Hello! I am new to online forums in general and this one specifically. My DH and I have been TTC #2 since Aug 2008. We have one daughter who is 5 - she was conceived the 1st month of trying, so we were quite surprised to have secondary infertility. My DH and I were both tested - I have low progesterone and don't always ovulate. DH was fine. Took Clomid from March 2010 to October 2010 - (had BFP in March 2010 but lost it right away). And have had no luck since. We are not looking to take futher fertility meds or do IUI or IVF - so I was wondering if anyone has any tips regarding TTC naturally. - Other than the obvious things like charting BBT and using OTC ovluations tests, etc.? Any direction or advice welcomed. Thanks!