I have to agree with Louise and Elm in saying that I think the statements which were quoted were taken the wrong way. We all love BnB and feel as if we are friends and have become sort of like a family. Personally I didn't see any harm with what was said as I never even thought that it was mentioned in some sort of snarky way of any kind. Yes, we enjoyed the birthday thread because it gave us all a chance to bond and get to know each other in a different way that may not have been done otherwise. For myself, I feel like I have bonded with a unique and wonderful set of individuals that I probably would not have done if it wasn't for the birthday thread. I am saddened to see it have been not closed but deleted for what reasons I trully do not understand. To me that was a great place and I think it would have been nice to look back on it 3 years from now and have seen where we were at (I like to look through my past threads from time to time and see how I'm in a different place from where I was). In my opinion, having been a guest before I would have liked to be able to see things such as those threads which seemed friendly and inviting. I never felt like I was part of anything with anyone and frequently felt like I didn't fit in anywhere for quite some time, like I couldn't really jump into certain convos as I didn't have any input that I thought people would feel relevant, but this group of individuals and that thread helped to remove that feeling. I remember sitting here posting in it one day thinking about how it made me feel more like I belonged, being able to talk openly with people about what is going on in our lives. Now I'm sure people are going to say that is what the chatroom is for but I've been in the chat, where you can not look back on what you have said, you can not so easily catch up with people, and you can not so easily get to know one another.... purely my opinion tho. I apologise if my opinion offends anyone, but I do love this place and love it being my 2nd home so to speak. At this point I ask that we be allowed to keep our special thread as it has no post count and is just a nice place for us and many others (as all are welcome) to come and catch up with one another, already I have found 2 people in here that I may not have so randomly spoken to before. I believe that this issue could have been resolved in a more private manor but unfortunately was not done so, so at this point I just hope we can resolve it and all go on with a more positive feeling about the issue. Thank you.