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Mommy to a Princess
Sep 16, 2010
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I'm 26 weeks and 1 day my water broke at 25 weeks 6 days. Currently sitting in Toronto until my little girl makes her appearance. The dr's don't know why my water broke. Just one of those things. To top it off I already had a short cervix from surgeries that were done on it in the past from precancerous cells needing to be cut out. It left me with 1.6 cm of cervix and I was put on rest as soon as I found out I was preggy. My pregnancy was going so well to. I never had any nausea or vomiting just was tired mostly
And achy. Then the other day was like any other got up had a cup of coffee hubby was starting breakfast. I went to the washroom and as soon as icernt to sit on the toilet my underwear got soaked and I kept running fluid out. Started yelling at the hubby I need to go to the hospital now!! Took me there where they checked me and Andre hours later I started having contractions so they shipped me to Toronto where I now sit and wait. The dr doesn't think I will make it much linger with my cervix problem he expects it to start shortening soon now that my water broke.
Welcome. It must be so scary to have all that going on. Have they given you steroid injections?

There are so many positive stories on here, I recommend looking at the introduce your preemie thread, you will see all our LOs and how they have come along. You should also ask if you can speak to someone from the NNICU or, if you are able, visit the unit to have a look round. It's one less scary thing to face after your LO is born, if you know what to expect.

Every minute, every hour, every day inside you makes a big difference, hopefully you'll have a wee while yet.

Let us know how you are getting on and please try not to worry too much. :hugs:
Thanks so much sweety. I've been having lots of dr's coming in to talk and they offered to give a tour of everything so we are prepared. I am getting steroid injections they started that as soon as my water broke and also have been pumping me full of antibiotics to keep any infections away. So far no contractions after the few I had the day my waters broke. I continue to leak fluid so far so good as it's clear. The nicu dr that spike with me this am said he doesn't think my cervix will hold up to much longer. My hubby is over an hour away and can't get back to the hospital till tomorrow after work. We had just moved to Saint Catharines to and then wham this. I am terrified. I know she is in good hands here but the fact my hubby is so far away I get scared I go into labor and he won't get here in time. I do want the tour of the area when he comes back to know fully what to expect. I'll keep my updates coming:) so far so good though andcrossibg my fingers she hangs on in my tummy a bit longer. I think it's so strange to I told myhibvy out of the blue I had a feeling she was coming early then I dreamt I was in the hospital I labor with her early. Then a few days ago my 3 dogs started sticking to me like glue and would follow me everywhere and if I went to pee one was even check the toilet when I was done which was so weird because that's where my water broke. They would all sit in the bathroom while I used it.
Wow, it sounds like those dogs are really looking after you. Funny how they sense things isn't it.

It can totally sympathise with your situation. My first admission to hospital happened when I visited London (450 miles away) for work at 26 weeks. My husband was due to join me 3 days later for a weekend of sightseeing etc, but on the first night I got there, I started bleeding and was admitted. It was too late for him to change flights for that day, so I had to wait until he could get there 24 hours later. I was terrified. I spent the night in the labour ward listening to women giving birth (my gawd that sounded horrific to me!!!!) Thankfully the other ladies in the ward were lovely and kept my spirits up.

I don't do prayers but am sending out positive vibes you you. Mr Aplaren will be there before you know it, giving you the hug I'm sure you badly need! ut here's a virtual one from me, just to keep you going :hugs:
:hugs:Welcome to the forum. I really hope your lo stays put as long as possible. Thinking of you. x
Hello and welcome. Fingers crossed your LO stays put a while yet.

I had Sophie at 27 weeks, after I developed severe pre eclampsia which was discovered at my 25 week check. I had the steroids at around 26 weeks I think. It's all a bit of a blur - I had to have daily hospital visits for monitoring and scans and was admitted twice overnight before being transferred to a bigger hospital because the one I was meant to give birth in didn't take babies less than 32 weeks. cut a long story short, Sophie was born at 27 weeks exactly, weighing 1lb 13oz and she spent 12 weeks in neonatal. She did really well and had far fewer problems than we'd been expecting. She's now 10 months actual, 7 months corrected and still doing well :)

Keep us posted - we are all here for you xxxxx
Hello there and Welcome.

I hope you manage to hang on as long as you can as like Foogirl says every day, minute, hour counts. I had my LO at 25 +4 weeks. I was on bed rest like yourself since 23 weeks as i had dilated to 3cms with bulging membranes without even knowing it. That 2 weeks had to be the longest ever. I had lost water gradually and regular scans showed the decrease in fluid around the baby. The weekend before giving birth i started to have contractions and to be on the safe side was taken to the labour suite every time. (The nurses were all terrified i ended up delivering on the ward) Like yourself i sometimes felt as though they stalked me haha.

However I did give birth to a beautiful little girl weighing 850grams and she is doing great now after a bumpy road. (5months actual age on 24th, 6weeks corrected).

That's great you managed to get some steroids too. Hope everything goes well for you. Sending you positive vibes and massive hugs. I know how scary it all is especially sitting in a hospital and all you can do is think!!!! :hugs:
Alparens had an update, thought I'd post the link.
Hope she's got a cot space now, and we'll make a nice comfy space for her here too :)
****plumps up the pillows and puts the kettle on****
Our little Samantha arrived in the world a fighter and she is doing great in the nicu! Here's my long birth story if your interested and a picture of our princess:) Please continue to pray and send positive thoughts for to grow big and strong. She's got a long road ahead of her in the NICU. I can't wait till she comes home.

