Newbie needs a little help please x

Hi Jo,

Ahh, thanks hun but to be honest although we'd done loads of bding I didn't feel any different so knew in my heart that it wasn't my month, just got all excited about being a day late and at least I got to test this month, AF's never given me the chance before!!

Now c'mon even though you're in that horrid tww just chill :coffee: try and do loads of stuff to take your mind off it :iron:(I know fat chance), I always seem to be okay in the first week it's the second one where I'm driving myself nuts!! How many cycles of Clomid have you got? Does the Dr only give you so many?

I've got everything Xed (except my legs!) for you - c'mon BFP!!!!xXx:hugs:
Hi Jax

The Dr gave me 3 months worth at 50mg (the lowest you can get):wacko:. So he said I can take all three months in a row or do it every other month. I think if I dont get a BFP this month I will clomid in March and if nothing that month I will have a month off as it makes me fell like I have PMT. :cry:Its not terrible but I think mentally I will have a month off if it doesnt work the first 2 months.
Still gagging for a nice glass of :wine:but I will have a shandy tonight instead. Im terrible if I know im not allowed somethign that is all I want!:winkwink: It will be different when I get the BFP though I cant imagine wanting to drink.
Im getting my hair done tomorrow and In Laws on sunday (wish me luck) so trying to keep busy. What you up to for the weekend?
Have fun :headspin:
Hi Hun - well I truly do have everything Xed:flower:that the ole clomid works and then you won't have to take it again. Did you definately O this month, have you been using the OPK's too? I've given up with them this month, in fact I've not even checked when I'm supposed to be Oing, but I am going to make sure we BD all the way through this month. I must confess we're really good for the first bit (it's all systems go!) and then when I think I've O'd I run out of steam for it (bad girl!) and maybe that's where I'm going wrong? So we're off, the marathon for this month has begun!!

Not putting a downer on things 'cos you ARE going to get that BFP but what happens after 3 months of clomid? Does the Doc give you a bigger dose or more of the same?

How did yesterday go with your MIL, hope she didn't stress you out?? Bet you're looking gorgeous though with your hair all nice!! DH's DS, girlfriend and Grand-daughter came over for dinner on Saturday, she's one cute little bubs and such a good girl. Yesterday we stayed home, weather was naff and it was sport day, cricket, football, cricket....glad to get back to work!!

Take care, keep busy and let me know how you're getting on:hugs:xXx
Yeah I defo O’d this month :thumbup:as have my mega expensive clear blue fertility monitor , but to be honest I dont bother to wee on it after I have O’d so I start a fresh each month on it. The tests cost a bloody fortune!:growlmad:

I am the same – the week that I'm supposed to O we have it every day :sex:then literally straight after I really cant be arsed. I'm a crap wife when it comes to sex but great in other ways :dishes::iron::hangwashing::cake::juggle:. I thought about giving it a month of doing it every other day but I just dont think I can be faffed. All that legs in the air and wet patch all the time. Good luck you will be walking like a cowboy in a few days.:blush:
After 3 months of clomid we have our next fertility apt 30th June! So I will use it next month if I dont get the :bfp:this month I will then have april off then do May again with Clomid. My brain will need a month :muaha:off and I'm gagging for a glass of wine.

MIL did just a couple of comments this time but the BIL manged to get on my tits being negative and rude whilst out for meal. At least I had managed to not see them all for nearly a month.

Yeah really rainy here yesterday too but went for a walk on a beach I hadn’t been to before and had a nice day.:flower:

I dont seem to be getting the dragging pain in my abdomen anymore – It got quite bad last week. I might get a BFP or a bugger of a period.

How old is your grand daughter? Do you cope ok around her? I had two pregnant people and two nippers with me at dinner last night in the family!

