No progression.. Getting annoyed!!


Well-Known Member
Jul 19, 2012
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Went to dr today, no progression from last week. Not dialited. Nothing. Baby head down but that's it. I'm starting to get frustrated. I really thought shed be coming early since I've been measuring ahead. I'm just really starting to hate being pregnant. Everything is a haste and I'm feeling awful. I don't even have energy to do the dishes. Haven't slept in weeks. IM JUST SO OVER THIS
I have my appt tomorrow and am praying she tells me something is happening ! At this point I'm starting to think that anything could b the beginning.
Aw! Just speaking from my past experience, I would try to mentally prepare about going past due date. That way if baby comes early, it's a great surprise! If not, then you just be like 75% of first timers who do go past.
First time as you know i was induced at 41 1/2. Going 1 1/2 wks past my due date sucked. I measured 2 wks ahead the whole time too, ( by fundal height and ultrasound dating) but that doesn't mean anything. I worked up until the day of my induction and it was SO annoying hearing " you're still here" everyday. This time around I don't even tell people my due date. I just say end of June. This way I don't get bugged everyday about baby being here or not if I do go over again( which I am planning on)
On a completely different note, just because you're not dialated, doesn't mean you will for sure not be having baby soon. Some women are dilated 2 cm for weeks, some aren't dialated at all and can go into labor overnight. You truly never know when your baby girl will come. You're not doomed to go over like I did. But I would just try to have that mindset in case you do go past due date....
Anyhow, I'm right here with ya girl! I have my appt tomorrow, but I won't have my dr check dialation or anything, cause it means nothing. He only checks when I go past to see if cervix was ready for induction.... And I hope I don't get to that point again!
Is there such thing as late pregnancy depression? I think I may have it. All I want to do it sleep and cry. Feeling terrible. Everything hurts. Can't sleep. Or eat. Just awful!!
Yup, I am in the same boat. Nothing is happening. I am walking, bouncing, drinking RLT and no progression. Cervix is long and closed. No signs this baby is ready to meet us, at least for now
Is there such thing as late pregnancy depression? I think I may have it. All I want to do it sleep and cry. Feeling terrible. Everything hurts. Can't sleep. Or eat. Just awful!!

I'm the same... I cry everyday now. I can't sleep at night but all I want to do is sleep as well... If that makes any sense.

However today I'm in better spirits and am actually cleaning my house! Who knows, maybe it's a sign of labour lol.

I'll just be pregnant forever I'm afraid.
I can really understand, I do also feel like I've been pregnant forever. I got back from the supermarket today and jut sat down in fits of tears from the pain. I broke my back a couple of years ago and it is excruciating now, It is hard for me to even walk around, let alone sleep. Last night I was waking around every half hour where my back was seizing up and my legs were all jumpy. It's as painful now as the day I broke it I feel I have undone all the rehabilitation and am back at square one :(

Sorry for the woe is me moan but I'm just hoping this baby will come soon, I feel so blessed to be pregnant again after trying for so many years and losses, and at the same time selfish for feeling this way because I promised myself I wouldn't moan :(

Hope you feel better and baby arrives sooner rather than later x
I am so there with you, I have had 2 sweeps now over the past 72 hours (Due to medical reasons), and nothing!! Some teasing bh, back pain etc.. but it always fizzles out when I go to bed, Aarrghhh!! I also don't believe a word midwives say anymore!! All I've had over the last few days is 'Wow you are 3-4cm, I bet you'll have baby today!! Well this is day 4 and still no baby or real signs :-( Induction day is next Wednesday so I have resided myself to the fact that we have a good week to wait yet, Poor hubby started his paternity leave at the weekend as the doctors were saying the sweeps would definitely work so he'll only have a few days with baby if I end up being induced :-(...x
I wouldn't expect to be dilated by 38 weeks to be honest, most babies are born near their due date and most 1st time mums seem to go a week over.
It's so boring waiting though, i went 8 days over last time. Hoping it doesn't happen again but it probably will haha!
I felt so depressed at the end of my last pregnancy, and it got much worse after delivery. I started getting very suicidal with postpartum/postnatal depression. Please keep an eye on it, bring it up with your doctor, and take care of yourself first and foremost.
Is there such thing as late pregnancy depression? I think I may have it. All I want to do it sleep and cry. Feeling terrible. Everything hurts. Can't sleep. Or eat. Just awful!!

Oh girl! Just saw this on here. Yes I'm sure lots of women do experience some depression while pregnant, not just post partum. Please keep your doctor informed, it is an important issue.
Crying and being exhausted beyond belief is common though, you have all of our support! It is very rough here at the end....
Please keep your husband informed about how you're feeling and let your doctor know as well. I'm sure you're not alone in how you are feeling right now, and I hope you can manage and cope. Baby will be here shortly... :)
I think its just hard for me right now, being so lonely. My husband works an hour away, and i have no friends near where we live now. My family lives over an hour away as well, so im home alone miserable every day :)
All you ladies that are at the end and desperate, try to take some time for your selves! Take a good book to the cafe and treat yourself to candy in a cup! Go to the park and watch the moms play with their babes or the people play with their dogs. I went 17 days over with #1 and it was deadly, I know. With #2 she came at 37 weeks and we had very little set up, we weren't ready, and I was in the midst of winding up a HUGE project. Not to mention that she was a little neurologically behind. This one is due now and with the prodromal labor it sucks. Stressing and waiting makes it suck even more.
I know we can't see our toes at the moment, but there's really no better time for a mani and a pedi!
Try being 6 days overdue ladies! I have HAD it! Contractions come and go and it's getting sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo irritating. Enjoy your last few weeks.
I don't think I would find it so bad if my bump didn't ache so much when I get up or roll over. Although I am not a very emotional person, in the sense pregnancy did not make me cry more than normal. I am just at the point of boredom and want to move forward with our life.

Our babe dropped early and gave me false hope she would be here early, and here I still wait lol

Hope the sweep helps tomorrow (3rd try) before induction, which is scheduled for Monday.
Ive had a tough pregnancy. thought i was going to loose this baby at first, then terrible m/s. then suffered from mind numbing migraines, and then was on bed rest with sciatic pains. Now back to headaches and all of the above. Honestly, i think the only thing i have NOT had to deal with this pregnancy is hemorrhoids! LOL knock on wood p;ease
Oh no :( sounds like you've had a crap time. Hope you can find something to take your mind off it all! x
What is a sweep? Do they do it in the US? How come Ive never even heard of it?
Hope it happens for you soon. I know how miserable I was and I had her really early; can't imagine how horrible I'd have felt if she had stayed put until my due date. And like someone else mentioned, you may not progess but it will just happen. the day my water broke I had an OB appt that morning and my OB had told me he thought I'd deliver close to my due date. So you just never know.

Depression...yes. I had it and it got worse as I got further along. Fortunately, mine disappeared when I had her. Just keep an eye on it and talk to someone if it gets really bad. (I actually spoke with a therapist a few times bc mine had got really bad)
A membrane sweep is when the doctor tries to physically soften your cervix and pretty much open you up. My doctor tried after 38 weeks, but a lot will not until after your due date. If baby isn't ready to come, doesn't seem to do anything, but if you are progressing seems to give it that extra push. It's kind of like a pap, but a bit more painful and they get right in there.

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