i havnt checked the due dates but i checked on the internet and it said the 8th january 2013 i have symptoms im hungry ALL THE TIME i can eat a dinner then like 10mins later i feel like i havnt eat the whole day! how can something that small need so much food i need a wee nearly every 10mins and i get so tired i cant even walk down the street with out feeling like ive been for 20min sprint! but it makes me feel better knowing that its all for a good reason and i did another test today to see if the lines were any darker and they were i sat there and looked at the test and i think i belive it now i thought the first test i did was lying but i think i was just so shocked plus when i found out was when we were about to stop trying just to give me a bit of breathing space because it was all getting to much. and yes i did have a misscarage last year just before christmas xx