Get going girl – DH will be pleased this month.:bunny:
Love, love, love all these smilies!! They're making me smile for sure!!!!:happydance: I've not got a 'mega expensive' CBFM did ponder on a purchase but then I've gone off the OPK's too so decided that I wouldn't bother and save my pennies for my preg tests instead 'cos I'm gonna be needing 'em!!!!!:thumbup:

I know exactly what you mean about the :sex: phewy I'm exhausted at the thought of it too but hey lets give it a shot and ya never know it might make the dreaded TWW pass quicker esp if I don't know the dates I should be Oing (although I do get CM so that's a bit of a give away...). I was so focused when I started last year and as the months go by I seem to be getting more of a £$*! it approach, not sure if that's a good or a bad thing??!!:winkwink: Hey I'll be like a cowboy with huge bags under my eyes n all!!!!

Blimey, a month without a glass of wine, have to admit I have a sneaky one or two over the weekend but try and be goodie two shoes in the week - yep by Friday my tongue's hanging out!:haha:

I'm dead impressed and admire you loads sitting with two preg ladies and bubs yesterday, it'll be you and your DH soon grinning like the cats that got the cream:thumbup: Your BIL sounds horrible! Some people just have no sensitivty or feelings even if they are blokes!

Grand-daughter is 6 months now. I've quite suprised myself and can honestly say I'm fine around her, although I did get my knickers in a knot when she first came to our house - had this thing in my head that since we've lived here I wanted our baby to be the first in the house but it's not her fault that she came along first. I don't look at her and wish she was mine because she's not, she's theirs I just wish mine'd hurry up and stop hanging around!!!

So you got any other symptoms yet apart from the dragging in your tummy that's gone now? I'm pacing up and down already for you in anticipation!!!!:happydance:

Stay in touch I'm rooting for you hun!!:kiss:
Hi Jax

I got my preggers tests from amazon 25 for around £4, which is cheap as chips.:thumbup:
Sorry for the delay in reply but have been away from my desk a lot this week and dont tend to use the pc at home (too busy watch tv)!
How’s the legs doing after all the sex? :sex:

My focus goes in and out over a month. I'm all positive and excited and imagine all sorts of symptoms and then when I know AF is on her way I give up and feel poo.
I have period pains at the moment and did a test yesterday which was :bfn: so I can assume I'm out this month too.:nope:
I had a glass of wine :wine:last night and my friend managed to waste another glass by accidently tipping it over me and giving me wet knickers for the night.:blush: We are out with friends for dinner tonight so will have a few :drunk:tonight and relax.
Yeah the In laws aren’t the best you could wish for that’s for sure.:growlmad:

I'm gunna try and sleep this weekend :sleep::nope:– had terrible time sleeping lately and also start up over at the allotment as the weather supposed to be nice. What are you up to? :dust::hugs2:

Hi Jo - how's it hanging (as the boyz say....!!), any news??? I'm thinking aboutcha!!

Well for me, I didn't get wet knickers just a knot in them! There was me announcing about my BD shagathon and by CD14 we had only dunnit once!! I mean I know I was taking the 'laid back approach' this month but we definately needed some bedroom action :bunny:good job it was the weekend!! I still have no idea when I'm Oing/have O'd this month so hey, I could getta nice suprise!! Or not as the case maybe:shrug:...

