Nice things about our OHs...


Well-Known Member
Feb 19, 2009
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I made a ticker for my new TTC date but it depressed me a little so I didn't put it up :rofl: sooo, I've been thinking about all the wonderful things about my OH/examples of things he does and why I want to have a family with him. I figure it'll help the waiting!

-He's really thoughful - I've got a sore back at the moment and I came out to the kitchen to find all the things I might need from the high/low cupboards laid out for me for the day with instructions of not to do anything!

-He's very determined - he decorated the spare bedroom last week, repapering, the works! All I did was bits of painting, he had a week off and just used it to decorate! Bless him.

-He doesn't say many 'romantic' things but he tells me that I'm pretty everyday and sometimes comes out with really sweet stuff, like last night when he said he'd do anything for me!

-He is adorable with kids.

-He does random romantic things, like rubbing my back, kissing my nose.

-He's incredibly funny and has me in stitches most of the time.

Those are just a few reasons. Anyone else?
My OH is pretty lazy and doesnt do a lot :rofl: but the things i love about him:

- He makes me laugh at the right time - if im having a bad day he knows exactly how to make me happy again.
- When i dont want to cook he buys chinese :)
- Nothing is ever a problem to him - he is so laid back. If i want him to go sumwhere with me he will go (and enjoy himself)
- he always has time for me no matter what his friends are doing. He always makes sure im entertained before deserting me for the night.
- he spoils me rotten - seriously. 'dont worry about the price' is one of his most used lines to me lol. He paid for the whole holiday!!!
- He kisses me on the forhead which makes my knees go weak!
- Everynight when im getting ready for bed he wolf whisltes when i take my top off. It always makes me smile. Hes not very romantic either lol.


ps. CONGRATS kintenda on getting on to the nurses course. delaying ttc will be so worth it! xx
My OH is pretty lazy and doesnt do a lot :rofl: but the things i love about him:

- He makes me laugh at the right time - if im having a bad day he knows exactly how to make me happy again.
- When i dont want to cook he buys chinese :)
- Nothing is ever a problem to him - he is so laid back. If i want him to go sumwhere with me he will go (and enjoy himself)
- he always has time for me no matter what his friends are doing. He always makes sure im entertained before deserting me for the night.
- he spoils me rotten - seriously. 'dont worry about the price' is one of his most used lines to me lol. He paid for the whole holiday!!!
- He kisses me on the forhead which makes my knees go weak!
- Everynight when im getting ready for bed he wolf whisltes when i take my top off. It always makes me smile. Hes not very romantic either lol.


ps. CONGRATS kintenda on getting on to the nurses course. delaying ttc will be so worth it! xx

Aww, bless him, he sounds lovely! I know what you mean about the forehead kisses - sounds barmy but OH does this thing where he puts tiny kisses really quickly all over my face, makes me giggle and shiver at the same time!!
Thanks for the congrats, that's what I'm telling myself! Not long for you now! xx
awww lovely thread :) makes us sound a bit spoilt, we should also start one about things we do for them!! hehe

-he rubs my back when it's that time of the month
-he thinks i'm crazy for being on this forum but he won't ever say it! :D
-the gentlest nose kisses :)
-last night he came back with a salad dressing i don't like, so he went back out to get me one :)
-he bought me the most amazing engagement ring for valentines day
-when he's playing on his consoles he randomly says 'how many do you love me' eee <3
-he gets up early to take the dogs out and lets me stay in bed!

soooo much more but it's hard to think on the spot!!
Well we arent going to try for another baby until end of 2011 but i see this and thought I would come and say hello!

Anyway my OH is pretty lazy and doesnt do much but he buys me such gorgeous gifts. he never thinks its enough and buys more. Mostly because its xmas or valentines day or even mothers day but they are so gorgeous and expensive sometimes I just dont know what to say.

He can be very romantic (not often though)!!!
I constantly moan about how OH is slow, always late, never gets why I'm mad, and not keeping his mouth shut whilst we're shopping (he HATES it with a passion and moans the entire time we're out and eventually I get pissed off and we go home. Mission accomplished as far as he's concerned!).
God I'm getting mad just THINKING about it XD
The other week I was having a really terrible day (REALLY awful!) and was really looking forward to just sitting in bed with biscuits watching a film, and his best friend sprung a last minute night out in Brighton upon him. He really wanted to go so he got ready, and we argued the whole time because I didn't want him to go. He called me controlling and said I was being wierd (cos I'm never really bothered if he goes out) so I started crying, and as soon as he saw I was genuinely upset he rang his friend and cancelled and made me tea all evening to make me feel better. Sometimes he doesn't really understand what I'm trying to say to him, but if he knows I'm upset he'll do anything to make me feel better. I know he really cares about me and I don't know what I'd do without him! ^_^
This thread is awesome :) xx
ahhh the way he just puts up with so much from me, he has so so much patience it is unbelieveable, he is so romantic, ahhh we are all so lucky :))) great thread :D xxxxx
He is so thoughtful. The other day I was extremely tired and hadn't slept well the previous night. As soon as we got home from work he told me to get into bed and brought the laptop to me and said I was to stay chilled out and warm and that he'd be cooking dinner and then he'd come in and we could watch a film together. It was amazing and so appreciated.

