope to talk soon


Hi Linn

I am starting to think i have Endo too - i have had terrible periods all my life, that I can remember anyway. The first day is awful - pains, sore back, stomach contractions, heavy legs, general awfulness - and the heaviest period in the world (clots etc).... So I would always take Nuerofen - until i heard it was really bad when TTC so I stopped last year - but its the only painkiller that works for me cos its an anti-inflamatory. Anyway I went to acupuncture last year for 6 sessions, she told me to take Magnesium for the painful periods and within a few months the pain had subsided. I went off the magnesium a few months later but the pain has never really come back. I started the EPO and Flaxseed Oil too cos that is suppose to be a natural anti inflamatory and that has def helped too - and my periods are not as heavy as they use to be (since before the acupuncture). Day one is still not nice but i can handle it better. Anyway thats why I think I might have Endometriosis.... But i dont want to go to the doc about it cos I really dont want them to tell me any bad news - i did have some scans done before when checking for PCOS so Im sure they would of noticed something then wouldnt they? If the infertility continues for another year I will def get it checked out but Ill give mother nature another few months.

No i never got any more OPKs - i have been bidding on a few CB Fertility Monitors on Ebay - I was out bid on both - so must try another one. I'd like to have it for the start of my next period - but i dont want to pay £60+ for it - i want a cheap 2nd hand one - incase AF doesnt show - or incase it works within the 1st month.

I have no real symptoms of AF or being Pregnant yet - too early I suppose- and I was suppose to be due :witch: on 2nd oct but if I dont know when I ov'd exactly that might of pushed it forward 2/3 days - so the 4th or 5th Oct maybe - if nothing by 5th Ill test - but Im not hopefully - i never really am - maybe thats my problem - i need to start having a positive attitude - but its hard after 20+ months TTC... :)

Yeah I just fancied learning some Spanish cos me and DH are going to Barcelona in November - i was in Spain in July too at a friends wedding and i had n't got a word of Spanish so felt bad i couldnt speak the lingo so thought I'd learn some before my next trip. It just a level one course so shouldnt be too hard - class again this evening. I have some basic French and some very basic Italian too - i've always liked learning a new language and feel I kinda have an ear for it. What is your first language?

Well I'll go for now - good to talk - and chat again soon. Hopefully we will both be sharing our :bfp: news in Oct....


Hey Reba

Thanks for your message. Regarding the endo I think they can only confirm if you have that through a laparoscopy. So we could both have it. I started my period when I was 11 (!!) and it was so painful each month I was out of school for a whole week each time I got my period which used to be every 35 days. When I was 16 I started on the pill and took that for 3 years. It made everything so much better, very light withdrawal bleeds lasting only for 2 days and no more pain. At 19 I came off it and after that it was better, not perfect but much better I still had bad pains for about 2 days and same as you I could only cope with Neurofen. Oh dear I didn't realise it's not good for TTC, I still take some on first 1,5 days of AF, should switch to aspirin or paracetamol? My periods are never heavy though, I bleed for 7 days and I would say it's moderate. I use normal tampons and only go through 4-6 a day. But I get very painfull bowel movements at the start of AF and some positions during BDing are painfull too, I heard all these can be symptoms.

I guess I will never know if I don't consult my GP which I have vowed will do at the end of the year if I'm not pregnant then, I wanna give it a few more months using OPKs Preseed, EPO and instead cups next circle. Same as you I am very scared of getting bad news. As I don't qualify for IVF on the NHS and couldn't afford it privately at the moment so I do need to conceive naturally. My AF is due on 28th September. I already did 2 tests, it's just too tempting. One yesterday and one today, today I got an evap for the first time... but hey they were both BFN... not like I expected anything else. Thou shalt not POAS until is AF due :P I will hopefully manage to hold out until saturday.

Wish you good luck getting your CBFM, I would like one but it's putting me off that the clearblue OPKs are so expensive as you need to buy them all the time with that so I will stick with my internet cheapies.

I love learning languages too. My first language is German but TBH I feel like English is my first language now, as I speak it every day much more than I do German. I am however teaching my little girl and keep finding myself just speaking in English to her. I also speak French and understand Dutch very well. I came here following my English degree I did in Germany just to practice my English and then I met my OH. So I never went back, it was meant to be 6 months and now 6 years later I'm still here.

By the time I got my BFP in 2006 I also believed it would never happen anymore but miracles can happen. I so didnt believe it I only tested when AF was 16 days late. Now I couldn't imagine waiting that long.

Chat soon

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