Newbie looking for input


Apr 20, 2012
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Hi, Everyone,

I just joined this board tonight. I'm hoping to hear some of your personal stories/experiences - I know the only true way to know if you're pregnant is a blood test at the dr, but in lieu of that, while I wait, I'd like to share what's going on with me and hear back from you.

Obviously, this post is in this board bc I am NTNP and we are just using the w.drawl method as 'birth control' for the last 18mos or so. When we had sex last month, about 2 days later I started my period. However, instead of it lasting approx 5-7 days and having a heavy flow for all of those days, it was a lighter flow, more brown blood and lasted only about 2-3 days. This month, my period was late by about 3 days. Yesterday I was figuring it was finally coming because I was having cramps off and on. I wore a pad and by the end of the day, there was only a nickel sized circle of brown blood on it. Today, I also began experiencing cramps in the afternoon and went to the restroom and had more brown blood than yesterday but did not have to change the pad all day. Now, the only time I've seen anything is when I have wiped. Continues to be brown in color ((sorry, if all is tmi!!)) and I no longer have cramps, although a couple of times tonight I have felt a fleeting sharp pain in my very lower abdomen on one side.

I should also mention that aside from a heavy, long flow, I also am typically in excruciating pain that leaves me pretty much unable to even stand up and walk for at least one day. I took 2 motrin today as a precaution when I began feeling cramps, but never had to take more.

Aside from what has happened in the last 24hrs with this odd 'period' - if that's what it is - since about 2wks after our intercourse last month, I have been increasingly nauseous with each day. I also am a BIG food lover w. a healthy appetite, love cooking and eating. For weeks now, the THOUGHT of food is disgusting to me. I rarely am hungry anymore and if I DO feel hunger, nearly everything I just THINK of, makes me more queasy. If I AM able to eat something, I can't finish it before feeling either a.) immediately full or b.) sick. For example, the other day I was craving a deli sandwich, so I got one and was unable to even finish half of a half. I am typically eating one small snack a day. Today, I had a strange metallic taste in my mouth all day that was gross. I do have some increase in my frequency of urination but am not really experiencing sore breasts.

I have become EXTREMELY emotional, as well. Everyday someone asks if I'm due for my period bc I will literally SNAP at someone at the drop of a hat. I also have been crying at the drop of a hat. I went for a drive after work today to run errands, and randomly burst into tears at one point. About 4yrs ago, I was pregnant and chose to terminate the pregnancy. At that point in time, I had never even noticed any sort of changes with my body and only found out I was pregnant when I was at the dr's office getting treated for lyme's disease. This time, I'm noticing a LOT of things but I DID take a HPT tonight and it was negative. I'm just really unsure about what is going on. I've been reading other boards and stuff and it seems for like everything I read that people say is 'the norm' I can find the same amount of info for the opposite being true. I'm really just hoping to hear from other women who have been in a similar situation and what their outcomes were, as well as any thoughts, input, etc.

Sorry this is so long, but thank you in advance for your help :)
Hey Lilmeg,
I just wanted to reply to say I was in a similar situation. I aslo posted on another thread but I got no response... so I can't answer your question but I thought I would share my story, and perhaps some ladies will look at our posts and tell us what they think. :)