All I have to do is tell him I'm struggling - be it with the housework, doing lunches, running late etc - and he'll step up and help me. He's never complained or gone moody about it.

I told him before we moved in together that I was not one of those women that would do everything for him while he sat around and that I expected him to help around the house and do his share of cooking and tidying too, so that we both had a break and weren't run ragged. He has always done his share gladly and we've never argued about it.

He will send me random emails or texts telling me how much he loves me.

Sometimes I will get an email in the morning just a few minutes after leaving him (we work in the same building) saying that he misses me already.

He is baby-mad at the moment and incredibly broody (if that's the correct term for a man who wants a baby!) It's really cute and although it has made my own broodiness worse I wouldn't change it for the world.

He personally designed my engagement ring to include a pure amethyst, which is my birthstone. I adore this ring to this day.

He asked my parents if he could take my hand in marriage and was shaking afterwards (despite the fact they adore him).

He lets me listen to my music, even though I can't stand listening to his!

He buys me things I didn't even realise I needed.

He is incredibly understanding and will comfort me exactly when I need it, without me having to tell him.

He surprises me with chocolate on a regular basis (always a plus if you're a chocolate addict like myself!)

He will drive me to appointments without any question or moaning.

He is incredible in bed and is very intent on pleasing me :blush:
My first thought was nothing cos hes a wanker but

Hes so funny, he has every one in stitches
Hes kind (most of the time)
Hes sweet
He knows what to do to make me smile.
He gets me chocolate when i have pms
He calls me silly names
He kisses my head just because its close to his lips.
My OH..

Well he tries his hardest to do right by me even if he gets it wrong and apologises profusely afterwards.
He tries to treat me.. even if his version of a treat is a toaster that can fit 4 peices of bread in :rofl:
He's always there when I need a cry and a cuddle, and a rant.
He has a great smile and laugh which brightens up my day
He has a childlike quality about him that makes him infectiously optimistic.
When I say I've had a bad day I often come hom to a candlelit bath and dinner.
If I mope and strop he lets me without saying anything.
He farts and puts the covers over my head which is gross but then I do it to him too! :haha:
Hes a gentleman in the bedroom, if its not ladies first its always ladies finished up! :blush:
Its just nice to come home to someone who says they love you, and loves you unconditionally, who even when you feel fat and ugly and moanie and horrible still says you are beautiful and tries to get you into bed :rofl: who when you are feeling low tries to cheer you up with teddies and burnt dinners and when you can't take things any more takes control and proudly announces "its sorted, we shall speak no more of it!".

Thats my man, cuddly, loveable and a big softie. :hugs:
Lovely thread!

My OH is
  • gorgeous with a sexy body ;)
  • Works hard to try and provide for us
  • Comes home with randome gifts for me
  • Always knows how to make me laugh and smile
  • would never hurt me intentionally
Lovely thread!

My OH is
  • gorgeous with a sexy body ;)
  • Works hard to try and provide for us
  • Comes home with randome gifts for me
  • Always knows how to make me laugh and smile
  • would never hurt me intentionally

Ahh, but is he as sexy as Robert Pattinson in your avatar??

OH has just gone out after a million kisses, I will have a nice quiet evening with the dog and some Lindt choc he brought in for me. :)
This theard is lovely-i love my dh so much he is everything to me,his best bits are:
.he knows exactly how to make me laugh(wehave exactly the same sense of humor)
.hes always giving my cuddles and kisses(and i still always get the first kiss when he comes home from work)
.he tickles my arm for me if i cant sleep as this makes me fall asleep everytime
.he puts up with my mood swings at the time of the month and always sits and listens to what i have to say when im upset even if its over something really silly
.he alawys tells me im gorgeous and how much he loves me
.he comes with me where ever i need him even if he doesnt really want to go
the list goes on but im going to show him this and let him know how much i really do appreciate him,especially all the liitle things he does for me:)
My OH is the most beautiful man I've ever seen. He makes me laugh, he tells me he loves me every day, he always calls me 'babe' or 'baby'. When I'm super stressed & feeling completely overwhelmed by everything he will step in & take control of everything he can. He does all the DIY around the house & it is beautiful. He is so thorough about everything & will research for hours to make sure that we get the very best of everything. Oh & the bedroom thing too...just one kiss from him makes my tummy do that somersaulty-flippy thing & man alive he's good at that kind of stuff. He surprises me with tickets to gigs of bands I love & I know that if he was to ever propose to me, it would be meticulously researched & planned & an amazing grand gesture.

Writing it down makes me realise all over again just how much I love him & how lucky I am to have him in my life.

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