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Newborn feeding every 2 hours!


Well-Known Member
Jan 24, 2011
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Hi ladies,

After a REALLY tough time breastfeeding (I won't bore you with it), I finally went to formula after 2 weeks. I've accepted my decision even though I would have loved to have breastfed but I'm finding my 2.5 week old is needing feeding really frequently! He's having between 2-3oz every 2 hours. I thought formula fed babies were supposed to go longer between feeds?? It's totally knackering me out, especially during the night. Is this normal? Will he take larger feeds and go longer between each one soon?

Any advice would be great. Thanks x
At two weeks mine seemed to want more.. So I did up him to 4 a couple of times.. He did spit up big time the once so I went back down to 3.

Is your baby draining the bottle nearly every time? If he is I'd try a 4oz! I'm sure just after two weeks I've been giving him 4oz. Sometimes he drains it, sometimes he finishes just over 3oz. I'd say he can go between 2-4 hours between feeds. Some days it feels like he's just finished and he wants another.. But that may be to do with growth spurts too!

If he's draining it, try a 4oz.. But go with caution the first time if they spit up and burp a few times during the feed! The first day I did a 4oz, then a couple of 3oz in the middle of the day and then a 4oz and another few 3oz just to ease him into it!

Have you tried a dummy or an ounce of cooled boiled water? Some days my three week old just wants something to suck on to fall asleep! He ends up falling asleep after an ounce and it's a wasted bottle! So give that a try too :)

If he's not ready to go up an ounce then I'm afraid it's just feed on demand for a little while! I bought a tommie tippie perfect prep machine to help speed things up cuz some days I feel like all I do is make bottles!!
my little guy feeds about the same time frame as he did when I bf him (we switched him to formula when he was 2 weeks 3 days old, completely by 2 weeks 5 days old). He feeds every 4 hours, takes anywhere from 2.5oz to 3 oz in a feeding. There are a few odd times where he may want to feed earlier and I do, as we are wanting him to gain weight. I was even told today by his doctor to try feeding him every 3 hours, but I'm still allowing lo to lead me in his feedings, especially since I'm coming up on a growth spurt.

I would suggest to up the oz you are giving lo. That may help lengthen time inbetween feedings. There is also a possibility that lo may be having a growth spurt. I know that they tend to eat more/feed sooner when this happens.
Both of my babies were FF and they were on a 2 hour schedule as newborns. My DD (the second) also cluster-fed on the bottle. Each baby is different. My DD is 6 months now and still sometimes will only leave 2 1/2 hours between feedings though 3 1/2 is the norm.
my LB was also on 2 hour feeds, but this was because a replacement MV told me i HAVE to feed him this often. this then got him into the habbit of it for me then to be told because he was a healthy weight and full term i could have left him to wake for bottle, it was only when he started on solids after 4 month that he stopped having a bottle every 2 hours
Could possibly be a growth spurt as well. DD had one around that time frame and during the night she ate every 2 hours (worst two days of my LIFE). I think this was around the time I had to bump her up to 4 oz. Now she feeds every 3-4 hours. Anywhere between 4 and 6 oz. Sleeps through the night.

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