Here's the deal, my last period started March 27 (the one before that Feb 28). Between the 1st and the 5th I had intercourse. And since then I feel pregnant. For the next two weeks I have had nausea, insomnia, close to anorexia (I'm already pretty thin and do not eat much, but this is worse!), bloating, some gas, some acid reflux, nipples hurt (not boob). I checked cervical fluid in teh shower in the morning, and for the past 2 weeks it has been very white, but milky (not with chunks) [sorry TMI]. I also felt that my nipples had changed a little, got a bit larger (but not darker). Oh, and yeah, I also noticed my labia have turned a blueish color, and I am not sure I have ever seen that before.
Then I thought I had been tripping because the symptoms went away for a couple of days.
Then yesterday morning when I woke up I had bright red blood, 6 days before my period (this has never happened before!). It spotted all day, no enough to fill a pad, but definitely had a few legit drops of very red blood. I had cramps yesterday - not bad, but some. today I am still bleeding (not enough to put a tampon, just a couple of drops every few hours on a pad). My nipples don't hurt as much at all (almost feels like I had been dreaming the symptoms!), no cramps. But I am still wondering.
My lower stomach has been inflated as if I was going to get my period for the past 2-3 weeks (i am very thin so it shows)
Took a test yesterday, it was negative. I am now waiting until the 26th (date of supposed period) to take another.
I know I could do a blood test, but I would rather wait. I am not nervous about it, I'm just wanting to know why I bled a week before my period! I have read about implantation bleeding, but most ladies seem to say it's brown color, not red. So I would like to know if anyone here could share their experience with me if they had a similar one. Do you think I could be pregnant?
I dont go pee frequently (or rather, I have always peed frequently so that remains unchanged), I also don't have any change in my smell.

Another thing is that, I don't seem to have any emotional response. I mean, I stopped the pill a year ago, and since then I have been way more sensitive than I have every been in my life, and it remains up until now. but nothing MORE since these symptoms.

Hopefully someone can help us... :) we just need to be patient and wait for another test. but easier said than done! right? ;)
Totally... any input I will be appreciative for. Hopefully we get some thoughts from others that have been where we are now :o)

I'm still just experience small amts of brown blood. Nothing over night and just slightly all day/night today.

On top of everything else, my bf ((who WOULD be the dad if i AM pregnant)) of the past 2 yrs, i caught on the phone w. another girl tonight and lo and behold he says its his WIFE. Can't even believe this is my life right now... :o/
((Clearly, I dont know what im doing w. those smiley faces either. ay ay ay!!! ))
oh dear! so sorry to hear! have you found out more yet? does he really have a wife? how horrible of him. don't feel guilty, it's not your fault, you only picked him because he lied. you didn't have all the information.... but ya, that sucks!

I am still bleeding, red. not enough to fill a pad (perhaps filled 2 liners yesterday), this morning nothing, and then in the shower I checked and there was still some red blood. my period are still not due for 4 days. I have no idea if this is early periods.

if I am pregers, well I am not with the father. he actually lives abroad. we are not close. I am not even in touch with him anymore since the last time I saw him we fought. so I dont even know how I would tell him etc...
trying not to think about it. no point stressing until I find out.

keep me posted ok? :) Good luck hun.
This is so annoying. I posted a reply to you last night 2 times and it is still not showing up!
any news for you?

for me the bleeding stopped yesterday. today I had brown spotting (very very light, not like period at all).
- what is that??? my period is due thursday, still waiting to test and really wondering what is going on!
Well, I'm trying to remember what I wrote to you last night lol

I'm under stress since I work w. the guy and get to spend all week w. him starting tmw. I'm hoping to not lose my mind and have a total meltdown. NOT looking fwd to going in.

As far as the preg stuff... I just don't know. I really felt like i could be, but with the more time that is passing, the more i feel like something else weird is going on... maybe the same with you. I will retest at the end of this week and if it is negative, i will make an appt w. the gyno to try to see what is going on. Who knows, there could be a cyst or infection or anything is possible. I have had nothing but brown blood for the last 3 days, off and on, never enough to change a pad and no cramps. Now that I know this guy was lying to me for months, now I'm concerned about diseases and other garbage like that. *sigh* It just never seems to end

Again, will keep you posted and you do the same!
same here, wondering what it is. as time goes by and no positive tests (tested yesterday).
today the spotting stopped, I mean it pretty much stopped yesterday, but I still get this one mini drop per day (so still wearing liners).

