New to this. Nervous....but so excited!


Well-Known Member
Jan 24, 2011
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Hi everyone,

Well, I have made the transition from WTT to NTNP, and a few months earlier than expected too!

So, something I've been dying to ask you guys on long ago did you come off the pill in preparation for this? I've been off it for 13 months now and I've had 5 week and 6 week cycles up to this point ( I had a moment where i had a 10 week cycle!!) but now i've had a few 4 and a bit week cycles so I think my body has sorted it's self out (took it's time I know!).

I'm not bothered when I fall pregnant, but I know i'll start panicking if it doesn't happen before christmas, as I know i'm paranoid about my fertility.

Ahhhh, just feel dead excited and nervous all at the same time!!! x x
Hi Plush_Pink
Congrats on making the jump!
My hubby and I are somewhere in between NTNP to TTC, leaning more towards the TTC side lately...
I came off the pill in January, and we stopped using protection in June. I've charted my cycles right along, and they're fairly consistent 27-30 days.
We haven't gotten pregnant yet, and it's been 4 cycles... I was pretty bummed with our first negative month (we wanted to conceive on our honeymoon)... Feeling hopefully for this month. I know it takes some much longer, but I'm going nuts already... I try to stay positive... I started out with a "it'll happen when it happens" attitude, but in retrospect it was more of a "it'll happen when it happens as long as it's right away!!!" attitude.
Good luck, see how it goes... and just try to keep it fun, and not mechanical...
Hi, I have been of the pill for nearly 2 years, and ntnp for 15 months... its taken a long time for my body to go back to normal too, i had a few 80 day cycles!! but now 30-33 so thats great..

Dont panic if it doesnt happen before christmas, thats very soon! it may take awhile. Good luck!! xxx
Hi! I'm in a similar boat. I went off the pill in June and have ntnp since. My cycles have ranged from 35 days to 46 days. We said we were going to wait until January when we have health insurance again to really ttc but lately I feel like all I can think about is trying. I am very nervous and excited all at the same time. I really don't want to overwhelm dh either so I'm trying to be spontaneous still. Good luck to you!

How exciting taking that leap. I got my mirena removed in May and we started to try immediately. We are now in our 6th cycle and nothing yet. I don't chart (mainly because I'm too lazy) but i do use OPKs.

This month i'm taking a new approach as I think i'm stressing myself out too much when i'm in the 2ww and the lead up to ovulation. I'm just gonna try and see what happens no testing this month.

Try not to set yourself a goal for conceiving by Christmas as the speech my doctor gave me when she took out my coil haunts me and its almost November. She said "lets hope we have a pregnancy by November" now subconsciously and more to the forefront of my brain I'm thinking I should be pregnant by November and its not happened yet and I too am starting to panic about my fertility. I also feel very disappointed eveytime af shows.

Good Luck

Fern, I'm the same way! I took mirena out June 8th and still nada! I thought it would be easy, but it has been anything but....:shrug:. My cycles are irregular ranging from 32-42days. It's been really annoying because I have a ton of pg symptoms, but I think it's just my body trying to cleanse itself and get back to normal. I had mirena for 7 years(2 coils total) so I'm praying I'm still fertile. I've been using opk's, and have gotten positives for the past 2 months, did what I needed and still nuthin!:nope: I'm going to relax this month and let things take their course...maybe. I just wanted to shoot for a son, so I wanted to know the day of ovulation for better chances of conceiving a boy(having sex the day before ovulation)...
Fern, I'm the same way! I took mirena out June 8th and still nada! I thought it would be easy, but it has been anything but....:shrug:. My cycles are irregular ranging from 32-42days. It's been really annoying because I have a ton of pg symptoms, but I think it's just my body trying to cleanse itself and get back to normal. I had mirena for 7 years(2 coils total) so I'm praying I'm still fertile. I've been using opk's, and have gotten positives for the past 2 months, did what I needed and still nuthin!:nope: I'm going to relax this month and let things take their course...maybe. I just wanted to shoot for a son, so I wanted to know the day of ovulation for better chances of conceiving a boy(having sex the day before ovulation)...

Goodness you sound like me!!! x
Gabby- I had the Mirena after my first. I only had it in for about 9 months because of complications with bleeding. A friend of mine had hers taken out at the 5 year mark and was able to get pregnant after a while. I have heard that the longer you have it in the longer it takes for your body to get back to "normal".

As far as having a boy, boy sperm swim faster, girl sperm live longer (so I have been told). Having sex the day of ovulation increases the chance of boy sperm being present. For me, I ovulated early the months I got pregnant with my sons (I have 2). With my daughter, I ovulated late in my cycle. Though, with the 3 of them we werent ever trying so I never charted. I just know because my boys measured a head by a couple of days at our dating ultrasounds so the dr said that I must have ovulated early. My daughter's due date was moved because I ovulated so late (though, with her I was still nursing my 2nd when I got prego).

Hang in there. Things will normalize soon :)
Thanks! I'm tryng to hang in there and not get so obsessive, but it's hard. I never realized the strain it can put on a relationship ttc. It's not so much my husband, it's me. LOL! I'm all moody and stuff, you'd think I were pg already, I swear.:wacko: I hope for all of us that our bodies regulate after mirena sooner than later!:dust:

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