Did you manage to catch up on your Z'ds? Let me know how you jogging along won't you :hugs: xXx
Hi Jax
It's certainly hanging :thumbup:
I have found really cheep early pg tests on amazon about £5 for 25, so I brought some more. When i do get a BFP I will then buy one of those expensive ones that tell you how many weeks etc (as if we wouldnt know to the day).:dohh:
Im out for dinner tonight at a posh local place with a client - he requested to take me out - hes about 60 and I have been to corporate days out with him before and he has always been a gent but we hae always had a box or a few people with us. Tonight I think it is just me and him and im a little concerned incase he thinks he can try it on. I like to think what if's all the time and stress my self out :wacko: Im sure it will be fine.
Any way I have just called the fertility nurse (wasnt even expecting an answer and I have got a 10 min apt with her to talk things through with her). Im really pleased she has time to see me as I have lots of un answered questions for her. Our fertility dr never has time for us and sends me out very confused normally. If you can think of anything I need to ask let me know.
So not enough shagging - poor show :winkwink: (but I know what its like).
Had 2nd lot of scupuncture last night to help give my unterus a spring clean ready for ovulation next week.
What you up to this week?
Caught up on a bit of sleep but where DH has had man flu he has been snoring like a mo fo!:sleep: Noisey git.
So is that you on your 2WW now then? Fingers and toes crossed for you Jax
Hi Jo - I've only just found this, way down the list, I'm sorry!!! How did Tuesday night go?? I tell you, female intuition is usually never wrong. Hope you were okay though hun and not put in any compromising situations??!!

So did AF get you this month?? Is that why you had your spring cleaning done?? My acupuncturist always tells me to envisage my womb like a spring day, warm, sunny, blue skies, green grass, flowers and don't forget the bunnies!!!:bunny::bunny::bunny: I'm going for some on Monday and due AF next weekend am really doubtful that it'll be my month with only two shags - GOD, I'm going to have to have words me least I won't have to worry about the 2WW, hey now there's a positive thought!!! I have a real dilemma though....I really don't know whether to pin my DH down to getting serious about this, after my disasterous month, I don't tell him when I Ov, have always managed not too, but I've been well cheesed off about it all this month.....:growlmad: I mean I haven't time to F about!!!!!! Sorry, having a moan....

That's really good about the preg tests, I must have a butchers!! Glad that you managed to get hold of your fertility nurse for a chat, that will really help you, if I can think of anything to ask (other than the obvious!) I'll let you know! Did your Dr refer you to her? Wow you have such good service from your NHS!!

Here's hoping DH keeps you awake for other reasons soon:winkwink:!!!

Loadsa luv, luck and hugs :hugs:xXx
Hi Jax

I used to do that but I have my settings to view newest first now - makes life a bit easier.
Well the rich old fella took me for a wonderful dinner and didnt even touch my bum phew:happydance: so all went well and I had some lovely wine and company.
Have taken to sleeping in seperate beds for half the week just so we get a decent nights sleep (him with his snoring and me digging him in the ribs to turn over):growlmad:

Got to see the Fertility Nurse for about 30 mins in the end - I went with soo many questions for her. Cut a long storey short she says that I should have the Laparoscopy (8 week wait for an apt) that was offered to me in January as if they find any scarring (from previous PID) then I go straight on the IVF waiting list (6 month wait). As we are unexplained infirtility the NHS dont help you with anything but clomid until you have been trying for 3 years!!:cry:
So I am now going to see the DR 5th April to sign the forms to be able to go in for LAP. So fingers crossed that they will only find a small amount of crap to clear out and so onto IVF or find lovely clear tubes. I asked what if they are F'd and she said that it is then game over as they cant help if they are buggered.

This is all getting done coz I am hassling the nurse and DR to get a move on etc they arnt pro active at all and take their time with everything.

Twice in one month - you did well :wacko: I must say its the last thing I fancy doing lately! Just cant be arsed with it but obvs have to for the ovulation week so hes happy that week. :thumbup::sex::sex::sex:

Yeah AF got me on saturday and it was rather painful but gone now. On 2nd lot of clomid this week.
Are you gunna start using OPK next month?
PS the fertility nurse said to only do it every other day - something about getting better sperm that way. So thats a relief!:haha:
If I were you I would get DH involved and try and get him on bord with you. Mine aint a great talker and I had a good old cry last night and sometimes he says the most stupid things but I spose he just doesnt know what to say to me.
Having a better day today and have decided to have the day off work on leave tomoz so I can do some theraputic gardening.
What you up to?
God dont I waffle on.....
S'cmon then let me into your secret how do I do that - set to 'newest first'. I had a quick flick through the user CP but couln't see nuffink:nope:, I'm blind!!:haha:

Glad the old fella managed to keep his hands to himself and that you had a good night but bad news that DH is in the spare room - at least it's not over a 'good' time at least!!