My birthstory
January 16 started off as any other day. We got up made coffee and had plans to set up Samanthas nursery. Husband started a late breakfast.. I went to the bathroom and I felt a huge gush. I panicked. Started yelling at Rich that I have to go the hospital now my water just broke. I was freaking out because I *was only 25 weeks and 6 days pregnant.*
We rush me to the hospital where they immediatly admitted me. Yup I had ruptured... So they send me in an ambulance to Sunnybrook hospital in *Toronto where they are equipped to deal with my situation. *Dr's check me over and say it's now a waiting game until I go into labor or get an infection in my uterus but it would be hours or months. *They admitted me in on bedrst on their high risk ward. I felt like such a failure like I did something wrong. 3 days go by so far so good. I woke up on Januray 19th feeling positive but something was not quite right. I was nauseated all day felt tired. I started cramping I the afternoon really low in my pelvis so the nurse came and checked me and couldn't pick anything up on the monitors. Samantha seemed happy little less active than usual but we thought it was just a quiet day. The cramps subsided so it was all good. 10pm on the phone with my husband. He was over 2 hours away at home because he had to work. I all of a sudden started freezing and uncontrollably shaking I was so cold I was cursing so I called the nurse. She checked my temp and gave me a warm blanket nadda she said. So I laid down and at 10:07pm the cramps started... Horrible pain so I timed them and sure enough every 4-6 minutes... They were contractions....I started freezing again at 10:30 and the nurse walked in just as I was going to call her. Told her about my pain so she felt low down where I told her it was and sure enough rock hard contractions.. She grabbed the thermometer and threw it in my mouth and sure enough I had a sky high fever... She said this baby is coming tonight your starting to get an infection and your in labor! So she immediately ran out of the room to inform nicu team that I was on my way to labor and delivery... I called my husband he freaked out and jumped in a taxi to take 2 hour ride. Instantly I was in a psychotic amount of pain and everyone who knows me knows I have a very high pain tolerance. So the epidural was ordered. She came started it and this pain like someone was cutting my right leg off. So she hauled it out and put it higher. Ahhhhhhhhhh relief... Sort of.. I could still feel contractions on part of my left side... Then the fever headache... Was like a
Migraine I couldn't open my eyes. Samanthas heartbeat was high.. They upped my epidural.. Still could feel a bit.. They started the drugs to dialate my cervix fast. I had 2 surgeries on my cervix to remove precancerous cells and my cervix was so scarred and so short. But it was hard and closed up. My husband finally arrived. Dr's keep checking my cervix and it was thinned but refused to dialate. They tried to force it open with their fingers but couldn't even find the opening. All they could feel was Samanthas head pressing on it. 12 hours roll by it's Januray 20th 10am dr's give up and decide it's time for a c-section. I am so out if it I can't remember much... They wheel me in the room and start prepping me. The anesthesiologist starts pumping me full if drugs because I can still feel pain on my belly and there is no time for another spinal. So he starts pumping me full of morphine and fentanyl. I can remember yelling about how much it hurt sharp pains in my vagina and in the left side of my belly while they cut me open. My husband was watching the whole thing on the screen above out heads while the anethetsiologist *held his shoulders. Apparently they lowered the bed holding Samantha to get her out instead of just taking her out as she was so small they didn't want to pull her out. So they rushed her to the other room and started working on reviving her. Took them an hour to get her stable. Her lungs were sticky from being underdeveloped still so it took so much time to get the tubes in her chest. Try had to give her CPR and work to keep her alive but finally my husband saw her leg start wiggling. They rushed her away to keep working in her. Samantha Mary-Eileen Grenier was born on Januray 20th at 11:18 am and weighed 750 grams. My beautiful princess. She was 26 weeks and 2 days old.*
She is doing great so far in the hospital. We can't wait to have our princess home with us. It's going to be a long 13 weeks waiting for her to come
Awe, she's beautiful! I'm glad she's doing well. Take care of yourself, the NICU is one heck of a ride, but it does go by fast. :hugs:
Thanks Hun. I hope it goes by fast. So far she is doing amazing in there. I'm still scared to death. Guess thy feeling is going to stuck with me till she's home.
Congratulations on the birth of your little girl she is beautiful.

There are similarities in our stories. I was in hospital on bedrest for a month as my cervix had dilated and they put an emergency stitch in. I also got an infection that triggered labour and after 12 hours I was given the drug to speed things up as my cervix stuck at 5 cm which is what it had dilated to in the beginning. Although the drugs worked for me. Like you as well I still had pain on 1 side even though I had an epidural.

The Nicu journey is a rollercoaster. Take sometime for yourself when you can. Even half hour and read a magazine as it will help with the journey.

Take care and hope samantha continues to do well.

Congratulations, sending positive thoughts and keeping you all in my prayers! p.s. she's lovely!
Congrats hunny, she looks a lil sturdy lass! Xxxxx
Aw many congratulations to you on the birth of Samantha. I hope the NICU journey is as smooth as can be. Sending you loads of cyber hugs and grow strong vibes. xxx
congrats on her safe arrival. I hope she continues to thrive. My little girl was born at 26 plus 6 and shes just came home from NICU
Congratulations! She's a wee stunner. Hopefully she will go from strength to strength.

We're all here for the inevitable ups and downs.:hugs:
Samantha is still doing fabulous. The dr's are super happy. More bloodwork today and tomorrow they are supposed to take out one of her iv lines that in her tummy. I miss her so much it's unreal. I wish this c-section and iron problem would hurry up and get better so I can take the bus out to see her. My husband is supposed to go up tomorrow night after work and spend the night with her.
Congratulations - she's gorgeous!

Like 25 weeker said, it's a rollercoaster journey, but it WILL pass and you'll have your special little girl home with you where she belongs. xxxxx

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