Its so hard for me to believe its a boy! At my first u/s scan, the tech 99% confirmed GIRL. Right when those words came out of her mouth, I told myself "I knew it!" I had a great feeling it was a girl from the get-go, although I was honestly opting for a boy. I already have a son so I really wanted him to have a brother.
Anyway, is this really a boy? Like there's no way, no chance it COULD be a girl??
I was measuring at 18w when this was done. Thanks guys!
In a way, i was kind of hoping for girl because DH reallyyyyy wants his daughter. Looking like we're going to have to try again in a few yrs from now.
Anyway, is this really a boy? Like there's no way, no chance it COULD be a girl??
I was measuring at 18w when this was done. Thanks guys!
In a way, i was kind of hoping for girl because DH reallyyyyy wants his daughter. Looking like we're going to have to try again in a few yrs from now.