That's really good news from the fertlitly nurse, shame you've got to keep on at them though innit? But at least you know something's being done to find out why :baby: is taking it's have you gone private for all of this? I've got everything (and I mean everything) Xed for you my little chum that they're not F'd and that a bit of a wash and brush up will leave you with those lovely clear tubes!

I'm still not convinced about 'nagging' DH, he just ain't into all that stuff and will switch off... I woke up feeling a bit depressed this morning I must admit (which is so unlike me), I've only got 3/4 months to go before the Dr said go back if you're not preg (I have no idea what they will do for me then), it seemed such a long time ago when she said it before Christmas, oh well, there's still time I guess, I'm not out yet!!

Hey, your waffle's great keep it coming!!:kiss::hugs:
Errr - I cant seem to find it either now but thats what setting i have, doh!

Havent done any wotk today seem to be far too busy obsessiong over getting BFP and reading eveything and trying not to have a F'ing melt down! Some of it could be the Clomid making me feel like this.:cry::wacko: :muaha:
I even have a bloody tick in my eye im sooo stressed!:sad2::help:

Anyhoo where are you in your cyle love?
I am on day 11 today and so we have DH fave week of lots of sex :sex::sex::spermy::sex:
Im back to slepping with him at the moment as his snoring has calmed a bit and I think my acupuncture has helped me with sleep. Cor I had the needles last night and they hurt quite a lot - maybe a good sign with strong reactions?:thumbup: My TCM lady also told me to eat as much as I want at the moment which is great news nom nom nom :munch:
No im not private all NHS.
How did your acupuncture go?
So just 3 months wait until you go back to gp - hopefully you wont have to go back. If you do maybe gp will give you clomid like me for a few months before they think about anything else? I would ask the GP for some even before you get refered to the fertility clinic - just push your age at them at lot and remind them.

Its shit when you feel down int it! but heres a big :hugs::dance::headspin::icecream::wine:for you :flower: Let me know if you wanna rant - it does you good.
See ya later xx
Hi Jo!

Sorry not replied for a while, I've got over myself, AF on her way out (CD5) so ready to get going again:happydance: How you doing? Where are you in your cycle? I hope you're TWWing it with loads of BFP symptoms??!!:thumbup:

I've not really been trying half as long as some here (since Sept with two duff cycles so I ain't counting them!!), I just had my rose tinted specs on thinking that it'd happen first go seeing as I'd never tried before - never mind, it'll be worth the wait!! I'm going to POAS this month, and do all the right things as last cycle was such a waste, mind you DH was grumpy (maggot!!:growlmad:) so I don't think it would've made much difference!!

Let me know you're okay hun :hugs::kiss:
Hi Jax

Im 8DPO and did a test today but got a :bfn:. Still it could be a little early. I will do another test on Thursday. I have wine tasting booked for a few of us thurs evening so if I get a :bfn: I will be up for a sesh :happydance::wine: and If I get a :bfp: obvs I will be over the moon and spit my wine samples.
So you have your POAS ready and waiting and waiting for the weekend by my calculations.
DH has been hasseling me for even more sex - like he doesnt get enough in the week of ovulation, greedy git.:sex:
Hopefully you wont have to ttc for too long love and get your BFP soon - heres some extra:dust: for you. I thought I would get preg within the first couple of months too!
What you got planned for the week/weekend? Im in london for work, having my 10 year old neice for the night, planning to make buns and choc rice krispie cakes Mmm.
Im not gunna have month 3 of my clomid as it makes me feel too emotional and shite and dont need that.:growlmad:

xxx Jo:hugs:

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