New BF mom preparation; good, bag, ugly

babylove x

Well-Known Member
Feb 12, 2014
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[long story short] :haha:
I am really looking for"
*Any advice, stories etc..
*Problems and solutions

[long version] :haha:
I am going to be a second time mom, i'm only 10 weeks, but I have made the decision to bf this time around and I am sticking to it..

My firstborn had silent reflux, and CMPI, I want to be prepared.. I have never really been around bf so I was completely blind sighted with my first born. I really do not want to resort to formula this time around.. I am already keeping my decision in mind when I eat, trying to optimize health and learn to stay hydrated..

I would REALLY appreciate advice... more than those books and the internet can tell you.. I want the good, the bad, and the ugly..

I just want to be prepared and confident.. Any bit helps especially regarding feeding issues that may arise like my daughters.

Thanks a million. :flower:

My daughter had horrible silent reflux and suspected CMPI.

Breastmilk is actually much better for reflux babies than formula. Much gentler on their tummies.

I did have to give up all traces of milk and soy for a few months though. X
Congratulations on your pregnancy!!

My experience, long story short...My baby had a tongue tie, poor latch, poor suck reflex and we struggled majorly in the beginning. I ended up pumping pretty much exclusively and my baby developed an intense aversion to bf. After many lactation consultant appointments and a couple occupational therapy sessions, we were able to get bf to work at 10 weeks. We are in our third week of bf without needing to use a bottle.

I highly, highly recommend finding out if your hospital has a lactation clinic/consultants and make sure you see them as soon as possible after birth to check on you. Know they are there to help in the early days and take advantage of their expertise. I know we wouldn't be where we are without them.

If you need to pump, I'd recommend a double electric. I use the Medela Pump In Style and I love it. We used Dr. Brown's bottles with the preemie nipple (slowest flow = closest to bf). A pumping bra is a lifesaver, highly recommend.

Have a happy and healthy pregnancy!! Good for you for seeking out information so far in advance. I really wish I'd researched more-- I was unprepared for the difficulties we faced and I struggled emotionally in the beginning.

Our bf journey has had lots of ups and downs but it is sooo rewarding and we love it!
Firstly thank you girls so much for responding, this is something I feel really strongly about this time.

I know now that bm would have been the best bet for my daughters allergies and such, however drs around here just revert to formula so fast and honestly I wasn't sure what I was in for; I was told it was too thin and that's why she couldn't hold any of it down, I plan to just change my diet this time if need be it!

I AM ABSOLUTELY going to try to find a good lactation consultant, I know i'm going to need somebody to fall back on!!

I hope this time I'm strong enough to overcome obstacles at first like you two, I'm trying to be ready!
Are there any credible, relatable books you would recommend??
Good luck with your second. The more prepared the better. I am 5 days into bf my second. I found reading all the threads on here so valuable as even if I wasn't having the particular issue it gave me ideas to look out for. I read what to expect when your nd and what if you can't. I think it's quite old now and some of the advice is slightly different to UK midwife advice but I found it easy to read and re assuring to have on Hand. I began to express at 6 week's with my first just one bottle a day and used a medela swing pump and tommee tippee bottles. I went back to work at 6 no this but continued to bf and express and never had to use any formula. Determination is such a massive factor I'm succeeding with bf I really believe. Some major problems can occur as you will find on here but there's nearly always a solution so you can continue to bf. Find a bf support group near you if you can. Just sitting with either mommies going through what you are is very reassuring.
The La Leche League book, The Womanly Art of Breastfeeding is a good one!

I'm still breastfeeding my one year old, but there were so many times in the early days that I nearly gave up...we have been through a lot to get here! Through health issues, Postnatal a depression and allergies. Things I wish I'd known before are:

The main one - To be prepared to feed and feed and not do much else whilst baby builds your supply. Next time I will plan to camp out on the sofa for the first few days and feed! There were many times that I got very upset and thought I didn't have enough milk but now I know that my boy was just building my supply up. I still worry I don't have enough milk sometimes but logically I know that my body will produce...

I was advised to supplement with formula in the hospital - which I did (I had no choice) but I should have cut it out sooner.

My son refused a bottle. I'm still unsure as to whether I should have introduced one sooner. I didn't introduce a bottle until I was due back at work around 9 months and the refusal was quite stressful

Good luck! Breastfeeding my son has been one of the most amazing things I have ever done. I remember wondering how i would ever make it to six months and here i am at one year and neither of us are ready to quit! xxxx
P.s my son has CMPI but I haven't had to give up milk myself xx
We didn't have any major issues really. My son took a bottle for a month or so and then around 3 months just refused it. I had waited to introduce it as recommended, but once he lost the sucking reflex I guess, he started to refuse it. So I have continued with no bottles since then! I think the more you can avoid bottles, the better it will be for your supply since baby will tell your body what to produce better than a pump will. If you NEED bottles though, I'm not much help. Right now I'm dealing with bottom molars and stomach flu/croup recovery all at once and LO is practically cluster feeding like a newborn. Let me know if I can help in any way.

I read this yesterday and thought it was a great article:
thank you everyone, I will be referring to this section quite a bit through this pregnancy- I'm going to have a full school load and a 2 year old so I know the temptation to slowly but surely bring in formula will be a tempting one so the more prepared def the better.

I will have to pump and give a bottle a couple times a week for school and such, I just need to be sure i'm bringing in a supportive one once I do go back..

I hear tommee tippee or playtex nursers- though I hear tommee tippees are too fast for a lot, I know that was a problem with my DD originally she was a Playtex ventaire/nurser baby, but not bf

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