I ordered this book off amazon and it arrived today- have started reading it already!
My 16 week DS loves falling asleep on the boob (and secretly so do I!) Its a lovely cuddly moment, However, I don't enjoy being used as a dummy every 2 hours during the night!!
She says that the first way the get your LO to sleep at night determines how they will expect to go to sleep during the night, so if you rock/nurse at the start of the night then
they will need this each time they wake if during the night IYKWIM.
I'm going to be positive about it and give it a really good try as I just can't leave my DS to cry even though every one says i have too
The author write about her experience with CIO and how after 2 hours of crying, she looked at her DS who was screaming with terror and confusion and she swore she would never let it happen again. The thought of my DS feeling scared and confused makes me feel so sad that I just cant do it, maybe I am a softy like my Dad says...
Good luck to every one who is trying these methods, lets keep each other updated-
Lauki - it sounds like you've made a great start, long may it continue!