I'm also wondering if it's not something else, never had period before my due date, and never had them red like that, fluid, with no "lumps", and then that brown spotting which didnt even look like my regular period related spotting.

for me nothing hurts though, I mean, I still feel somewhat bloated, but I dont have any cramps. so I read that when it doesnt hurt there is little risk that you have some infection (esp. if you dont have weird cervical fluid, which I dont have ANY right now, except for that occasional brown spot).

keep me posted, will do the same! it's nice to know someone is going through the same thing!

and good luck with the a**hole! ;)
i was looking at this one site yesterday, and the ladies post their pee sticks... anyways, one lady tested almost every day and got negative until day 20-21 past ovulation! can you imagine! some women say they actually never tested positive, only a blood test worked! I still have my law school finals next week, so I'm going to wait before I go see the doc, but like you I'm going to go. Just keep me posted ok, perhaps it will enlighten my case too! ;)
Ahhh! I know! Your mind goes crazy thinking every worst case and best case scenario and it makes you absolutely nuts, when there really is no DEFINITIVE way to know, short of a dr visit. HOWEVER, even though I said I was starting to lean more towards it being some other weird thing ((i.e./ maybe my food aversion / fullness right after eating anything is from gall stones... and maybe the period is a totally separate issue and theres just a billion diff things going on - see, im really looking at everything LOL hence the gallstones)) other than pregnancy, BUT, of course I cant stop researching symptoms of pregnancy every day.

Like you, I have come across MANY msg boards / websites / etc where MANY women seem to have experienced taking a number of HPT and getting negatives for weeks - some even MONTHS! That's the problem w. not knowing and 'googling' symptoms and whatnot. Especially with something so subjective as pregnancy. No two women seem to experience the same symptoms at the same time, and when you go to a medical website and they talk about how uncommon - yet possible - other symptoms are, you can click to another page and find a bazillion people who HAVE experienced those things and all of a sudden it DOESNT seem so rare... you know what i mean?

I dont know if im even making sense right now, to be honest. lol i am so tired. i was supposed to wk a good ol 12hr shift w. my ex today and i guess the pressure was too much for him because he called out ... however, nearly an hour before closing, he randomly showed up for dinner. Threw me for a total loop ... saw his face and thought i was gonna puke or faint. And then right after he left, i wanted to cry.

But maybe im NOT pregnant, bc when you ARE pregnant your hormones are pretty uncontrollable arent they? So i wouldve thought i wouldve punched him by now or something ;o) j/k

You keep me posted as well... we're the only 2 weve got on this thread so we sorta need to hear from each other haha!
Ps- what was the name of the site you were talking about with the pee sticks? im going to be taking another test at the end of this week. you know what, i dont remember if i mentioned this in an earlier post already but a few years back, i had been pregnant. i didnt notice any change. it was a shock when i found out i was pregnant bc i wasnt even at the dr for that. but from what i remember ((it was a very painful time in my life so the memories around then are somewhat foggy)) i had nausea but nowhere near as severe / constant as this. and i believe i had some breast pain, which i have none of right now. so i wouldnt even know what to expect with a 2nd pregnancy. then theres that whole other phenomenon where your mind can pretty much trick you into thinking youre pregnant when you really arent. i just dont know how to explain this to anyone, but ive played it over and over in my head, telling myself 'you arent really pregnant. the dr will say you are not pregnant' and for some odd reason, i can NOT wrap my brain around that and i still feel different. i almost feel like every single day i am going through the motions but i feel as though i am outside of my body watching this all happen. Does ANY of this make any sense? im just so shot / exhausted right now lol and id love to have a glass of wine - but then i worry, if im pregnant, that will hurt the baby! ahhhh!! lol
OMG I feel exactly the same as everything you say! You make perfect sense, the internet, the symptoms, the feeling different but trying to reason myself I cannot be pregnant (I took yet another test yesterday, negative, I wasn't even surprised, yet I still have 2 of those internet test and I think I might try one again this week end, because I "feel" different, not normal. I also have not had a glass of wine since i have been feeling weird, however (i know, bad) I am still smoking my 3 to 5 cigarettes everyday (stoping during exams seems impossible to tell you the truth). So I'm not even consistent in my decisions. It's almost like being bi-polar. Not thinking about it at all one moment, and then imagining that perhaps I do have a bun in the oven and I don't know it (because all those ladies got positive tests so late).
Another thing, is that boobs and all don't hurt anymore (they hurt so much 2 weeks ago and that was unusual for me). but then again, I saw that most symptoms kind of go away after a couple of weeks and then come back later. so that doesn't help me. got ONE drop of brown again this morning, nothing more. was it my period? am I getting old (31) and my ovulation is starting to go "wrong' for the first time?
my lower abdomen still feels full, and I haven't eaten much in weeks. I feel disgusted by most foods (is it because I'm stressed with my exams? or something else?)

