We found out we were PG just after christmas and are thrilled! Kept it to minimum family as yet but didn't really have any concerns. Been to midwife earlier this week but no scan or anything yet - have a date in feb now tho!
But was just reading a very sad thread about people who had gone for their 12wk scan to be told that the baby had stopped growing at say 6, 7 or 10wks..... obviously this is awful for those who have already been through it but I now seem to have it in my head that this cwill happen to me.
This question may be niaive stupid but is there any way I would know if this happened? Like would i stop putting on weight or would my period come?? scan not for another 4wks so am going to be panicking...Or if i did a digital PG test every week, would this show I was still pg or would this still give a positive result if the baby had stopped growing???
Hopefully you ladies can give me some pointers or it will be a very long 4 weeks...
We found out we were PG just after christmas and are thrilled! Kept it to minimum family as yet but didn't really have any concerns. Been to midwife earlier this week but no scan or anything yet - have a date in feb now tho!
But was just reading a very sad thread about people who had gone for their 12wk scan to be told that the baby had stopped growing at say 6, 7 or 10wks..... obviously this is awful for those who have already been through it but I now seem to have it in my head that this cwill happen to me.
This question may be niaive stupid but is there any way I would know if this happened? Like would i stop putting on weight or would my period come?? scan not for another 4wks so am going to be panicking...Or if i did a digital PG test every week, would this show I was still pg or would this still give a positive result if the baby had stopped growing???
Hopefully you ladies can give me some pointers or it will be a very long 4 weeks...