it's really nice to read you and share with you. My name is olivia btw. I'm in New Orleans, what about you?

good luck with all of it. keep me posted! i'll do same. xox
check out these ladies
were supposed to get period on the 25th (me the 24th, so i've been following them), one girl (lou) found out yesterday she was pregers, but her amazon test are still saying she's not! well, I've been testing with amazon cheapies as well, so what does that tell me? ya, that the tests are BS... awesome.
Hey, I'm Megan , in NY (o:

any new stuff today? any news?

today my nausea was much better. i woke up with it. i didnt eat all day til lunch at which time i had a teeny meal that i felt a lil queasy after ... wasnt planning on dinner just bc i havent had any appetite really but had a tiny bite to eat which i got a lil queasy after that, too but the nausea all in all was much better today than it has been. i feel like i have pretty good energy once i can drag myself out of the bed but then after a few hrs, i feel like i hit a wall and i find myself being like 'omg im SO TIRED' .... for hours today from afternoon - evening, i kept getting shooting pains / stabbing pain that is in the very low part of my abdomen. i dunno what that is. i also feel tonight like i have very dull cramps. i am still thinking sat a.m ill take the hpt and see what happens. ironically, i spoke to an out of state friend tonight and she found out yest she is pregnant again. she said with 3 out of her 4 pregnancies, she didnt test positive til weeks after the tests should have shown it.

just what i need to hear to keep myself into tricking my mind/body into behaving and believeing it is pregnant lol

oh, and talk about forgetfulness? i decided i am too exhausted to deal w. doing laundry ((i typically do it at my moms, i dont have access in this apt to a washer/dryer)) so i decided to drop it off at the laundromat. great idea? yes. worth spending $ i dont really have to not have to do it myself? yes. but... who is the genius that put all of her bath towels in the bag that is now sitting in the laundromat? oh, right. me. and before you ask, no i dont have any beach towels. so i guess ill be drying myself off tonight w. napkins. what a doink!!!

keep me postedddd!!
WOW sounds like you definitely still have symptoms.
I don't. nothing at all anymore. I guess I started realizing nothing is there. but just like you, i dont trust the htp tests, so I'm also going to do another one. tomorrow probably. There are 2 things that are still a bit weird (and why I want to test again - other than reading, like you, that many women take tests and they come up negative when they are really pregnant) is, 1/ I am under the impression that my nipples are different (am I just paying more attention to them? they dont hurt anymore, they did 2 weeks ago, and that was very unusual for me)), and 2/ I'm super skinny, and I feel like my lowe abdomen feels a bit round (does it show up on skinny girls more? or am I just passing gas? ha ha ha).
I definitely feel nauseous, and am not eating much. but I'm always like that, borderline anorexic when I get stressed. of course I'm ont a true anorexic, ie: I do eat fatty things, I actually try to eat as much fatty things as i can, but that's if they go down. most of the time I just dont feel like eating. I am not sure if it's worse now, or same as usual, so I'm not counting nausea as a possible pregnancy symptoms.
But still, I got this weird early period. no real period (or was that my period).
I'm pretty much sure I'm out though (ie: not pregnant). if I am at this point i will be schocked, cause I dont have any symptoms (but then again, my mom didnt have any symptoms, didnt even find out she was pregers for 2 or 3 months, and they say what your mom experienced is a pretty good indication, in general, or what you should experience in terms of symptoms.....)
so that's where I'm at.

we're not moving forward are we! lol
but at least I feel like we're being reasonable about it. reaching out, looking for answers, not going crazy but getting informed. and also not being in denial. I feel like denial would be even worse. I think it's very reasonable of us to wonder - and not just be in denial about it. ya know?

How old are you meagan? what would you do if you get a + (i know this is very personal so you dont have to answer). I know you're not with the guy anymore...
for me, I'm 31... so I'm defo not considering abortion. I think I'm too old to take that risk. but yeah, I'm not with the guy either, so if I am, I'm gonna have a whole lot of other issues to deal with (do i tell him? and al that!).
you're probably like me and prefer not to think about it until you HAVE to. lol

keep in touch! defo let me know about your test this week end ok? xoxo
Heya! We just keep going back and forth - we don't know WHAT to think! Let me know what your test says, def!

I was planning on testing tmw a.m. before wk. But now that its a few hours away, I'm chickening out. I have a lot to worry about if i am having a baby. id have to move, get another job, etc. huge stuff. i never wanted a kid when i was growing up- i was never one of those girls who wanted to get married and have kids. ive always liked kids, but always figured id rather work w. them than have any of my own lol now for the last 3 yrs i hear my clock starting to tick. i am going to be 30 in a few mos. i dont want to keep waiting on 'mr right' to show up bc he may never and i dont want to be 40 before i know it, alone, and having perhaps missed my chance at having a family. but no matter how much i want a kid, and i think even if i were wkg a great paying job and living in a great apt/home, id still be terrified no matter how old i was, ya know? but i am freaking out... thinking about just taking the test tmw, i get nauseous.

i cant even stay on here tonight and write more bc ive got a horrible, horrible headache that started about 5hrs ago at wk and has only progressed. on top of that, while at wk as well, my lower back started feeling super sore. which never happens when im there. my feet are killing me - but they always do at wk so thats normal. but my headache and back, no. i also felt like my libido dipped and then i feel like today it sorta shot back up. i also have noticed more CM or discharge, whatever you call it, tonight. not a lot, but im not used to noticing it at all. like you said, we are prob just paying more attn to every twinge we feel now. i still am unable to eat a total meal. i still feel queasy off and on but it is better than it was last week. i busted out crying today and 2 secs later almost killed a coworker lol

i dont know what my ex would do. to be honest, his being unfaithful has happened before. hes much younger than i am and i think committment is just not really in his vocabulary right now. however, we have split a few times before and end up back together so i dont know what the future is going to hold. if we are pregnant, i am leaning towards keeping the baby. i know there is no way id be able to do adoption. so id have to make it work.

ughhhhhhhhhh i just dont know what to do. i dont know if ill end up taking the test tmw am or not. and i know if its a + im going to freak, and if its neg a part of me will prob be sad and the other part of me will prob want a blood test..just so confused and scared and this excruciating headache is KILLING ME right now

let me know what happens w. your test!! good luck :o)

i had a super sore backache last night out of nowhere - my back NEVER hurts (it was my lower back)) i also had an excruciating headache for HOURS last night. i took a test this a.m. and it seemed to be negative. however, after speaking to some ((previously, currently pregnant)) friends, they told me a definitive result would not be until TWO weeks after period was due which would mean i tested a week early. i was rushing this morning bc i was late for wk so i dont even know if waited the right amt of time and i buried it in the kitchen garbage bc i knew my mom was coming over today so i didnt want to leave it out anyplace but it was a pretty definitive looking BFN. which is weird. bc one of my friends ((currently pregnant w. her 4th child)) said the same exact symptoms ive been having are the same exact ones shes had w. her other 3 children. but then, i think, when i was pregnant in the past, i think that i was only a week or 2 past my when my period was due, and it came up right away in the urine test at the dr so wouldn't it show by now? i guess if i still feel 'off' next week, i will take one last one then. after that, i will make an appt to see the gyno and try to figure out whats up. now im concerned, also, that theres some sort of disease/infection from the boy cheating.

how about you? anything new?

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